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Friday Fun Thread for March 14, 2025

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To tell the truth, I didn't get that carried away with it. This wipe, I played to level 15 and then lost all motivation to launch the game, mysteriously. That's usually how it goes. I get a desperate urge to play, then I do, then it's over. Next time, I think I will do the single player mod version so that I at least get to keep my progress (and also so that Delivery from the Past isn't impossible), but it does lose something to be fighting bots instead of players. You die a lot more often in live as well, which keeps you on your toes and can make something like a pistol run pretty thrilling. I didn't actually take any EMS kits anywhere this wipe. Got my legs shot out by scavs and crawled veeerrrryyyy slowly to extract a couple times. I think they let EoD players have the same privileges as Unheard, but it's a very time consuming game and you're a busy guy now.

Of course, I liked Max Payne 1 and 2 as well, but 3 really scratched an itch I didn't know I had. There was some free multiplayer game with slomo shooting, but it didn't feel nearly as good.

I could never get into SPT. Maybe if I had friends who would be willing to download the 'unofficial' patch that adds co-op or PVP.

The PVP is the main draw for me in Tarkov. I particularly enjoyed teaming up, there are people all over the globe who still stay in touch because I adopted them and taught them the ropes and helped them through quests, and half of them are now better players than I'll ever be. The team work gave me a rush, the closest I came to that would be modded Arma 3 or Squad, but there's nothing like making SOPs with your buddies and randos and then wrecking house. Raids in Tarkov can be nail biting experiences, and having someone to watch your six is amazing.

(Having friends who can insurance fraud your stuff always helps too).

Eventually, Tarkov just moved away from what I wanted. I had been looking forward to the patch that added realistic armor hitboxes, and played that patch after waiting several out. Then BSG nerfed it to make streamers happy.

Can't have shit in Tarkov.

Oh, yeah, you really need the co-op mod for SPT. I think it's called Project FIKA. That's actually how I learned the maps initially, some other Tarkov junkie leading us. Yes, the PVP is really the selling point, tense stuff. I just think that Tarkov takes the gear progression way too seriously. You should be able to have a decent chance of killing anyone in the game, rather than the game saying "too bad, you brought in level 3 bullets but you needed level 6, also you've got level 5 gear and he's level 60". SPT fixes that a bit.

The maps of Tarkov are one of the biggest selling points for me. So huge, so very detailed, so war-torn. It made me realize one of the reasons I love Left 4 Dead and Duke Nukem 3D were for the maps portraying real places.

If you want something similar, but with a focus on the pvp then I'd recommend Hunt Showdown. Has the same big maps, good gunplay, great sound design.

My issue with it is that instead of being able to go to different locations to loot, and then extract, you basically always focus on getting to the location with the boss, killing it, and then extracting. So it leads to more focused, but also somewhat repetitive encounters.

You should be able to have a decent chance of killing anyone in the game, rather than the game saying "too bad, you brought in level 3 bullets but you needed level 6, also you've got level 5 gear and he's level 60". SPT fixes that a bit.

In case you missed the one wipe where they had the realistic hitboxes, this was the case. Sadly it isn't any more.

If you aimed at places like the armpit or got lucky and had shots land in the gaps between plates, you could easily pierce soft armor with non-AP rounds and kill someone decked out in Class 6.

The maps of Tarkov are one of the biggest selling points for me. So huge, so very detailed, so war-torn. It made me realize one of the reasons I love Left 4 Dead and Duke Nukem 3D were for the maps portraying real places

Seconded. BSG does environmental design like no one else. Streets is a masterpiece, but runs like an asthmatic donkey. Now, it's still not enough to keep me keen after like 8 or 9 wipes of play, but there's no wonder new players get totally lost even with online maps handy.