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Israel-Gaza Megathread #2

This is a refreshed megathread for any posts on the conflict between (so far, and so far as I know) Hamas and the Israeli government, as well as related geopolitics. Culture War thread rules apply.

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It has happened before. The activists in the 1960's and 1970's were significantly worse and more violent. That's how we ended up with Nixon and Reagan. But we don't have a Nixon or Reagan in the Republican Party 2023 and it is significantly lower status than it was back then. Trump certainly isn't a return to normalcy.

Desantis would seem to have some of that ability. And whose higher status than say Kushner in EITHER party? Or higher than Ken Griffin. Also are prominent Republicans.

Kushner isn't a politician though. He's a rich guy with connections. Ken Griffin identifies as a Reagan Republican and is also just a rich guy and not a politician.

Desantis is pretty terrible at campaigning nationally. Nixon had guys like Roger Ailes and Pat Buchanan running a highly sophisticated election campaign to get him better coverage in the MSM with normies. Desantis is hated by the MSM and seems doomed to be clowned on outside FOX.

It seems like your making the be a Republican very narrow.

The retort would be to asks whether Kamala Harris or Joe Biden are high status? They certainly are lower status than Trump or Kushner.

I meant that voting for a Republican is considered low status. If you are a giga Chad hedge fund manager voting for tax purposes then yeah you can get away with it. But if you're just some guy names Steve trying to make it in a high status industry and get laid then being a Republican is not a very good thing. I don't think we will get an updated version of "Reagan Democrats" anytime soon.

But that guy doesn't need to tell anyone he's a Republican. I'm not American, but I talked to an American colleague about this recently, and he says no one will ever know who he votes for. My dad takes that attitude as well.

I think you are trying to meme this into existence but it’s not true on mainstream or in business. Sure academia wants to make this claim.

There are plenty of places where Democrats are low status. Oh ya and some guy named Elon whose way past wealth levels to even care about taxes votes GOP it seems for the memes and cultural values.

Last time I looked at the data GOP still had higher incomes.

Fwiw I’ve mostly lived in blue cities. I don’t know anyone high status who votes Dem.

Last time I looked at the data GOP still had higher incomes.

Limit it to white voters.

Fwiw I’ve mostly lived in blue cities. I don’t know anyone high status who votes Dem.

That’s because you live in blue cities.