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Notes -
I find it amusing that you and I both agree that the United States should do something extravagantly impressive and historically novel, but we disagree so strongly on the particulars of what that thing should be. I understand your fondness for empire and for your desire to be a citizen of an imperial core.
However, I think there’s an important dissimilarity between the British Empire of old and what you’re proposing for the American Global Empire: namely, that the British Empire was bringing the genteel Anglo-European culture to places which were genuinely backward and benighted, and whose populace and their posterity stood to gain immeasurably from being annexed by the British.
When you lament America losing its grip on Europe, though, or you long for the American annexation of Canada, you’re talking about the conquest and vassalization of civilizations which are, at worst, at the same level of civilizational development as America. I understand that America is richer than the U.K. and Canada, and perhaps you think that alone is evidence enough of American superiority that it justifies geopolitical domination of those countries. In terms of American cultural output, I don’t think what America is putting out into the world is generally impressive or indicative of a culture that the rest of the world ought to want to emulate or be absorbed into. Even leaving aside our repellently boorish president — a man about whose personal qualities you and I seem to be in resounding agreement — the culture we’re exporting to the world right now is, largely, vulgar and soulless trash: Marvel movies, The Fast & The Furious, race-swapped remakes of blockbusters from the 80’s, and hip-hop culture. These are not the artifacts of a civilization which deserves to rule the world and lord over other white first-worlders.
Like, I’m not some blanket Europhile who thinks all things European are sophisticated and all things American are crude. But it’s tough to see Donald Trump of all people talking down to valuable allies who are ailing — due in part, yes, to the fecklessness of their leaders, a state of affairs which can be reversed, and without Trump’s interference. If anything he’s making it much less likely that these countries will want to be more culturally and politically integrated with America. He’s highlighting differences and exacerbating the instinctive resistance to vassalization which the people of these countries still feel viscerally. I don’t want America to be like imperious Britain imposing the Raj on the benighted Indians; I want countries to be lining up to voluntarily integrate into it, because the example it sets is so undeniably great and impressive that they can’t fail to recognize the better deal that awaits them in America’s embrace. Trump’s shambolic bullying and lowbrow populism are the last things I would expect the leader of such a country to lead with in its outreaches to the rest of the world. If America does eventually annex Canada it will be a welcome reconciliation — perhaps by an American president married to a Canadian woman and with deep cultural ties to both countries, highlighting our nations’ shared past and shared future. It won’t be by idiot Donald Trump braying incoherently about fentanyl.
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