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Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?

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joined 2022 September 05 16:50:08 UTC


User ID: 636


Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:50:08 UTC


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User ID: 636

"Those", being the same government that just banned it?

This is only true in the sense that groups pushing gun rights are already talking about establishing a white ethnostate.

Wild animal suffering is completely irrelevant to this question.

Imagine there's a planet in the Andromeda galaxy where ten trillion humans are being flayed alive.

Does that affect whether or not you should mug the next person you see? Clearly not - it's wrong to do that even if there's a lot of bad stuff going on elsewhere. You're not responsible for the torture planet. You are responsible for the mugging.

Even if you were totally right on animals being worthy of moral consideration on the level of humans, you would additionally have to prove that domesticated animals would be better off not existing at all, and that by ending animal domestication you have managed to somehow lower the amount of animal suffering occurring in the world, while simultaneously outweighing the positive utility animal consumption has for humanity.

If you insist on taking for granted the claim that animals are worthy of moral consideration on the level of humans (you brought this up, not me), then the rest of the argument is a cakewalk. What kind of monster would breed humans in the conditions of factory farming just to eat their flesh? Even if humans tasted really good?

You yourself said that many domesticated animals lead short and sad lives. Do you really think that existence is a benefit for them?

I didn't read all that, but if your claim is that it doesn't matter what the actual meaning is and just vibes are enough, good news - there is no ability to understand Shakespeare that we can lose, because we don't actually care about understanding him.

The safetyists say that you should wear a seatbelt, you agree, and yet claim.they are wrong about everything.

It's crazy to blame inflation on Biden when the deficit and money printing happened under Trump, and justify it with a Biden policy that never happened.

Wild animal suffering is relevant because when you say animal domestication is morally wrong, the obvious next question is “compared to what?”... the end of animal domestication means the subject of moral questioning is overwhelming subjected to that mode of living, which is basically the IRL version of lovecraftian horror.

You are verging on intentionally being obtuse. If I proposed turning loose the 130 million pigs slaughtered every year to fend for themselves, you would have an argument. Instead I am proposing not having those 130 million pigs at all. The comparison is not between factory farming or wild life, it's between factory farming and non-existence. The state of nature is totally irrelevant to the question of factory farming. It's not an option on the table for these animals.

The torture planet doesn't have to exist. It would be better if it did not exist, no matter how people live on Earth. To say otherwise is to engage in utilitarian sophistry that you were condemning a few posts above.

As for the question as to wether a short and sad life is worth it, that remains an open question.

Certainly Life seems to think so, seeing how abundant those types of lives are in nature, red in tooth and claw.

You cannot derive an ought from an is.

Like I said, a lot of education.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that printing money and deficit spending happened most under Trump. If you don't think either of those cause inflation i don't know what to say.

235 at 6 foot is 31.9 bmi. this is obesity. Every guy on the Internet seems to be 20% BF, but they can't all be right.

150 at 6' is pretty skinny but not Auschwitz tier (myself, I'm 155 at 5'8" and of course 20% bf). It's a 20.3 bmi - this is what a normal American looked like before the obesity epidemic.

I’m the same height and in my best shape I had almost a hundred pounds on him, even with literally zero body fat I’d weigh more.

You were literally obese in your best shape and you are casting aspersions on other people's health?

Yep, you need a phd to wear an n95, it's not like blue collar workers manage it on a day to day basis.

The only proper way to judge that carve out is by comparing it to the rest.

No, just judge it against not breeding billions of animals in pitiable conditions. They don't have to exist. That's the counterfactual here. The counterfactual of doing X is not doing X.

By this argument, if that torture planet in Andromeda exists, you're basically clear to do whatever you want here on earth. After all, it's unlikely to be worse than the torture planet, and almost all humans live on the torture planet!

EAs obviously want people to not eat meat, but most people do want to eat meat.

EAs obviously don't want animals to be tortured, and most people don't want animals to be tortured.

This "we have to torture the animals or otherwise it's a slippery slope" thing really gets to me.

Torturing pigs marginally less is a step in the direction of banning pork entirely? It's interesting that you see these as steps on a continuum. It's almost as if maximal animal cruelty (so long as it doesn't eat into the profit margin) is necessary to signal opposition to banning meat entirely.

In this thread we're talking about a government action. It doesn't really make sense to say that the government banned something so that the government wouldn't mandate it.

Hmm, remind me how many people died during the School Integration Wars? And who the conscription officers were?

The right of self-determination of Ukrainians is first and foremost not to be sent into a meatgrinder by conscription officers.

Pic unrelated?

Yes but it's still gone up from 160 to 379. That it peaked at 759 is small consolation.

Consolation doesn't enter into it. It's a question of explanation.

That's from 2019, before the 2020 crime increase too.

And before the 2023 crime decrease.

They fired him because he was being dishonest and subverting their authority.

And they begged him to come back because he promised to stop? Or because they had no power to begin with?

The crisis was precipitated by Sam.

Seems like conjecture.

Believe it or not, OpenAI was founded as a non-profit to democratize access to AI, and not as a way to get rich and funnel AI discoveries to a megacorp.

They switched to a for profit model five years ago. Far from being put-upon idealists, the board was perfectly happy to ride the wave.

The difference is that Saw is fiction and the pig is innocent of any crime.

True, but there is already potentially broad support for limiting factory farming.

There's some truth to the meme, but unlike in Europe, in the US the social security age is raised on a regular basis without everyone flipping out and burning busses. Finances are also not the reason that people aren't having kids, it's entirely cultural and the fact that people simply prefer the DINK lifestyle. Per capita income tax is recently high but until covid has been flat for 20 years. https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-money-does-the-government-collect-per-person/

And certainly nobody is going or will go hungry or homeless due to taxes, what a ridiculous exaggeration.

I thought we agreed that eggs don't cost anywhere near $11.

he's talking about a hypothetical future that is at the very least set after the next election.

It really goes to show that nobody seems to be able to fit the square peg of $11 eggs in the round hole of whatever else he's talking about.


The motte is completely defensible and totally factual.

The bailey is dumb and so is the bailey that you are edging in and out of ("no masks of any sort work").