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You can't tolerate corruption like that.
... you think it's normal that Biden bragged about having Ukrainian prosecuted fired for investigating Burisma, the company that was paying off Hunter Biden ?
This is just corruption. In any western European country, that'd cause the government to resign. Ministers there resign over some piddly plagiarism nonsense, or minor oversights. Even in eastern Europe it'd be a major scandal and probably require new elections.
Can't you?
I remember a bit in the 90's that Lewis Black did about how bad government corruption had gotten. That when he was a kid, you knew it was happening. It was like being in a hotel, and you don't know which room, but you know somewhere, someone is fucking. "Now" in the 90's government corruption is like two dogs stuck together in the alleyway, and you just can't stop them. You spray water on them and it does nothing.
In the 2020's, we're how many generations into open obvious corruption being all American's have ever known? As much as I hate it, it's hard for me not to treat politicians like I do auto mechanics. I know they are going to fleece me, the question is, will they at least keep my car, or the country, running while they do it?
Of course, my charge is that the current neoliberal successor ideology isn't even doing that. But it's probably an orthogonal issue to their blatant corruption.
We have a rather different take on this in eastern Europe. Corruption needs to be fought. They'll keep doing that shit anyway, but as long as you're trying, the graft doesn't exceed 15-20%.
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The US government exerting influence like that over foreign countries is part and parcel of post-war foreign policy. Relatives of important officials getting cushy jobs in the hope that it buys favorable treatment isn't good, but that's about the level of corruption that I've always assumed to be present anyways.
Well, maybe, if US is so corrupt and so crazy it needs to stop telling other countries how to mind their business or conduct their foreign policy.
And other countries should not listen to it. Especially not countries that aspire to some level of good government!
If America has a corrupt and inefficient federal government, of a kind that'd not be tolerated in Europe, 100k dead per year from overdoses, people looting shops in major cities and a homicide rate a nice third world country might be mildly ashamed of, **why do we care about them **?
Europeans need to have their noses rubbed in American dysfunction till they stop giving America attention or caring about it.
**If Americans can't even run their own country, why are we listening to them ? ** Their governance is even more catastrophic than in Europe.
Their army is falling apart due to low retention and recruitment, their defence contractors can't even produce enough ammo, etc.
Europe is big enough and rich enough to deal with Russia...
Europe 'needs' the US same way NY delis used to need the Italian guy in a nice suit who came around from time to time and asked if everything was okay and got some money.
If Europe pitched in with some resources, it could have a perfectly good strategic deterrent in Force de dissuasion.
As much as I dislike French state, the French are orders of magnitude less nuts and hubristic than D.C.
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But you've been tolerating corruption like this the entire time. The system is so corrupt that picking any one portion of it to get angry about is missing the point and falling into partisanship. Do you really want to debate the Democrat talking point of Trump's Ukraine phone call? It's a losing game.
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Probably Bundestag MPs also had their children employed by Burisma.
And some guy from SBU who accused Shokin of corruption and demanded his resignation also had dealing with Burisma.
And members of Kharkiv Human Rights Group...
And dozens of Ukrainian MPs...
... and that proves what? That Biden jr. being paid off is okay ?
No, that disproves your assertion that Shokin was fired on behest of Biden Sr because the latter wanted Shokin not to investigate his son. Of course, you could say that it WAS the real reason, and Biden just used reputation of Shokin being a corrupt prosecutor for plausible deniability in getting him fired. But then argue accordingly, not just put it as an undeniable fact.
Also Hunter Biden didn't commit any crime according to Ukrainian law by working there. Zlochevsky, the head of Burisma, most likely did - but then it was during presidential term of Yanukovich, a figure very much beloved by some on American far right and far left, deposed by the evil CIA.
Yeah, it looks like Shokin was fired because he wasn't investigating the 'right' people.
**It still doesn't explain to me why you think politicians getting paid off by through their family getting cushy sinecures in foreign countries is remotely okay. **
It's okay in Ukraine. We get that, it's why Ukraine is that way.
In any normal county, a politician whose junkie son gets $50k a month from a sinecure in a famously corrupt country overseas would instantly be embroiled in a huge scandal.
No, this is business as usual in the UK, France, the USA and more. You usually don't hear about it it because of how accepted it is. And that is because compared to corruption in Pakistan, China and yes Ukraine and so on it is tiny. There is no non-corrupt country but most of the wealthy Western ones have fairly minimal levels like said Hunter Biden issues. The amount of effort it would require to eradicate is just not worth it. And of course it's not like elites whose families benefit from it would want to. Even if they are temporarily on the other side of it for short term political gain. Trump does it even more directly with Jared and Ivanka and so on. It isn't exceptional, it is the norm.
Putting relatives of people with power on boards and in cushy executive positions is endemic almost everywhere. That might not make it ok, but please do not underestimate how common it is in "normal" countries.
As an eastern European, we used to look up to Germany when it came to political culture, and they seem fairly intolerant with corruption.
Do they do this too ? Or is e.g. Schröder involvement in Gazprom only a scandal because it's politically advantageous to bash Russians ?
Since 2018 an investigative committee organized by Germany's Federal Audit Office is looking into how contracts worth tens of millions of euros were awarded to external consultancy firms.[109][110][70] The auditing office has found several irregularities in how the contracts were awarded. During the investigation, two of von der Leyen's phones were confiscated, but data from both phones has been deleted before being returned to the defense ministry.[111] In turn, opposition lawmaker Tobias Linder has filed a criminal complaint against von der Leyen suspecting deliberate destruction of evidence relevant for the case.
Germans are in my experience particularly sensitive to it, so it usually is smaller scale and more hidden. For example see this Quora answer about corruption and nepotism in Germany:
"On a lower scale, there is nepotism. In a very subtile and hidden way. You might not get your own daughter a nice job in the authority you work as a a head of department. But you might ask your fellow who works for an other authority to give her a job. Off course she has to be qualified, and she has to pass some tests.
If you are an executive in a big company, you like one colleague quite much and want that he earns a little more money, you just create a new job for him. Off course he has to be qualified and he has to pass some tests."
Germany is in my experience not that corrupt, but not that corrupt in a wealthy nation still can involve billions of euro.
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Says a person from Slovakia 😩
Our graft is these days mostly limited to 15-20% cost inflation on government contracts. Your president is a an actor whose show was funded by an oligarch, who among other things,stole how many billion $ from Ukrainians by running a bank and giving out loans to friendly companies.. Was it 2 or 5 billion ? They still haven't bothered to wipe that shit off the internet. We had shit like this in mid to late 1990s. That was .. quite some time ago.
If these days Ukraine was as corrupt as Slovakia, you'd probably be as prosperous as Poland what with the better climate, natural resources and sea access.
Now, Slovakia isn't a normal country, but at least half of the parties wouldn't tolerate something like this, and it definitely wouldn't fly anywhere in western Europe.
Yes, yes. Why would anything be wiped from the internet? Kolomoisky is investigated.
It's there for anyone to see — like the fact that Slovakia is one of the most corrupt states in Europe — worse than Georgia or Rwanda. Nothing wrong with it — you made a great progress since mid 90s, being in EU and all that.
But that's interesting — right? The only people who like to talk about Ukrainian corruption or Hunter Biden so much are Orbanites from Hungary, russophiles from Bulgaria, Slovakia in your case, MAGA people (who are linked to Paul Manafort — one of the most corrupt people in recent Ukrainian and American history), Trump himself — all exemplars of honesty and incorruptibility. I find it hilarious. Clean your own stables.
But thanks for Zuzanas.
As Arestovych observed, you need to lie to yourself a lot, no other way to victory is possible.
Don't thank me. I was never asked about NATO membership, would vote against it. "Keeping Americans in, Germans down and Russians out" is a system that benefits primarily Americans.
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