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Culture War Roundup for the week of May 27, 2024

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Simple answers should ring alarm bells. Opinions framed as The Truth(tm) should have them blaring. Sachs' Ukraine comments seems to live in same epistemic universe as John Mearsheimer - expressed in his 2015 talk here, which subsequently went incredibly viral during the full invasion. So it's definitely an opinion and not The Truth. It's hard to understate the popular appeal of Mearsheimer's message (its arguably the most rapidly and widely circulated wonky political lecture in human history). Mearsheimer could be correct. I think his arguments about NATO expansion are best rebutted by the archives here, this article here, with a quick overview here

For a great steelman of Mearsheimer POV I highly recommend the rapid and very accessible 2018 book by contemporary Stephen M Walt: "The Hell of Good Intentions". I found it largely persuasive on many accounts. (FWIW, with regard specifically to "not one inch east" I think it's 60% myth, 80% rhetoric, and 100% irrelevant because no binding paperwork was ever signed, let alone with an extant entity. NATO expansion in general is more contentions IMO).

I also think those the Palestinians are animated by more than mere terrestrial concerns. Sachs stating that all Israel needs to do is assure peace and statehood is outrageous. Asserting such a wild opinion is True only redounds to my incredulity. AFAIK the intractability of the Israel / Palestine conflict is well earned.

Sachs stating that all Israel needs to do is assure peace and statehood is outrageous.

If Israel abandoned the settlements in the west bank and ceded a strip between there and gaza to make a contiguous polity, it would not stop 100% of the Palestinians who are pissed off that Israel exists at all, but it would surely take the wind out of their sails enough to make Jihad unfashionable

I desperately want to agree with you. My proposal for something fair looks nearly identical to yours. However, the impetus for jihadism (and the settlements) is not motivated by practical, worldly concerns. Jihadists (and settlers IME) frequently describe their motivations in religious terms. They claim certainty the creator of the universe, giver of eternal life, and sole reason for existing, would be pleased if they die for the cause of removing the Jews from Israel (provided the Jews don't pay the jizya).

The iraqi people were saying similar things, then we carpet bombed them with mcdonalds and porn, now you don't hear much about Iraq anymore

(I'm being cheeky but I really do think a good contiguous chunk of land would take all the wind out of the Palestinians' sails)

Israel ceded all settlements in Gaza and exhumed Jews buried there before fully pulling out in 2005. The Gazans elected Hamas and nineteen years later, here we are.