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Small-Scale Question Sunday for May 5, 2024

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

Culture war topics are accepted, and proposals for a better intro post are appreciated.

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I did not enjoy my childhood, but school was at most a minor contributing factor to the suck.

I went to Catholic schools for 12 years. Education was generally very high quality, except for religion specific classes which varied from a grandma rambling about how daily mass is important to her all the way to a hippie introducing us to whatever woo and pop psychology seemed appropriate. This on more than one occasion included a guest lecture from an ancient astronaut theorist, but it more frequently was ‘sit in a circle and talk about what myers-brigs does in your faith life’. Plenty of teachers just gave a final essay(‘pick a sacrament’ ‘history lesson on X in the church’) and had us watch something unobjectionable(movies about saints were common) for half the semester, with a talk about considering the religious life sprinkled in.

My peers were a broad cross section of the population; the überreligious Catholics whose parents felt incompetent to homeschool were there, but generally eyepoppingly wealthy because tuition for that many kids ain’t cheap. There were ghetto kids recruited for sports, but most people were normal suburbanites who probably went to church but expected not to worry about it until next Sunday. I don’t recall bullying being a serious issue; certainly I heard about a case or two of it, but I never saw any. Rules were general enforced very strictly and behavior tended to be just a bit better as a result.

My parents were very involved in my schooling, and no other part of my life. Until I had a nervous breakdown resulting in hospitalization my senior year, my mother woke me up every night to scream about the need for higher grades. What my grades actually were did not affect this except for the possibility of them being used as evidence.