@Silverdawn's banner p


"I wonder if you are destined to be forgotten. Will your life fade in the shadow of greater beings?"

0 followers   follows 9 users  
joined 2023 May 18 09:50:19 UTC

34-year straight, white male from Eastern Europe. Interested in videogames, books, and running. Lean towards libertarianism/consequentialistism/determinisism.


User ID: 2412


"I wonder if you are destined to be forgotten. Will your life fade in the shadow of greater beings?"

0 followers   follows 9 users   joined 2023 May 18 09:50:19 UTC


34-year straight, white male from Eastern Europe. Interested in videogames, books, and running. Lean towards libertarianism/consequentialistism/determinisism.


User ID: 2412

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