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BANNED USER: ban evasion




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joined 2024 June 26 23:38:05 UTC


User ID: 3115

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: ban evasion



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 June 26 23:38:05 UTC


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User ID: 3115

Banned by: @Amadan

but I must admit, the men who at least are open about how much they'd enjoy being the (literal) whip hand strike me as more honest (including to themselves). I may find them disgusting also, but for an entirely different reason

You bear my quote in your flair.

Your theatrical slamming of the door is so protracted that my ban has expired before you left. Don't let that door hit you on the way out.

I'm referring to his posts on Rittenhouse 4 years ago.

Hey, quick question, do you still believe we should lie down and take a beating from your side, hoping that we don't die from it?

  • -38

I saw you mention that guy recently elsewhere, and I think no, we shouldn't execute him, we should give him a medal for bringing disparate statistics closer to proportionality.

  • -33

Can you tell me why their mental illness is a relevant factor in sentencing them to death without using the word ableism?

The left engages in MMA, the right engages in WWE.

Diversity win: Americans elect the first non-binary mind flayer president

Byrd Bath or Privilege Scrub is memorable: https://youtube.com/watch?v=or0nSfFir6s

Banks, Iain M. 1988. The Player of Games.