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The Bailey Podcast E034: An Unhinged Conversation on Policing

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In this episode, an authoritarian and some anarchist(s) have an unhinged conversation about policing.

Participants: Yassine, Kulak, & Hoffmeister25 [Note: the latter's voice has been modified to protect him from the progressive nanny state's enforcement agents.]


About the Daniel Penny Situation (Hoffmeister25)

Posse comitatus (Wikipedia)

Lifetime Likelihood of Going to State or Federal Prison (BJS 1997)

The Iron Rule (Anarchonomicon)

Eleven Magic Words (Yassine Meskhout)

Blackstone's ratio (Wikipedia)

Halfway To Prison Abolition (Yassine Meskhout)

Defunding My Mistake (Yassine Meskhout)

Recorded 2023-09-16 | Uploaded 2023-09-25

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I was happy to have participated in this discussion. This was my first time recording a podcast, and I feel like I now have a better understanding of the challenges of the format - primarily the way that it forces you to concisely and efficiently express your positions in order to maximize how many topics and lines of questioning can be fit into the allotted time. This is something I know I need to improve on, both in my writing and in my future podcasting endeavors, so this was a very useful opportunity for some self-scouting and practice.

This is to say nothing of the discussion itself, which I found very stimulating and helpful for clarifying and refining my own thoughts on a complicated issue! Yassine and Kulak are incisive thinkers with a deep well of relevant knowledge, so going toe-to-toe with them forced me to be on my game and to bring some research to the table. I only wish I’d done a better job of explicitly referencing certain specific pieces of information which would have been useful in bolstering my credibility - again, something I am now even more acutely aware that I need to work on for the next time that I get a chance to do a podcast!