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User ID: 947
Guessing an island nation, looking at every gdp/capita at US$4k+/-1 under 1 million population. Could just be a subnational region of course.
Evergreen if island: improve and modernize port infrastructure.
If there's going to be that much agricultural development, business importing and fully repairing tractors, with apprenticeships and courses for proper tractor use and care for farmers, proper repair for mechanically inclined locals.
Since it's a fun thread... more than a decade ago I enjoyed a series called When Cheese Fails, a Starcraft II commentary show where two Canadians reviewed games in which one player attempts to "cheese" (use very un-orthodox or unsportsmanlike strategies which may be contempt worthy). is where I first ever heard of Destiny. Even if you don't care about older starcraft ii, it might be interesting as a time capsule of gamer culture at the time in terms of both sexual and racial humor.
Imagine being at a party and saying you work at a health insurance company. Total hatred from almost everyone.
"Yeah, I'm stuck working for Health Insurance Co right now, it sucks- know anywhere hiring [for skillset X]?" got me sympathy and suggestions. Granted, I wasn't claims or legal, but I know people who've worked in both and it's not the social penalty you'd expect from redditors, at least in Alabama. Similarly, someone can mention having an investment property and there isn't frothing at the mouth.
It's been 15 years, but I think I liked Pegg's Corruption of Angels, but would have preferred to check out from library than buy for class.
They also would take in retirement age nobility as well. Genius solution if you're an earl or duke stuck with a harridan MIL.
Samoset was the one who first met them and asked for beer in some English he had learned from fishermen. Squanto was a more effective translator because he knew more English, having been enslaved by English people, sold to the Spanish, getting out of Spain to England, and living in London until he could return home (only to discover his birth village/tribe had died out in the meantime).
Is the poem "Ozymandias" familiar to you? If so, did you first encounter it in one place, but it became more memorable later in a different circumstance?
Looking at 2001 or 2002 looks particularly fun. Wonder if it will be brought back successfully next year.
Second adaptations weren't nearly as common back then, and I think part of the satisfaction with Brotherhood is because the first adaptation didn't land properly at all. It's been ~20 years, but the whole
Designed 1904,
Best guess is that half are extremely dismissive of the suggestion of a resemblance, half secretly agree but find it hilarious and just another eccentric quirk of the school.
Well, hope this Jared character has more fun at W&L. When he puts the decal that every alumnus is mandated to put on their car, I sincerely hope people don't confuse it for a swastika, as has happened to guys I know.
One of my mom's best friends was a sorority mom at Bama from ~2010-2020. Happy to forward her any questions I can't answer myself. I graduated from Bama around 10 years ago, but like George_E_Hale did not join a frat. He mentions The Machine, which is very interesting if you're into Alabama politics. I haven't seen any comment mentioning test banks of xeroxed/scanned copies of tests, notes, assignments of previous students- this would have actually interested me at the time. Dark grey moral choice in a previous era of education, but probably light grey at this point.
As far as the conservative Christian father's concerns about paying a shitload of money to put his daughter in this environment, being a promiscuous alcoholic drug addict dropout is trivially easy for any American woman over the age of 16 or so. The sorority actively polices both pledges and members so that they do not get a reputation of a bunch of dumb drunk sluts, and in a way that is fanatically more authoritarian than what he could ever hope to get away with.
Heh, I participated in a previous discussion where "only women really say watashi" came up here (I still can't speak or read Japanese)
Just once, I'd like to see a protagonist with a game overlay try to clip through a corner by repeatedly crouch jumping.
As far as History of the Peloponnesian War, maybe make that the first half of your Friday class or similar? Also, Landmark Thucydides kicks ass as an edition.
Maybe try and force consistent translations for the epics? Fagles did a great job.
It's a bit unorthodox, but you could try to teach the kids to skim read properly, the funeral games in the Aeneid and also some of the same-y parts in Italy.
In the medieval course, I'd throw in Beowulf or Song of Roland. Going from Boethius to Dante is too much of a historical gap imo. Maybe also selections from Canterbury Tales or Decameron?
Open class discussion or even brief personal essay on "Why Bad Things Happen To Good People" before tackling Job might make the text more interesting, having articulated their personal beliefs.
For what it's worth, I thought the 2014 Sony Pictures hack was hilarious and saw it as a vague fargroup vs vile neargroup.
Thanks! I've done it correctly on reddit dozens of times, thought that was what I had done here, and was impotently raging about it. I'll keep this moment to be patient when doing tech support for my elderly relatives.
That's what it looks like I've done to me...
Having tried to edit, I have no idea why that link isn't formatting correctly.
So, there's Most of What You Read on the Internet is Written by Insane People and then there's my question of what if it's not really an "online" problem- maybe in the old USSR insane believers were writing for Pravda in offices and insane nonbelievers were writing samizdat on smuggled typewriters in various dachas and basements.
So how should we react if political enthusiasm in years past was pretty much "astroturf" as well? 1776 was kinda a masonic plot, was a bad mood in Boston about stupid bullshit taxes by foreign assholes and their quartered thuggish troops carefully managed lest it turn against a local landlord or obnoxious priest or any other problem or cool over time?
Epyon, probably.
I didn't see 08th MS Team as a kid c. 2000, but asked for Gundam model kits for birthday and got a Gouf Custom, first kit I put together more patiently in one sitting. Fond memories of the kit. Didn't actually see the scene of it in action until a few years ago
Yeah, same here. Mayflower Society?
Identity based progressivism, usually recent aggressive illiberal status seeking strains.
Forces outside my control or understanding can determine my entire life- my parents certainly did when I was little! But if I have no actual agency ever then I'd like to petition a higher power to turn my consciousness off forever.
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"49%- speak a language other than English at home or as a first language"
Given an 11% international share that's genuinely pretty fucking weird.
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