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"Don't date therapists."

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joined 2024 August 23 18:38:09 UTC

Burnt out, over the hill autistic IT nerd and longtime SSC lurker

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User ID: 3219


"Don't date therapists."

2 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 August 23 18:38:09 UTC


Burnt out, over the hill autistic IT nerd and longtime SSC lurker


User ID: 3219

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It’s literally hormonal, men in middle age who have low t often get weepy before being prescribed hormones, so do mtf after being on them. I would reserve judgment until you get old and experience it for yourself.

Listen, sonny, those heartstring-tugging commercials pack a wallop when you've dealt with the subject matter like serious illness, having a parent with dementia, etc. $REASONS. Kindly remove yourself from my lawn! Now if you'll excuse me, that cloud over there is asking for a piece of my mind...

Mumbles under his breath about how nickels used to be called bees

House by Tracy Kidder. Yes, This Inevitable Ruin: Dungeon Crawler Carl Book 7 delivered the goods, just as previous installments did IMO.

About halfway through This Inevitable Ruin: Dungeon Crawler Carl Book 7. It's been a ton of fun so far!

Just finished Dawn Razed and have moved on to This Inevitable Ruin: Dungeon Crawler Carl Book 7.

Yeah that sounds a lot like where I'm at now. TBH, I strongly suspect that my own autism natural wiring played a large part in how I previously experienced my desire for sex, and that made the idea of going a year without sexual activity and orgasm to seem immensely unrealistic to younger me, like fairy tale levels of unrealistic.

No, yes, and no, and believe me, I know--I'm a dopamine addict through and through, and sex was my primary delivery mechanism for that. Ironically, I always identified with St. Augustine's whole, "Odin, grant me celibacy, but not yet," shtick. It still feels downright eerie sometimes to have a desire for sex that comes and goes as opposed to just building in intensity over time as it used to do, but to be frank, my life has been much richer, especially emotionally, since that switch flipped, and I'm glad that it did.

Erm, I don't want to be that corvus but, well, having been in your shoes and then having gone without orgasm, sex, sexual activity, masturbation, etc. for over a year myself along with quite a few stretches of several months, I can say that in my case it was kinda like a mental and emotional switch that flipped inside my head. What was once the biological imperative is now a potentially interesting, but also potentially entangling option that I can choose to pursue, or, y'know, not.

So my old-timer boss grew up in Northern Virginia, but this goes far enough back (like sixties and seventies) and my understanding is that the entire area was largely rural but even then was growing as DC was growing. Fast-forward a generation and the area had become largely suburban and purple. Fast-forward to today and move further away from DC and the pattern has pretty much repeated, with more of the Virginia boonies becoming suburban and shifting from red to purple while Northern Virginia has become more urban and shifted from purple to blue.

This has been my take as well, although I worry that I've developed diamond hands WRT NVDA and that this is just a cope on my part.

Just started Dawn Razed, book 4 of the Ethereal Earth series.

Fuck you, whale! Fuck you, dolphin!

Pls no ban, it came into my head when I saw that and I couldn't help myself, kthx!

Fascinatingly, FASA's ultimate goal with the Battletech/Mechwarrior franchise was to build the Battletech centers. It was an amazing experience to be able to sit in a Battletech pod for some good old fashioned lance vs. lance combat in 1991, incredibly advanced tech for its time.

TL;DR, strongly suspect it's the coalition of big players that has been steadily increasing their requirements to accept mail, culminating with DMARC enforcement almost a year ago.

You mean the scene where Randy the Dwarf gets into it G E B Kistivik the Hobbit over the Information Superhighway being a stupid metaphor? I freaking loved that scene, one of many that I freaking loved throughout the book!

The White Knight Syndrome, which is an interesting read so far, even if it hasn't magically transformed me into someone other than Don Quixote...

Okay, SMH, but still, you get a point for that one. On a serious note, I thank Odin that I'm not a stomach sleeper!

Yeah, that's a good counterargument for sure. When it comes to functional impairments, that's the terrifying thing about the higher functioning cluster-b types: they're so good at manipulating people that they don't have much trouble compensating for and otherwise masking their PD behaviors and largely passing as normies. According to Andy Herzfeld Jobs' ability was so good that even though Apple employees were aware of it, it was still effective in the moment and only after Steve left would it begin to wear off. He goes on to say that most employees would eventually give up and accept it as a force of nature, which is really the only thing you can do when even quitting is difficult.

PS: I've taken to sleeping with a cervical pillow to help out my neck, seems to have helped! Now if only I could get back into the habit of using my inversion table...

Sure thing. Quick tl;dr about chiropractors is that I had one and just found another one that was around $40 for an adjustment, so to go from moving gingerly because back pain to just a little soreness and full range of motion when I need it is worth that and then some for me when I need it.

WRT Steve Jobs in particular, for me it's all about the alternative medicine plus his patented Reality Distortion Field. We have heard the widespread stories about him being very difficult to work with/for, being mercurial, difficult, manipulative, deceptive, often angry, etc. Then there's the house he bought and left to rot because he despised it and the book Small Fry that his daughter wrote about how he was mostly terrible to her but sometimes wonderful as well. Weird diets, driving without license plates, etc. etc. To me, it definitely smells like Cluster B behavior and the liver cancer is a prime example of the kind of outrageous refusal to truck with reality that I've seen in the borderlines in my own life that puts me in the BPD camp with Steve as opposed to the NPD camp. There's a certain breed of entitled borderlines that at first blush look almost identical to narcissists unless and until they display their flat-out refusal to live in reality, although they may visit there and even room there for a while.

When we get to clinical criteria, I of course am not Scott, but I think Jobs would have to have been one of the highest functioning cluster Bs that we've seen in a long time if he was. Playing armchair therapist/psychiatrist anyway, I think he definitely met the criteria for intense anger, emotional instability, and splitting. Jobs having chronic feelings of emptiness is strongly supported by anecdotal data, eg crying when he got badge #2 at Apple, despair at not being named Time's man of the year in '82, etc. Impulsive behavior is a bit of a harder sell but it's definitely there, so yeah, that's 5 criteria, and I don't think it'd be completely shocking to dig up enough to support frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment and severe dissociation and perhaps paranoid ideation when under stress.

Hard agree, as you might imagine from my previous post, I have had a lot of exposure to alternative medicine in my life and while it's not all awful (I've had good success with chiropractic care specifically for back pain and posture issues, for example) it's almost all noise and no signal there. The example of Steve Jobs is particularly poignant there, why he wouldn't have taken the known successful treatment is beyond me except now that I'm typing that, I'm remembering that I occasionally saw some strong BPD Reality Distortion Field vibes from him on occasion (the whole you're holding your phone wrong bit is one of the most memorable ones) so the alternative medicine cancer cure could have easily been more of the same.

I mean, I don't know how smart I actually am or am not, but Odin dammit if I don't have a head full of awesome rationalizations and justifications for my own bullshit. Reminds me of that Feynman quote about how science is all about not being fooled and how the easiest person to fool is ourselves--definitely true of me!

Speaking as someone whose mother's go-to crazy for disease and illness was that magical eating would make all things better, I just want to second this skepticism. Diet and nutritional supplements did not cure my little brother's ADHD, diet and nutritional supplements did not cure my father's dementia and Alzheimer's, my own diet and (lack of) nutritional supplements did not cause my acute appendicitis when I had that, etc.

The levitating. The evil book reading. Them cream cookies he's always eating. He's a damn witch!

She didn't have school friends, due to bussing

This was my experience with bussing as well. That and going to a different Kindergarten and Elementary school every. Single. Year.

pro-tip: don't date therapists

Fuckin' A, man. Fuckin' A.

And I was wondering if I just missed the boats on pay toilets being outlawed-TIL!