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The state of children transitioners is in my not so charitable opinion a giant Munchausen by proxy from the mothers being enabled by society. You don't get to consent to sex as a child, you shouldn't even have the concept of being the wrong gender/sex mix. If we could somehow blanket out from the children memeplex the concept of gender we could save them and ourselves so much grief.
You can't decide you should be a boy or a girl different from what you were born if you don't have the names for these concepts. At worst you could decide you're a tomboy or an effete guy.
Can't find the exact videos with the little dots as the explosion happens, some of the ones I had saved seem to have been scrubbed from youtube. Belive me. It was there, I was watching that shit as it unfolded and videos were posted on 4chan and other sites. The little dots were hitting the cameras, the artefacts centered around the explosion point.
Edit: Specifically, there was a video from much closer to the explosion, with a woman wailing that showed the little particles striking the ccd at and around the center of the explosion.
Venn diagram will have an almost complete overlap
The colloquial use of Venn diagrams overlapping more or less are nonsensical. Venn Diagrams encode set conjunction and disjunction/intersection, not how much of a set is the same as another.
The US/UAE/Israel droped a tactical nuke on a Yemen city a few years back ( yes complete with camera CCD scintillation ). So at this point anything's possible.
Venn diagrams don't use areas
Afghanistan was bombed relentlessly for 20 years
That was more about justifying military spending, if they really wanted to end Afghanistan they could have, easily.
And I can tell them "stop being sexist".
Hows that working out for you?
Just look at the absolute self own for the prog side that one school did recently when they forced a bunch of school girls to be present in the same locker room as a trans student while they were changing, that's after the girls were putting up a stink and walked out previously so as not to be in the same changing room as the trans student.
You don't get to self-identify for anything. It's that simple. You say you are a woman? You're not. You say you are a man? You're not. You say you are a William or Katherine? You ain't. You are identified by others as what you are. You can't be Jack for 40 years and suddenly decide to be Bruce, you're just Jack lying about who he is. Ditto for all the gender shit.
I've seen inline images in footnotes travel as attachments when replying in an e-mail thread, it would be interesting if this is something different.
What's your opinion on the original slutty doorknob?
I'm absolutely convinced the thai submarine diver pedoguy incident was directionally correct. You've got a middle aged British dude in Thailand, that's a huge red flag.
Can you give us the raw mime dump of the email? In a pastebin for example
No, Macron's wife is a grooming pedo which managed to groom herself a president.
Color me doubly impressed:
Finished an amulet today. It is crafted of marble. It menaces with spikes of jet. It menaces with spikes of onyx. It depicts an image of an Elephant. It depicts an image of a goblin. It depicts an image if a human. It depicts an image of a dwarf. It depicts an image of me. The elephant is on fire. The goblin is on fire. The human is on fire. The dwarf is on fire. I am on fire. The elephant is screaming. The goblin is screaming. The human is screaming. The dwarf is screaming. I am screaming." -Kith, unknown date
It's pretty good at following instructions, it's hilarious giving it prompts but translated to other languages, the quality of the images noticably degrades the more obscure the language.
Unfortunately it's also censored to hell and back, it just refused to add a Cyberpunk style Razorgirl into a Noire inspired image, guess we need to add Prude AI to our future dystopias.
Are you not at all concerned about the possible neuropathy/blinding side effects?
What stops the Trump admin from gitmoing the guy instead with those tasty war on terror carte blanche laws?
Every day that goes by, the Progressives on X complaining about Zionist influence in American society are starting to sound more and more like their right-wing counterparts. Who can blame them when they are forced to face the stark reality of hard power when they want to protest Israel?
Who can blame them indeed, one of the most red-pilling bits of information for me was learning congress critters each had a "personal" AIPAC handler, they all had "a guy". Their own personal guy.
Ian Carroll is controlled oppo, he's def some kind of glowie, he was being pushed on me on youtube/facebook and even 4chan. In exactly the ways other people get shadow banned for even smirking about cookie baking math, this guy was being pushed by the algo. Just looking at his mug makes me close the tab.
Not only was he offering a bailout for free to save face in front of his constituency, but most of those "minerals"/natural resources are already under Russian territorial control.
Trump is monumentally unpopular in Europe
In the media? Sure, among the plebs? Not so much.
The result will be that right-wing parties in these countries will likely have to distance themselves from Trump, and even that may not be enough to restore their pre-Trump election hopes
This is pure copium. If anything, Trump's shenanigans will be a boon to the various dissident right-wing parties in the EU.
I can tell you the same mechanism reduces viral viability with other viruses too, also just look at hydroxychloroquine, and niclosamide, same basic mechanism.
You know Jellico was pretty based. Much more reasonable seeming on secondary viewing.
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The "social transitioning" (ie teachers and staff hiding from the parents whats going on) is also an absolute shit show and a major own goal by the coalition of the ascendant.
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