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The Anarchonomicon REAL Banned Book List

Regime-banned books are in school libraries and on indigo bookshelves at eye level for children.

REAL banned books are often decades out of print, going for hundreds of dollars used on eBay, they've been disappeared by publishers and distributors in spite of interest and demand. Others have authors who've died or been imprisoned for their ideas, yet more have been removed from city or university-wide library systems so that their "Misinformation" and "Lies" do not poison impressionable scholars.

Yet more are suppressed algorithmically, not appearing on the author's wikipedia page and not appearing in Google search if you type the author and "book" or "memoirs"... but only appearing when you already know the full title of the work (try this yourself: Type in "Pinochet Memoirs", and then type in "Pinochet: A journey through a life")

Yet others are explicitly banned, some to the point where a mere PDF on your hard drive can result in a decade-long sentence... IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, NEW ZEALAND, and AUSTRIA.

This has been a massive project. over 200 titles on the full list and 10,000 words in my "Cursory" survey.

Let me take you on a journey into the heart of the forbidden

UPDATE: Also Checkout My Addendum to The Real Banned Book list on Holocaust Revisionist Liturature

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Excellent list.

Some genres of banned books you missed:

Criminal literature/art - writings/memoirs by unreformed, unrepentant, non-ideological criminals extolling and celebrating life of crime.

Pro final exit writings - not philosophical defenses of the act, but how-to manuals for effective final exit. This content is also strongly censored, because TPTB deeply care about every human life.

In 2008, the Society for Promotion of Community Standards objected to the book's publication. This led to its banning in New Zealand on the grounds that it was an objectionable publication.[5] A short time later, the book was republished in redacted form and is available only if sealed, and an indication of the censorship classification is displayed.[6][7]

Technically, that's a website :P

Some big music YouTuber made a video on it, and there's a Kiwi Farms thread refuting several blatant lies in said video. Shame that the thread hasn't spread much, but that's likely owed to the YTer's influence and generally positive reputation and KF's generally negative reputation.

Technically, that's a website :P

Website with large library of pro final exit material. According to OP, PDFs do count as books :P

Some big music YouTuber made a video on it, and there's a Kiwi Farms thread refuting several blatant lies in said video. Shame that the thread hasn't spread much, but that's likely owed to the YTer's influence and generally positive reputation and KF's generally negative reputation.

This thread?

Sanctioned Suicide - "Kill yourself" but unironically with sodium nitrite. Higher death count than the Farms. Targeted by parents, legislators, and journalists looking to alter Section 230.

Website with large library of pro final exit material. According to OP, PDFs do count as books :P

The site is controversial mostly for frequent accusations that it facilitates suicides; the standard formula is a suicidal person seeking methods joins the forum, posts a few times getting help, and then successfully carries out their suicide, then their family goes to the news media and an article is written about their plight blaming it on the forum. Arguably if it was just a library of suicide method PDFs it would get less heat because there's no interactivity (with other humans) with PDFs. At least, that's the way I see it, but it's entirely possible that people would still dislike the site just as much even if it only contained PDFs and had no interaction. Then again, I don't see this level of controversy over sites like LostAllHope (although there was a petition to shut down LAH that, surprisingly enough for a petition, resulted in the host terminating services, although the site just moved hosts), so I could be right.

This thread?
