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Small-Scale Question Sunday for August 27, 2023

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

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While the stereotypical Russian escort type or bottle girl has a botox/filler heavy look, the most ‘ready to put out’ chicks who exist in highly promiscuous subcultures mostly care little about their appearance, girls at anarchist or punk events or your average late-20s or early 30s promiscuous barfly has neither the money for nor the inclination to cosmetic intervention on that level. Promiscuous women don’t need to get filler to signal sexual availability, they can do so on Tinder directly or in real life at a bar or club by their clothing and body language.

The average botox and filler user remains in her late 30s or 40s, probably married with children and - regardless of your own circumstances - is probably monogamous. She isn’t signalling sexual availability to other men, she’s competing with younger women and other women her age for attention and status, from men and from each other.

A woman with significant visible work done is signaling that she's available for casual sex to men

I suppose ‘compared to the average woman with no work done in her social grouping’ might be true, but that’s doing a lot of work. For the most part, she still isn’t signalling that (if say 10% of 40 year old PMC women are ‘signalling’ that they’re ‘available for casual sex’, the proportion with significant visible work done might be 15%).

I believe the thread question is specifically about women in their early 20s. Nor did I say they were the most promiscuous, merely that it was a signal of sexual availability.