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Culture War Roundup for the week of July 17, 2023

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When you're 14 and extremely online on 4chan it doesn't feel like an 'extremely small number of people'. In any case

What about 14 year-olds engaged with the deluge of anti-white academic consensus and popular culture? You don't think that has informed their own ethnic self-perception and it could be changed?

I don't have a problem with a 'European Zionism'. However, the rhetoric of most white nationalists is far more aggressively racist than that of all but the most extreme Israeli religious zionists.

That is a stretch, any White Nationalist would be more than satisfied with a European state as equally assertive towards the interests and privileges of European-descended people, both internally and among the international diaspora, as Israel is towards Jews.

Most white nationalists would not accept American Jews remaining in America, certainly not with the same rights as Muslim/Arab Israelis.

You are kidding yourself if you don't think they are more pragmatic than that, "securing a future for white children" does not require, say, the Israeli-tier treatment of the Palestinians. But in any case if your ideal relies on these massive immigration reforms but you expect to accomplish that without fostering any sort of positive ethnic self-regard, and your reasoning for that is because you are concerned for Jews, you honestly sort of fit the bill for the problem White Nationalists tend to have with Jews: "No, no, you cannot have any healthy self regard because it might harm the 'rights' of Jews." You are literally giving that argument, so you must understand where WNs are coming from.

I think I’d be a little naive if I supported the coming to power of people who hated me. Would that not make me as bad as the aggressively progressive whites for whom you presumably have contempt (or at least pity)? Even a Jew with zero Jewish identity has every incentive to oppose the coming to power of people who oppose and distrust him on the basis of race and who would, in their dreams, disenfranchise and expropriate him to the extent he fled from the country. You can have healthy self-regard in any way you want, but if you threaten me then I have no duty to support you, and if (as many WNs do) you make the poor treatment if not expulsion of my people (as identified by you) a central pillar of “healthy self regard” for your tribe then I’ll oppose that on the basis of my own self-interest. In addition, if the price for immigration restrictionism is open antisemitism in American politics, then I kind of lose either way, don’t I, because the price for me getting what I want is me not being able to enjoy it, making me some kind of, what, cuck?

Jews have been part of the United States as a project since the beginning, indeed before many European ethnics were in the country in any numbers. The founding fathers / framers considered Jews to be white. George Washington himself explicitly declared that Jews would “possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship.” Jefferson and Adams, especially, were philosemitic, Adams declared that Jews had “influenced the affairs of mankind more and happily than any other nation, ancient or modern.” I have my problems with America’s founding ideology, but it is clear to me that while the founders would not have been happy with unlimited migration from Central America and vast immigration from Asia (or indeed from many other parts of Europe if you read Ben Franklin), they had no issue with a small Jewish population living in the United States. The British had allowed for the naturalization of Jews in the thirteen colonies as early as 1740, so this even predates much of the enlightenment. I think this grants me a stake in the American political project and that I therefore have no duty to put the needs of another citizen above my own.

But in any case if your ideal relies on these massive immigration reforms but you expect to accomplish that without fostering any sort of positive ethnic self-regard

I don’t believe that explicit ethnat sentiment is required. Denmark’s harsh restrictions on ‘non-Western’ immigration were passed by social democrats who in their opinions on these issues are largely aligned with social democrats in the rest of Europe and the United States. They did so purely for evidence based reasons and because the tide of public opinion (the average Dane is not a staunch ethnat) had turned against mass immigration.

So yes, I oppose antisemitism for reasons of obvious self interest, just as you oppose policies that would discriminate against you based on your race for the same transparent reason. But I also think that attempting to ignite a fervent, purposeful white ethnogenesis in modern America is, for a variety of reasons, a likely futile task, and that is true whether it is explicitly antisemitic or not.

Even a Jew with zero Jewish identity has every incentive to oppose the coming to power of people who oppose and distrust him on the basis of race and who would, in their dreams, disenfranchise and expropriate him to the extent he fled from the country.

If White identity is so intrinsically threatening to Jews, then that is a big problem, because I'm not going to accept the Africanization of Europe because the station of Jews in our institutions might be threatened by White racial consciousness. You are in fact endorsing the dialectic as framed by White Nationalists, but are simply falling on the side of Jews rather than on the side of European people. That's understandable, but I fall on the side of European people and it's not based on hatred of Jews. The Animosity comes from the dilemma that you are assuring me truly exists, and you prioritizing your own perceived interests over those of European people is the behavior that draws the ire of WNs. Why would I prioritize Jews over the existential threat of demographic replacement of European people?

I am more optimistic than you are that practical relations can exist between Jews and a racially-conscious European nation, but you are providing a demonstration of the WN argument that Jews will never accept white racial consciousness because they perceive it as threatening to their own racial interests. Even a secular Jews who reads NRx still opposes White identity lest we develop any degree of anti-semitism, which is apparently the worst thing in the world. Not anti-white hatred, no that's just some academic errors that have been made here and there, but anti-semitism is truly the most evil force in all of history.

In addition, if the price for immigration restrictionism is open antisemitism in American politics, then I kind of lose either way, don’t I, because the price for me getting what I want is me not being able to enjoy it, making me some kind of, what, cuck?

Of course "antisemitism" simply means any measure of criticism of Jews whatsoever, right? So I'm supposed to accept the denial of positive race-feelings of white people because it might lead to Jews being criticized in the public square? I'm sorry Jews may lose their complete immunity to being criticized in any measure that they criticize Gentiles, but again, it would be absurd of me to accept this as some disastrous outcome in the face of Europe being conquered by Arabs and Africans.

purposeful white ethnogenesis in modern America is, for a variety of reasons, a likely futile task, and that is true whether it is explicitly antisemitic or not.

White ethnogensis has already happened, both on a genetic and social level. People identify racially as "white", it already happens. But in any case what Hood and I are talking about is a movement in Europe rather than the United States. You've already demonstrated how easy it is for racial self-perception to be influenced by propaganda, so calling it a futile task flies in the face of all evidence to the contrary: it's extremely easy to use culture and propaganda to invoke racial feelings in a particular direction, and it always has been.

If White identity is so intrinsically threatening to Jews, then that is a big problem

White identity isn’t intrinsically threatening to Jews (as I said, Jews have been part of the ‘white’ identity in America since before 1776), but white identity that is openly hostile toward Jews is intrinsically threatening to Jews. A very large percentage of serious modern day American white identitarians are openly hostile to Jews. You claim Jews see all white identity as hostile to Jews, but it is in fact white identitarians who in great numbers describe themselves and paint themselves as hostile to Jews and perceived Jewish interests. If the Jew who reads the Occidental Observer comes to the conclusion that white nationalists will always be a threat to Jews, whose fault is this exactly?

Even a secular Jews who reads NRx still opposes White identity lest we develop any degree of anti-semitism, which is apparently the worst thing in the world.

Antisemitism is as important to me as anti-white racism is important to you, which is to say (from your writings here), very important. I don’t oppose European identitarianism, but I would act in my own interest if it should become explicitly hostile to me.

You claim Jews see all white identity as hostile to Jews, but it is in fact white identitarians who in great numbers describe themselves and paint themselves as hostile to Jews and perceived Jewish interests.

Both are correct: Jews are hostile to white identity, and white identity is hostile to the status quo of the station of Jewish identity in the West, in particular with its wholly unjustified legal and social privileges that give it immunity from any degree of criticism that Jews constantly levy against Whites. It's a genuine conflict of interest, it's not something that can be dismissed with the myopic accusation of irrational hatred. You are basically saying the WNs are right, but you have to take the other side because you are Jewish, which their world model would predict in any case.

I disagree that Jewish American and gentile white American interests must be fundamentally hostile toward each other. But, of course, if gentile WNs are openly hostile toward Jews then Jews will continue to be hostile towards you, regardless of whether the chicken or the egg came first and regardless of who has more 'institutional power'. Jewish hostility towards WNs with Nazi sympathies is justified by history at least as much as WN hostility towards the likes of George Soros. WNs justify, for example, hostility towards black people with crime statistics, so why can't Jews justify hostility towards WNs with the 'crime statistics' of the Holocaust which - even under revionist interpretations - are still rather grim reading (huge expropriation, stripping of professional titles, imprisonment, deportation, mass shootings, impromptu pogroms etc.)?

The average Jewish American has never thought about their relationship to white America writ large, the average self-admitted WN probably dislikes Jews. In reality, this conversation is kind of overplayed, since WNs do not seek to convert Jews, do not seek them as allies or friends and generally distrust even far-right Jews unless, like Unz, they agree with them on everything (many even dislike Cole for merely occasionally defending Jews).

I also think it's unfair to accuse me of accusing you of "irrational" hatred. I understand where that hatred comes from, as Solzhenitsyn and Churchill and indeed many great Jewish thinkers and writers did before our time. But there is much space between "irrational" and "justified".

In any case, I do think the cycle will be 'broken' in as much as I don't expect that antisemitism will be a central force in early 21st century American politics, and I expect that over time demographic changes in the Jewish community due to assimilation and birth rate differences between secular and Orthodox Jews will slowly shift the Jewish population to the right as has already happened in the UK and France.

I disagree that Jewish American and gentile white American interests must be fundamentally hostile toward each other. But, of course, if gentile WNs are openly hostile toward Jews then Jews will continue to be hostile towards you

This is just a chicken and egg question. It's notable here that the entirety of Jewish recorded history is traced by conflict with various hegemons and civilizations: Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Rome... Come 20th century America, I think White America naively expected the Jews to assimilate to the degree that, say, the Italians assimilated. That didn't happen, and you cannot blame White Nationalists for that. If Jews had assimilated to the degree of Italians, then you would have a point, but that did not happen. Jews retained a strong ethnocentrism, including a strong ethnonationalism towards a foreign country and hysterical opposition to anti-Semitism that doesn't resemble the ethnic struggle of any other European group which was folded into white culture. And that ethnic identity influenced the development of critical cultural and political institutions, to the determinant of the station of White Americans.

I will grant you that there are WNs more hellbent on revenge and score-settling, who hate Jews more than they love their own people, the National Justice Party comes to mind. But I will not grant you that the behavior of Jews was driven by these WNs, America accepted them with open arms and they retained strong loyalty to their own particular ethnos which they had internalized as fundamentally oppositional to White Gentiles (understandable given their religion is defined by struggle against Gentiles). That ethnocentricism systematically took the form of radical critique of White culture and morality throughout the 20th century and today.

WNs justify, for example, hostility towards black people with crime statistics, so why can't Jews justify hostility towards WNs with the 'crime statistics' of the Holocaust which - even under revionist interpretations - are still rather grim reading (huge expropriation, stripping of professional titles, imprisonment, deportation, mass shootings, impromptu pogroms etc.)?

Who says they can't? I'm not saying they can't, the even more pessimistic outlook is that Jews are justified in being hostile towards White identity. I am merely observing that they are hostile and that they will always be so. Isn't it even worse for you to admit, that because of WWII, Jews can never accept advocacy for white ethnic identity? If I were you, I would want to convince WNs that there is still a pathway for Jews to accept white ethnic advocacy, but I think we both know that is not the case precisely for the reason you have described right here.

Lastly, I think the smartest WNs are more open to practical relations on more equal terms with Jews than you would acknowledge. There are influential writers like Ron Unz, Gottfried, David Cole, who are appreciated broadly by WNs... the difference is those figures will grant that there is an unacceptable dynamic at play between the assertion of Jewish identity and white identity, whereas people like you take the position that the Jews are the eternal blameless victims, and this conflict is solely due to the deficiencies of non-Jews forcing them to be on the defensive. Given the experience of 20th century America, I cannot buy that, and you are just another example of someone who can't bring herself to attribute any sort of culpability to the behavior of Jews for the conflict we are talking about right now.

If WNs drop their anti-Semitism, you think Jews are going to all of a sudden start supporting white identity? I don't think so, and 20th century America is my evidence for my confidence in that conclusion.

Some, maybe, certainly not all. It's telling that the one historical example of a white nationalist state quite literally started the deadliest war in history and multiple genocides. I'm not saying it's impossible, and maybe the less aggressive wings of white nationalism might, indeed, win out (if perhaps more due to necessity of circumstance than any actual sympathy for non-whites), in a spirit of isolationist "ethnostates for everyone! wholesome national fascism" but on the other hand, there's frankly enough nasty (to the point of exterminationism) rhetoric running about I wouldn't call it a 'stretch', either. You really think an out-and-out white nationalist state is going to be buddy-buddy with everyone else? That they're not going to fan the flames about Rhodesia or South Africa (or any other "former white homeland"), or go to war with Israel or China? By necessity, unless they've somehow unified all of the West (or don't care much for the struggles of whites outside of its borders, which I doubt counts it as a white nationalist state anymore), they'll be drawn into conflicts involving the "protection" of white people in other nations—a fascist White Internationale, so to speak, aggressively providing support to comrades everywhere, to the point of military interventions perhaps... which will naturally involve a degree of civilian casualties—and it's not like they're going to be kind with differientiating military and civilian targets, even in the event they don't want to kill all non-whites to "get the problem over", so to speak.

It's telling that the one historical example of a white nationalist state quite

The United States was a White Nationalist state, and closer to the concept of a pan-European state before WW-II than Nazi German, which aspired for pan-Germanism. Citizenship was restricted to free White men at the founding. Of course everything changed after WW-II, but the US was a white nationalist state for the majority of its existence.

...And it conquered most of its land from native American tribes, had race-based slavery for a large chunk of its existence, briefly dabbled in global colonialism on explicitly paternalistic motives (White Man's Burden and all that). Not more than any other state in the same circumstance, maybe, but peaceful it was not, and what I'm objecting to here is you calling the imputation that a white nationalist state could ever be aggressive or racist a stretch... I never said it was the only possibility, but it's not all that unlikely either.

I mean, don't get me wrong: I hope that if a white nationalist state does come about, your assumption is the correct one, not mine. But I'm not that optimistic.

.And it conquered most of its land from native American tribes, had race-based slavery for a large chunk of its existence, briefly dabbled in global colonialism on explicitly paternalistic motives (White Man's Burden and all that).

Yes, it did, and it created a civilization that the rest of the world is clamoring to become part of.