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Seeking advice on whether to move to a new apartment

Edit: I appreciate everyone's feedback, which was generally in favor of staying, partly because leaving a satisfactory home for a new one entails unknown risks with regard to neighbors and/or the building, and partly because my hypothesis that spending more money will be motivating is suspect. Because I have real life friends who reads this website, I have removed the more identifying and/or financial specifics from the original post, and will not disclose which path I ended up taking. Thank you all again!

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Go rent an nice airbnb in a nearby area for a month and treat yourself to a staycation to see if a change in environment is really gonna help you before you decide to move.

Moving is always a big risk. I moved from a dump to a nicer place only to find out that the nicer place had pipes in the wall that would become loose in the winter and rattle intermittently all night long. Also my neighbors are constantly fighting, screaming and blasting reggae music. Moving to a different dump this month to get away from the noise.