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The answer to virtually every "why is X industry/sector/institution woke?" is the same: It's the colleges and universities.
Every institution that wants or needs college graduates are getting people filling their ranks who have been subjected to four years of woke propaganda. I would call it entryism, which it kind of is, except it doesn't take much to subvert an insitution when the overwhelming majority of your generational cohort already believes what you do. Every insitution that is not explicitly right-wing/conservative/anti-woke and requires college graduates is subjected to this. Turns out, a lot of insitutions meet this definition, including most of the important ones.
Even if the game developers themselves are mildy resistant to woke ideology on account of their nerdiness (a fact I am not convinced of, but for the sake of the argument), the HR, Payroll, Executive Support etc teams are all full of woke graduates.
I've said it before, but I probably should say it more. If you want to stop 'wokeness', you have to target the academy first and foremost. Otherwise, we are just going to keep reaching "peak wokeness" every year.
I remember a decade and more ago people - back when the woke were called "SJWs", people would just brush them off as silly college kids, it's just a college thing that won't affect the 'real' world. Turns out, those college graduates actually had to go somewhere after college.
Notably, this thesis has to account for a control group- Roman Catholic seminaries.
Seminaries are generally agreed, by everyone with actual knowledge of the situation on the ground, to sit well to the left of their median graduate. The most basic available course of study is a non-watered down masters degree and doctorates are common, so we can assume human capital is at least semi-elite. Seminary professors and rectors enjoy much more respect among the student body than is the norm at universities and there are no TA’s. It’s also a totalizing, residential institution which heavily restricts student’s internet access and reading material and doesn’t allow phones. Yet new priests grow steadily more conservative over time.
The actual difference, I think, is that the Catholic right is good at appealing to high human capital and other right wingers are not.
I think this might be true based on my experience with other contexts – I don't know practically anything about Catholic seminaries. But I suspect what's going on is perhaps a bit more nuanced; I think the non-Catholic right has plenty of good human capital, at least in some areas [for instance I suspect the best Protestant colleges in the US are probably as good or better than the best Catholic colleges].
Gotta think about why that is. Some ideas:
If either of these are true it would suggest that the LDS is also better at appealing to high human capital for the same reasons. I am not sure if that's the case or not – I don't have enough experience with the broader LDS community.
Catholic institutions(eg, Notre Dame) do seem to be the main high-prestige route available for Italian and Slavic Americans, who are too white to be non-legacy admits at the conventional ivies and too recent to be legacy admits. It’s possible that this is a factor- and Italian and Slavic Americans are a bit to the right of other Ellis islanders.
But Irish-Americans should have the same factor apply, and they would push things left.
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If that were the case, wouldn't it apply to Roman Catholic undergraduates as well as to seminarians?
I'm not Catholic nor close to Catholic seminaries, so this is just spitballing: I wonder if the situation can be explained by the facts that Roman Catholic seminarians are a relatively captive audience regardless of how liberal the institution is (in a way that Baptist seminarians, say, are not) and that young Catholic seminarians are heavily preselected for cultural and theological conservatism in a way that their professors weren't.
There is some evidence that this is at least partially true, but I don’t think an uncomplicated case can be made about it.
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