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Friday Fun Thread for December 1, 2023

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Stealth feels like a major part of the game. Some main story line missions require stealth. Many side missions have rewards for stealthy completions. And nearly every side mission can be completed in a stealthy way, if you have the right build.

The stealth system of the game goes deep. Pretty much every character build type gets some stealth bonus options. Even unintuitive ones like "body" (strength) have stealth benefits, a high body stat gives you more entry options into a building, so you could take slightly easier routes.

There is also a whole hacking system in the game that has covert options. Its necessary to use it to take out cameras, but it can also be used to create distractions, or blow up environmental hazards. Certain hacking things are "traceable", but the tracing takes some time, you'll just be on a time limit until you can finish off the enemies. There are also a variety of hacks against people, you can erase their memory to make a quick move behind them and take them out. You can disable their optics to make a dash to a new set of cover. You can disable their hearing and audio to make a takedown of the guy next to them unheard. Or you can just ping an electronic item or person to get a whole layout of the all the people, cameras, and gadgets in the vicinity.

Takedowns can be lethal or non-lethal.

Bodies need to be hidden, if another enemy finds a body they'll alert the whole place.

I usually don't go out of my way to play stealth games, but I often enjoy the mechanics. I'd say cyberpunk is comparable to dishonored in terms of fun stealth mechanics, and certainly better than the assassin creed games.

An example stealth run:

I'm given a mission to plant a virus on a club owner's computer.

I can walk into the main area of the club without getting in trouble as long as my guns aren't drawn. I do this and tag as many cameras and goons as I can. Each time I find a camera I shut it down. I leave the club and circle around the outside for easier entrances. I'm blocked out of one door because it requires body to enter. Another door requires technical ability. I open it up and peak in to see a camera in the room. I quickly disable it.

Then I jump into the camera system through that camera. I cycle through all the cameras, making sure I've tagged every goon I can find. If any cameras are within sight of each other I turn them off.

A security room is on the first floor near the entrance I found. My objective is on the second floor. I make my way to the security room, there is a goon inside, but his back is to the door. I sneak and do a stealth takedown of the goon. I have access to the computer terminal with all the security cameras. I make sure all the security cameras are shut down.

If there is a loose goon walking around that isn't covered by other goon's field of vision I'll try and do a stealth take down and stash the body either in the security room or outside the club.

I'll make my way upstairs. Sometimes there is a separate security system for the second floor, so I need to be checking the walls for additional security cameras.

The final room with my objective has two goons in it. They are talking with each other. One camera in the room that I already shutdown from the lower floor security room. I hack the camera to distract the two goons. They turn towards the camera, one is in front of the other one. The one in front I audio hack while I shoot the one in the back in the head. Then I move in and do a stealth takedown.

At this point if I have an objective for a stealth exit I'll run outside the club to get the stealth award. And then I'll turn back around, go back into the club and start a gun fight with the goons. Gunning them all down and stealing their valuable gear. I'll try to start the gunning down stealthily with a silenced pistol, but I rarely kill more than a few goons before they all hear me and it turns into a real gun fight.

IMHO this makes it sound slightly more exciting than it is, but it’s still pretty fun. That said, I still think Deus Ex Mankind Divided has better cyberpunk stealth, especially in some of the standout levels (the bank in Prague, Golem).

I forgot I played Deus Ex, but I remember often being frustrated with stealth gameplay in Deus ex, because it often had choke points that forced you to either have a super stealth build or enter combat. So I guess I like the level and map design in cyberpunk 2077 better