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Culture War Roundup for the week of March 17, 2025

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The rise of Epstein's wealth and influence is extremely mysterious and not explained by your theory. Keith Woods put together a list of circumstantial bullet points:

  • Former Israeli Intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe alleges Epstein ran a honeypot for Mossad after being recruited by Ghislaine Maxwell
  • Maria Farmer, the first victim to report Epstein to the FBI, said everyone involved in the operation was a Jewish supremacist who racially abused her as a non-Jew - she claimed the operation was led by the Mega group
  • Mega group is an organisation of exclusively Jewish billionaires set up to fund Jewish and pro-Israel causes
  • One of the co-founders of Mega was Victora' Secret owner Les Wexner, who provided Epstein with his $77 million house in Manhattan which he used for his blackmail ring
  • NY Times article from the 1990s reported on the apartment when Wexner owned it, describing it as reminiscent of James Bond movies
  • Wexner was the only client of Epstein's mysterious hedge fund and the apparent source of his wealth
  • Epstein was hired to work for Bear Stearns in 1970 by Alan Greenberg, another member of Mega group. Prior to this Epstein was just a school teacher
  • Mega group member Ronald Lauder is president of the World Jewish Congress and has been a big donor to Netanyahu's Likud party
  • Epstein's associate Ghislaine Maxwell is the daughter of Robert Maxwell, a top Mossad spy.
  • Robert Maxwell's business partner was Charles Bronfman, a co-founder of the Mega group
  • Epstein's lawyer and long-time friend Alan Dershowitz is an ultra-Zionist, author of The Case for Israel, and was considered by Israel to represent them at the ICJ
  • Epstein had multiple meetings with former Israeli PM Ehud Barak in his New York apartment
  • Les Wexner's Wexner Foundation gave Barak $2 million in 2004 for still unspecified research
  • Barak says he was first introduced to Epstein by former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres, who gave a eulogy at Robert Maxwells funeral
  • Epstein and Barak were business partners in a tech company - the company’s executive team were all former members of Israeli intelligence

Details of the story, like Epstein being given a $77 million house for free by Les Wexner, make no sense unless we assume it's part of an intelligence op. I haven't dug too deeply into the story myself, it's pretty obvious Epstein is related to Israeli intelligence (not necessarily Mossad) and that's why the Epstein documents will never be released.

I did watch the documentary and was struck by the interview of Maria Farmer in which she related strong Jewish supremacism within the group, which is something you would not expect a Gentile sexual abuse victim to make up out of the blue so it seems credible to me:

“When I called Ghislaine [Maxwell] and asked why I couldn’t eat there [at a private and exclusive country club] she said, ‘It’s a Jewish country club, you’re not Jewish, they’re not going to serve you.’ This is how this woman spoke to me, yeah. This is how these people think, Whitney. They, honest to God, think their DNA is better than everybody else’s, I swear to you. It was a theme all the time with them. With Eileen Guggenheim, with Jeffrey Epstein, with Ghislaine. It was a theme.”

All of those things either back me up, are addressed in my comment, or are irrelevant.

Taking them one by one:

Former Israeli Intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe alleges Epstein ran a honeypot for Mossad after being recruited by Ghislaine Maxwell

Epstein’s wealth, influence, connections and likely even the trafficking scheme (given his history with the seedier side of French modeling agencies) all predate his ever meeting Ghislaine Maxwell in the early 1990s, making this extremely unlikely.

Mega group is an organisation of exclusively Jewish billionaires set up to fund Jewish and pro-Israel causes

So again, this is a blackmail scheme by rich Zionist Jews to blackmail…each other…into supporting Israel?

Wexner was the only client of Epstein's mysterious hedge fund and the apparent source of his wealth

Wexner was a notorious ‘confirmed bachelor’ with no interest in women or girls until he married late in life to a woman in her late thirties to have some heirs. Epstein also never procured boys (not because there are no gay billionaires who would bite, but because he wasn’t interested in them, lending still further credence to my theory) His friends and close business associates in NYC spent the 1980s believing that Epstein was Wexner’s boyfriend, and there is every evidence he was, and that it was likely on this basis (a mentor-mentee relationship between an older and younger man that spans business and pleasure being not uncommon, historically or at the present, for gay/bi men) that Epstein was given control over Wexner’s money (skimming hundreds of millions in fees off the 1980s/90s equity booms) and then given his mansion when he moved back to the Midwest to settle down.

Epstein's associate Ghislaine Maxwell is the daughter of Robert Maxwell, a top Mossad spy.

There is no evidence that Robert Maxwell ever met Epstein, even though they would both have been in the UK in the late 1970s. In addition, none of Maxwell’s close business partners remembered any involvement with Epstein. Lastly, Maxwell liked Ghislaine but trusted her little with his actual interests, which he left to his sons, neither of whom liked Epstein and who regarded him as a cad who had seduced their sister (as told by their friends and themselves).

Epstein's lawyer and long-time friend Alan Dershowitz is an ultra-Zionist, author of The Case for Israel, and was considered by Israel to represent them at the ICJ

Yes, indeed. So The Mossad, which has a long-standing policy of not targeting Zionist Jews, embarks on a colossal and expensive operation to blackmail its greatest supporters in America, people who support Israel for free, in order to gain unspecific blackmail material against them for no particular reason. (Why? Traditionally kompromat exists to prevent defection for selfish reasons; unless you believe Jewish in-group loyalty is so weak that even Dershowitz would sell out Israel at the drop of a hat, this is ridiculously unnecessary in this case).

“When I called Ghislaine [Maxwell] and asked why I couldn’t eat there [at a private and exclusive country club] she said, ‘It’s a Jewish country club, you’re not Jewish, they’re not going to serve you.’

Ghislaine Maxwell is not Jewish according to Jewish law.

Lastly, Maxwell liked Ghislaine but trusted her little with his actual interests, which he left to his sons

This reminds me of the banger that KulakRevolt (RIP) posted on X:

Dad? Are you part of the international Zionist Occupational Government?

But there is no Mafia right? "Oh he didn't trust his daughter with his interests, she's definitely not a spy like her father!" Uh-huh.

Yes on the one hand you have this constellation of circumstantial evidence, and on the other hand denials and cover stories which you would completely expect even if it were an intelligence operation. I do not find the Epstein/Wexner love story a better explanation of Epstein's wealth which came out of nowhere or of his connections with Maxwell, Israeli politicians etc. You also downplay Acosta claimed he was told Epstein "belonged to intelligence" in receiving an unprecedented plea deal and getting the FBI investigation essentially covered up. And now the FBI cites National Security interests in not releasing the Epstein files. Embarrassing billionaires wouldn't be a national security issue, exposing foreign intelligence operations would be.

The other thing is that "Israeli intelligence" is not only Mossad.

Ghislaine Maxwell is not Jewish according to Jewish law.

Maxwell is identified as Jewish in Florida prison, where she is entitled to a Kosher meal that is 6x more expensive than those given to incarcerated second-class citizens. Among other perks.

Maxwell is identified as Jewish in Florida prison, where she is entitled to a Kosher meal that is 6x more expensive than those given to incarcerated second-class citizens. Among other perks.

That would be a result of self-identification, no? There are “messianic Jews”, Christians who keep kosher, who would be entitled to the same. Many states have already replaced kosher and halal meals in both state and federal prisons (which seem to handle catering on a state level) with vegan ones (that cost the same $2ish as regular meals in Arizona, for example). Online, the only discussion I can find that is Florida specific for federal prison meal costs suggests that (1) most of those requesting kosher meals are Muslim, as what is kosher is necessarily halal and (2) that it was roughly $4.50 a day for the kosher meal versus $3 for the regular meal, a difference of 50% rather than 600% and likely explained entirely by economies of scale.

You don’t have any actual counter arguments to any of my points. There is no logical reason for Israel to blackmail its staunchest supporters at no benefit to itself.