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Friday Fun Thread for November 17, 2023

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Back in the day I was in a smallish town in Wakayama and they had a local brand called 鶴の滝 or "falling crane" shōchū and I was introduced to it by a woman I worked with. I remember liking it, drinking it お湯割り in winter. My wife's hometown (or near enough) is where they make しろ, which is of course popular nationwide, but they also make all kinds of kuma shōchū (kuma is the place name obviously) and rave about it. The menfolk down there start with beer (never with rice, if you're eating rice you aren't drinking, and vice-versa), then eventually move into shōchū after the first tallboy. I have a friend (American) who swears shōchū is a clean drunk, i.e. he never gets a hangover if he sticks to it. The reason mine (my hangover) was so bad back in the day was probably due to mixing (it was New Years in the Japanese countryside with the whole extended family back so god knows what I actually drank, but really bad sweet Japanese wine was part of it.)

I've had nigorizake and enjoyed it--it was similar in my mind to that Korean makkori but I may be way off. Both were opaque, that might be as far as the similarity goes. I prefer nigori to regular sake actually, but only cold, and in a little box. I've a pair of chokkuri and an o-choko that a ceramic-inclined friend of mine made for me long ago that go to waste most of the time unless I have guests from abroad and want to pretend I'm Anjin-san.

"To health, wealth, and a steady hand."