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BANNED USER: Angry troll looking for a fight



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joined 2022 September 04 23:21:03 UTC

I'm serious.


User ID: 267

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Angry troll looking for a fight



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:21:03 UTC


I'm serious.


User ID: 267

Banned by: @Amadan


someone who should lose the quality of being considered reasonable

Trump has lost the quality of being reasonable, and his continued existence in our public life or any advocacy of such should be grounds for having lost the quality of being considered reasonable.

  • -19

Trump got Babbit killed. Trump is getting people killed.

Trump is not some magical output of a culture war. Trump is a danger to us all.

If you want the violence to stop, the person blaring violent rhetoric nonstop has to be silenced.

  • -24

and this isn't a problem that can be solved, it's just life.

this is why law and order matters, and why lawlessness is such a threat to our civilization.

And I can see that my comments have to be manually approved. Good God. The moderation here is simply bad.

  • -30


This is just functionally wrong. Whether dictators are net good is an interesting question.

But they do provide benefits.

No. Not only no, hell no. Not only no, a thousand times no.

Dictators are never good. Open calls for authoritarians are a sign of deeply misplaced idiocy and ignorance.

Our Founding Fathers did not create a bulwark against sheer hellish authoritarianism, they did not rebel against a king just so some shitbrained internet commentators who got hurt by a blue haired person once could lust after the inherently violent nature of a dictatorship.

I reject utterly this uncivilized madness.

All dictatorships are dysfunctional. Anyone who says otherwise is making a partisan and inflammatory claim.

The entire point of rejecting the authoritarian left is to avoid the hell that is a dictator in charge.

  • -24

From my moderator note the last time I posted here, on the subject of the convict Donald Trump.

I'm actually happy to see someone defending the verdict and pushing back on what's clearly a dominant opinion here (this is completely orthogonal to what I personally think of the verdict) and it's unfortunate that the only pushback is coming from someone whose responses can mostly be summarized as "Neener neener."

I have half a mind to post this on a substack because I don't think it will get a fair hearing here. Out of respect for what TheMotte once was, I'll give it a try.

There's a problem with this inability to recognize evil as evil that is endemic here.

A felony is a kind of serious crime.

It means that a person has crossed a certain line of civility. A transgression against the nature of truth.

Trump is a liar. He lied about something to such a serious degree that twelve citizens were firmly convinced that he is guilty.

If you care at all about law and order, at some point you have to stop endorsing the person who attacks law and order.

I've been the victim of an SJW hate mob. It's one of many things that made me comfortable at a place where people were willing to talk about the deficiencies and self-righteous indignation of lefties.

But you, as in you the people here, you the people reading this message, are not better than the SJWs in this specific way: you demonize rather than argue. If someone makes a short argument, that's somehow bad and unfair and against the rules.

How is that supposed to be tolerating disagreement? How is that supposed to be free speech?

Trump is a bad person. And it's time for him to go.

And if you can't accept that, fuck you.

Any forum in which I'm not free to use my speech like this isn't a free speech forum.

I'm a classic 'law and order' conservative and Trump lost me on January 6th.

We have rules in our society, and he broke them. And your grudge against SJWs, which I share, is no justification for avoiding cleaning up your own shit.

Our entire society is predicated on some amount of trust. Some amount of truthfulness. We have laws about campaign finance. We have laws about falsifying business records. We have laws which brand a person a felon if they are a threat to the public order.

TheMotte became a performative space where people were allowed to tell themselves the story that they were 'grey tribe' neutral at the same time they bitterly denied and resistance any news which made their actual side look bad.

My only side is America. My only side is the Constitution. I am against lawlessness and disorder, and though many Democrats are corrupt criminals, and many SJWs are hysteric shit-flinging busybodies, none of that matters if we can't hold Trump accountable.

  • -52

The beginning of the Imperial era in Roman politics led to civil war over the imperial seat which was the true cause of the fall of the Roman Empire.

Authoritarian dictators are an inherently incompetent and violent form of government, and anyone who aspires to return us to savage government is factually incorrect about an important section of human history.

Dictators provide no benefit over a temporary executive. Removing a bad dictator requires a civil war which cripples a polity for an entire generation.

Don't put words in my mouth.

That's circumstantial evidence of bias.

This is why it's important that they convinced 12 jury members.

I trust the jury to make the right decision, and they convicted Trump of felonies because he's a criminal.

Even if the case of OJ Simpson was a mistake, that does not mean that Trump's conviction is a mistake. This is Simpson's Paradox.

Litigation of conspiracy theories by conspiracy theorists are uninteresting.

It sounds to me like when you say "directionally correct" what you mean is "wrong in every factual respect."

Concerns about the US electoral system aside, Trump did not win the 2020 election. There was no substantial voter fraud.

I like being both directionally and factually correct. For instance: Trump is a convicted felon.

That sounds like a just-so story brought by someone who is sad that their felon got convicted.

  • -10

The people will seek an emperor when they figure out that the oligarchy bureaucracy is uncontrollable otherwise.

Anyone who aspires to return us to savage government is factually incorrect about an important section of human history.

I will just say the same thing again

But clearer, and plainer. Thank you for abiding by the rules.

This is likely to be the case again, as men realize that attempting to succeed by 'following the rules' amidst anarcho-tyranny is fruitless.

This sounds to me like saying "we need to return to roving gangs in order to escape anarcho-tyranny." I reject the choice to return to roving gangs that you are espousing.

Attempting to succeed by 'following the rules' is obviously fruitless because one of the most powerful, richest, successful, handsome, men on the planet was just convicted of 34 made-up felonies

This is false. The felonies weren't made up. A jury of our peers convicted Trump of real felonies. He is a convicted felon. Facts don't care about your feelings.

I am not obligated to indulge your desire to return to roving gangs because your pet politician committed a crime. I'm against returning to roving gangs. Criminals should be punished in the court of law. That's what happened today.

That seems to me to be a deflection rather than an argument proper.

I am against propagating conspiracy theories because I believe in facts and logic. Otherwise people will make things up.

I'm talking about punishing convicted felon Trump for his crimes. I'm not talking about Hillary.

Those sound like conspiracy theories to me. I don't buy it. I don't think anyone should buy it.

Trump is a convicted felon. Convicted felons lie.

I respect that moderating intense disagreement is difficult and that the rules prohibit wild takes at another's expense.

It is a matter of fact that there exist conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. It is a matter of fact that I am not interested in adding fuel to them.

If Trump really believed the election was stolen he would have launched a civil war.

You seem to believe this was a "nothing" crime in which case I believe your opinion is motivated reasoning.

Felonies are regarded as a special class of crime.

Donald Trump is a convicted felon. Politicians who commit felonies should be punished for them.

Otherwise I think you are advocating for politicians who are able to commit felonies and escape punishment.

It seems to me that you are either in denial about the seriousness of the crime that Donald Trump, convicted felon, has been convicted of by a jury of our peers, or you want Trump to be immune from prosecution for serious crimes: you are arguing for Caesar.

The Civil War was good because it ended slavery.

The verdict against Trump is good because crimes should be punished even if they are committed by people with political power.

I do disagree, and I don't believe that every opinion or argument is worth the trouble of addressing.

You're a layman. Speaking speculatively. Engaging in motivated reasoning.

Trump is a convicted felon.

He was convicted by a jury of our peers.

Facts don't care about your feelings.

Trump was convicted by a jury of our peers. I trust their judgment. He's guilty.

He's a guilty politician convicted of a crime. A felony.

He's a convicted felon.

Facts don't care about your feelings.

  • -42

I don't wish to add fuel to conspiracy theories about the 2020 election by engaging you in disagreement.

  • -40

Trump was summoned into existence by the media.

Incorrect. Trump was summoned into existence by his followers. The media reported on his crimes.

If Biden had been a gracious victor, he'd be coasting to a second term and would go down in history as a uniter

If Trump had been a gracious loser, he might be worth nominating for another term. But he went all-in on hate. It didn't have to be this way.

  • -27

I don't believe it was the 'most secure election ever' but pandering to the crybabies does not make them stop crying.

It's in everyone's interest that we secure our election from crybabies who believe that crying about their boomer's election defeat is an acceptable political strategy.

Punish defectors. It is the path to stability, whatever the defectors would have you believe.

  • -20