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joined 2022 September 04 22:46:13 UTC


User ID: 231



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:46:13 UTC


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User ID: 231

Diego Garcia is extremely important for it's location. There are no islands that can replace it

the visible part of the mold is only a small part of the whole thing. the toxic parts are the invisible roots that permeate the whole loaf. If you see it, it's already too late.

Shields in first person games are not fun because they block your vision and you can't tell where your body is. Shields in third person games are not fun because you don't have a lot of control over where the shield goes. In some games, shield blocks are based off of timing, but in most, you just hold a button to be invincible from the front. It's boring to play with and frustrating to play against.

Kids just write their name as fast as possible until it starts to look like cursive. Only the initials have to be legible. There's not much thought into it.

In compulsary education, a student is probably going to be writing their name on paper 3-8 times a day from 1-12th grade. I don't think this will ever change for as long as we have paper tests and paper homework.

If AI posting is normalized, I will skip over any post that doesn't get to the point in the first two sentences. Length was always a bad predictor of how much effort someone put into their post, but with AI, it will be a negative.

citing occams razor in the domain of politics is foolish when being pretending to be retarded is the ultimate way to get plausible deniability.

look up "dry sex"

Is there a resource like UA war maps but for the current Congo war? It's hard to get a read on what's going on from mainstream media but it seems like some extraordinary things are happening. The Rwandan backed Tutsi M23 rebels just took the biggest city in the east despite being vastly outnumbered and outgunned on paper by the Congolese army, South Africa and Wagner Group (allegedly).

Is anyone following this conflict?

don't buy expensive non stick. replace every year at least. there is no such thing as a long-term coated non-stick pan.

tramontina is reliable and cheap.

you don't need a non stick to fry an egg though. with a little practice, very gentle heat and a small dollop of butter, you can even fry on cast iron.

If it doesn't look like an existing model, it's probably very easy to spot. I like watches and I have seen some heinous crimes against horology with fake Rolex logos.

I don't really judge too hard over people wearing fakes but I do think it's tacky if one could have spent the same money on a nicer but more humble watch.

ben hur

charlie and the chocolate factory (potentially traumatizing)

20000 leagues under the sea (1954)

Please do, this sounds interesting.

Nothing is stopping me from making up bullshit and typing it out right now.

Time and effort. “More mud” is a understatement

No forum where a majority of rising posts are deleted for unspecified reasons can be representative of anything other than the people in charge want

People who write a lot on the internet for strangers have way too much time on their hands. I used to write longer comments and even some that made it into the contributions thread but now I don't feel like I have to do that anymore.

People smarter than us hang out with their friends and might pop in once in a while to write a comment about a topic that personally interests them. Successful people should confide with those that they trust and those that are useful to them, not strangers who happen to be on the same intellectual level.

Everyone already does this. A pacifist in a culture war is a fool.

Public shaming is a necessary part of a functioning society

And I'll be honest, I've had a crush on Aella for ages; she's a very attractive nerdy woman, and as a sexually confident and charismatic female Rationalist, she is a very horny unicorn among horses. But I've got to say, learning that specific factoid about her life had a similar effect on my idle long-distance lust as an F150's tires do on a small rodent

OP describes himself as one in his post.

Or if you really feel a need to register your objection, do so civilly.

I just did. Don't insinuate that I didn't.

Everyone already does this. A pacifist in a culture war is a fool.

This thread should not be here in the first place. It is gossip about a twitter persons nasty personal hygiene habits. It is 100% parasocial simping drama which is why a similar thread already exists in small questions.

Guy should not be banned for calling a spade a spade.

I vaguely remember a comment here about how scientists were able to "rewire" microscopic creatures to become radically different shapes by modifying connectomes but I can't find anything about it. Can someone point me in the right direction?

They serve crinkle cut in prison, and prison food is designed to be awful.

No group is immune to e-girl bullshit.

(except explicitly gay groups)

I dunno but 37 showers a year is pretty nasty. Find yourself someone that at least showers between guys.