Yes I agree with this, I normally think of it as authentic and cerebral preferences. For example, I like oatmeal, because it is simple, and I like the aesthetics of simple living and simple things. I also like steak, because when I bite into a good piece of steak the fatty juices that wash over my tongue make my brain explode.
Yeah I am probably going to try to get on one of the GLP-1 drugs and see how it goes.
Also, I don't eat breakfast, snacks, desserts or drink anything other than water(but I would eat desserts if I kept them in the house).
I just looked at the Wikipedia list of countries by obesity. Mexico is 36% of adults with obesity, Hungary (hah) is a slightly higher 36, Ireland is 30, El Salvador is 29, Germany is 24, Colombia is 23. It is possible this data is wrong or misleading though?
Sounds like I'm doomed.
I just made myself dinner. I went through the ingredients, this is far and away my most common meal and I make this or a slight variation on this for probably 60% of my meals in a year. Butter - Cream(milk), Salt. Ground Beef - Beef, Barilla Brand Pasta - Semolina (Wheat), Durum Wheat Flour, Pasta Sauce - Water, Tomato Paste, Diced Tomatoes, Tomato Juice, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Garlic, Onions, Basil, Black Pepper, Oregano, Dried Basil. Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I also added up the calories, the whole thing comes out to almost 4000. I normally make this for lunch, eat half of it, and eat the other half for dinner. It should be obvious to anyone why this combined with a sedentary life style will result in my becoming very fat without the need for any weird chemicals (Although maybe Semolina is full of weird chemicals?).
I think it is highly unlikely that these chemicals are very important in the broader picture of American obesity. These chemicals are just as common in all of Latin America, who do about the same as most of the EU on obesity, and Japan (who does better than basically everyone on obesity?) also puts this junk in all their, enormously popular, convenience store bread products.
Tit for Tat and Tit for Tat with forgiveness. They are strategies derived from game theory. The idea was an iterative game where you can either cooperate or defect, and people would write computer programs to play the game in a tournament. The initial experiment resulted in Tit for Tat winning, a simple program that just copied whatever the other program did the turn before, so if you defected last round, tit for tat would respond with defect in the next round, if you cooperate, tit for tat would cooperate next time.
The same basic experimental design has been run several times with several different organizational structures, but tit for tat always ends up doing very well.
One of the few strategies that do better though, is tit for tat with forgiveness, which is the basic tit for tat program, plus every now and then it will attempt to restart cooperation by cooperating after the other program defected.
One idea for why TfTwF does better that TfT is that two Tit for Tat like programs can get caught in a defect spiral where they both just spam defect, and the occasional forgiveness allows them to get back to cooperating.
Agreed, I think I can diet and lose weight, I just imagine it takes more of an effort of willpower for me (or someone like me) than for some other people.
I am crazy overweight, I eat zero 'ultra-processed' food, and unless you count things like 'bread' and 'cheese' as processed, I eat basically zero processed foods.
Personally, I think I just enjoy food more than other people. God I love food. I love eating. It is basically the only thing I really enjoy in life. When I bite into a home made migas taco, the melted cheese, the crunch of the fried tortilla strips*, the creamy avocado, it makes my whole brain light up. I am salivating just writing this.
This is just a single datapoint though, maybe I am the weirdo and most people are like you.
*Does frying corn tortillas in some avocado oil count as 'processed'?
Given that the left has won since the 1500s, I'm less inclined to believe that. You turn the other cheek but you do fight back once that's no longer an option
This reply, from @mrvanillasky, seems to be saying he wants to move from a cooperate bot into some kind of TfT bot, because he is tired of hitting cooperate only to get burned because the other side didn't.
It seems at least somewhat germane to discuss the kinds of strategies for defecting that the right is going to take, when making a general call for the right to start defecting more.
I am not sure if I am really on the wrong meta level.
I think we will just have to agree to disagree, TfTwF is a program, it is hard for me to imagine anything being more capable of 'abiding by a rule', as that is the very nature of the beast.
I quoted the specific phrase I did for a reason, outright incorrect seem to me, to say something more like 'This strategy is never correct' more than it says 'In this specific situation this strategy is not correct'.
(1+3)If you narrowly define 'abiding by moral principles' to mean 'cooperating with a defect bot' then sure, but I don't think it was unreasonable of me to not define it that narrowly, given the actually discussion was of real world politics and these toy models are just abstractions anyways.
edit: formatting
TfTwF doesn't "abide by moral principles the other side does not keep"
I think it does? The moral principle of occasional forgiveness. The other side does not have such a rule. Is the key word here 'abide'? Is it incoherent to say someone abides by a rule that is only implemented say 10% of the time? Like, we abide by a rule of spot checking 10% of our products? Or is abide not important and there is some other reason you think it is not an example of a rule the other side does not keep?
Objection, relevance?
The pursuit of political power is not fair and anyone abiding by moral principles the other side does not keep is outright incorrect.
I thought Tit for Tat with forgiveness did a lot better than spam defect strategies?
The pursuit of political power is not fair and anyone abiding by moral principles the other side does not keep is outright incorrect.
I thought Tit for Tat with forgiveness did a lot better than spam defect strategies?
Man, reading the Blue adept when I was nine years old was a TRIP.
I mean, maybe that is true in your trade specifically? I was thinking of jobs that I have done, like working at a bar, or a restaurant, or working retail, or working at UPS loading trucks, even working at an auto-shop the loss of a couple years is basically nothing. I am not even sure what 'skill loss' looks like for most of the menial labor I have done such that it is a coherent concern.
This is fair, but I highlighted the ten year obsolete job skills for a reason, blue-collar and menial jobs just do not change much on that time scale.
Not sure if this has been discussed elsewhere and I missed it, but Scott recently wrote an essay on prison and crime. I did not love the essay, it seemed very similar to his homelessness essay, where he presents an adversarial system where people have worked very hard to make it expensive/difficult for our society to do something, then he throws up his hands and says given the cost benefit analyses (at the current, inflated prices) it is impossible to do the solution that really sounds like it would work. So I guess we need to do something else (that I just happen to like more).
At least, that is what it felt like to me. I actually wanted to focus on something else though. In the essay he reviews three meta-analyses of the situation, and presents their biases. While it goes unstated (or I missed it), the impression I got was that he was also supposed to be a 'neutral' voice, just looking at the data. However, he got in a bit of an X spat with Cremieux over one aspect of the essay, and in the back and the forth, he said the following,
But also, aren't you supposed to be based and IQ-pilled? Have you met the average prisoner? They've got the IQ and self-restraint of like a ten-year old child. I don't really know who it benefits to keep creating people without the skills necessary to live in modern society and then, when they fail to live in modern society, say "Yeah, they deserve to be tortured for that".
Which is interesting, because it is bringing in a component that goes totally unanalyzed in the original essay, and yet seems profoundly important to his moral and ethical understanding of the question. Am I reading this wrong, or does Scott think that putting people in prison is the moral equivalent of torturing children?
In the original essay he did drop something that sounded weird to me, but I mostly overlooked it on my first reading,
Whatever career skills you once had are ten years obsolete ... Your partner has long since filed for divorce and is happily remarried to someone else. Your kids have long since moved on; if they remember your name at all, it’s as “that guy who was never there for us”. All of your friends have drifted away, forgotten you, or have nothing in common with you anymore.
Which seems to present the modal criminal receiving a lengthy prison sentence as a married father of 2.5 children with a stable career in the tech industry who one day randomly tripped and fell into a ten year felony conviction. Not only does it seem wildly at odds with reality, it also seems at odds with the quote above, where he seems to be saying that the average prisoner is basically retarded.
Is he just saying whatever he thinks will be most convincing depending on the context to arrive at the conclusion he has already decided is morally correct?
I do not read ACX that frequently any more, but this and the homelessness essay, both feel like pieces that 2014 Scott would have torn apart, whither Tartaria indeed.
Sure but if you are already talking about a sweeping legislative change with the explicit goal of increasing the number of children born, it seems like the political will to say, no you can't adopt adults to get around it, should not be very hard to find, relative to the will needed to actually do all the other stuff in the first place.
Nah, they don't play MF because she is an adc. Sona is just as busty, and is probably the number one most played character for women playing league. You can just look at the games that women actually play, they only play games where they can play as a hot girl, and they more or less exclusively play as hot girls*. In fact, I would say Lux (and Zoe, specifically these two) preference, codes trans woman more than woman, as far as league players go. There is probably a line where your game goes too far into the male gaze, like, Nikke is in theory a waifu collector like Genshin, but with no husbandos and outfits that look like they came from a slutty Halloween shop, it has basically no women playing it.
Of course, this is all miles away from woke injections, which look like Ambessa (Buff Old Black Girl Boss Brusier), not Lux. If Concord was full of characters that looked like Mercy, nobody would have complained about how Woke the character design was.
*Edit, this is overstated, they will also play cute games, like Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Pokémon, etc.
Agreed. Pop music seems to be in a really good place right now, and has a ton of variety.
I guess part of the problem with all discussions of music is, what genre are we talking about, does that count as pop, does this, etc. Does, I like the way you kiss me, by Artemas count as a 'pop' song? What about, I had some help, by post Malone? To me they are both pop songs, but I could see arguments for defining them (and all the other pop songs I like) out of the pop category and then maybe I too would think that 'pop' music is bad.
(Am I being overly literal and autistic when I define pop music as, popular music played on mainstream (none genre specific) radio stations?)
Women overwhelmingly play attractive female characters, the kind riot was always making. They are not champing at the bit to play Rek'Sai or Ambessa.
The pervasive myth that women want fat ugly characters in video games is so out of touch with the revealed preference of women who play games. If you want to know what kind of 'diverse' characters women want in games, look at the character designs coming out of Hoyoverse, not Firewalk Studios.
This seems exactly backwards. Solo indie devs with shitty art assets and buggy code are over night millionaires if they actually have a cool game idea, on the flip side, AAA games with polished performance and graphics flop left and right because the fundamental game play is shit.
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As an American I assumed those were all single family homes, God bless America.
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