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Culture War Roundup for the week of August 12, 2024

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Inflation has dissolved the buying power of everybody to the degree that fast food is becoming non viable as a business model, and politicians are running on price controls, deficit spending and giving free money to buyers to inflate assets even more.

It's hard not to fall into end of empire clichés here. If the Fed cuts late and unemployment strikes too at these prices, you're going to see a lot of misery.

Remember to buy assets and not take too strong political sides and you may end up an oligarch at the end of this. But short of some miracle, the future of the common man is looking pretty grim.

Fast food is less viable because the real, inflation-adjusted wages of fast food workers have increased like 100% since 2019. People who made $10 an hour pre-COVID now make $25, a vastly above-inflation increase. US fast food prices are now closer to those of rich European countries like Switzerland and Norway.

People who made $10 an hour pre-COVID now make $25

This is a nitpick but it was more like going from $8 to $13 outside of HCOL areas and/or areas with obscenely high minimum wages. I don't think this has much bearing on your point however, given how these things scale.

So outside of the economic bubble areas where wages grew by 250%, they instead only grew by 60%.

So many dollars have been created that people don't actually know what a dollar's even worth any more. Realignment (and worth noting the first realignment of this sort in the American Empire's history; remember, the UK took 300 years to fully pay off the South Sea Company debt) is not going to be pretty.

Remember to buy assets

What assets specifically do you have in mind?

Land, Stocks, Gold, Bitcoin, Ammunition, Collectible Lego sets, anything that isn't US Treasuries or derivatives thereof. And in particular anything that is safe from seizure.

History shows most of this stuff tends to fluctuate highly in value during economic crises, and some of it can get wiped out by war, economic repression, etc; but government paper is by far the worst performer.

Granted it doesn't always lose, sometimes governments do manage to dig themselves out of the hole by seizing enough assets, but it's rare indeed for currency holders to come out on top. Much more common is the scenario where government prints itself out of debt by rendering the currency worthless.

Picture what happened in Russia in the 90s where they printed and distributed stock certificates to all ex soviet citizens. Those that kept the stock and bought it from others are now oligarchs, those that sold the certificates for food fell prey to starvation, drugs and misery in general. Avoid that position, try to secure autonomy for your daily needs and hold onto assets long term.

Remember to buy assets and not take too strong political sides and you may end up an oligarch at the end of this. But short of some miracle, the future of the common man is looking pretty grim.

I think this is true.

Every time there is even the whiff of a recession, the Federal Reserve and the U.S. government come in with helicopter money, pushing asset prices up to new heights. House prices increasingly grow out of reach for normal people.

Speculators, on the other hand, have been rewarded immensely in the post-2008 regime. For example, if you bought $10,000 of TQQQ (Triple-levered NASDAQ) in 2010, you would now have $1.47 million. In theory, the TQQQ should get wiped out every few years during market downturns. But we don't get those anymore because even the threat of a recession brings in more helicopter money. Even Covid was just a blip.

We are well and truly on the way to national ruin no matter who wins, but a Harris election will hasten it greatly.