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Not only was he offering a bailout for free to save face in front of his constituency, but most of those "minerals"/natural resources are already under Russian territorial control.
Trump is monumentally unpopular in Europe
In the media? Sure, among the plebs? Not so much.
The result will be that right-wing parties in these countries will likely have to distance themselves from Trump, and even that may not be enough to restore their pre-Trump election hopes
This is pure copium. If anything, Trump's shenanigans will be a boon to the various dissident right-wing parties in the EU.
I can tell you the same mechanism reduces viral viability with other viruses too, also just look at hydroxychloroquine, and niclosamide, same basic mechanism.
You know Jellico was pretty based. Much more reasonable seeming on secondary viewing.
Which part is directionally incorrect? Fauci funneling money for research of gain of function then hiding it and laying through his teeth to congress? Fauci colluding with scientists to retain media control of the narrative? Scientists directly involved or benefiting from the gain of function research releasing bogus papers with the sole purpose of creating FUD to deflect from the accurate information the same exact lab did experiments on these viruses. The absolutely bullshit assertion the fluorine cleavage site could have occurred naturally in that particular combination?
How about doctors careers being threatened for not going along with the party line about covid and its treatments? Maybe the fucking 1984 panopticon style control of media channels with Facebook/Reddit/Twitter and Youtube shadow banning people, shadow banning search terms. Those Orwellian fact checker boxes under posts? What else was directionally incorrect., having to use retard speak like "the virus of unknown origin" or videos literally getting murdered in the algorytm of youtube if you mention the word "news" and your channel isn't on the pre-approved list of "trust worthy" news networks.
I can tell you ivermectin literally works by making the cells inner PH less conductive to fully forming the viral capsid.
Research indicates that ivermectin can inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in cell cultures, with a single treatment able to reduce virus levels by about 5000-fold at 48 hours post-infection
What prevents a helpful billionaire from buying out Narcan and jacking up the price 100x?
but most of it wasn't lies
Oh there were blatant lies and ass covering. Absurd bullshit dictats galore. In order to get their emergency funding they waged a gaslighting campaign with the full help of media to portray actual, helpful remedies as being on the same tier as flat earthers and ancient aliens. Anti-retrovirals worked, Ivermectin worked well enough but it had to be destroyed so there were no "effective" medicines widely available.
They were banning people left and right, censoring even the concept of the whole thing being an accidentally leaked bio weapon from a chinese lab, turns out the bloody fucker who stood there before the cameras telling us how its oh so natural a bat fucked a cat or whatever, he authorized funding of gain of function research through proxies, a thing they were explicitly told to stop doing years ago. So no. Fuck these people.
Because it's about compelled speech, it has always been about using language to force people into declaring acceptance. See the pronouns shit in company e-mails, and in Canada it's literally illegal now not to play along.
Russia has no more right to demand subservience from Ukraine than the US does from Canada or Mexico.
You're just wrong on the face of it. It's realpolitik, lets not indulge in transparent lies. If China decided to have a little color revolution of their own in mexico, the us would be taking that government over faster than you can blink.
Oh you can definitely feel something where it doesn't exist, or you could feel a body part is different than it should be. I've had some "leg" pain induced by a pinched nerve and the probem was at the spine but the feeling of pain was "general" and felt impossible to locate where exactly on the whole leg the pain was coming from. But the pain was serious enough and actually felt as the whole leg, it made me writhe for a few seconds when it decided to pulsate its ugly head. The only solution was pain killers for a while.
Try wearing a ring for an extended period of time then remove it and touch with another finger of the same hand where the ring used to be. It's a strange feeling.
That same meme but Nick Land hyperdosing on experimental chem analogs and the fall of western democracy.
And praised China's "strength" for Tiananmen square, while lamenting that we're not strong like that and that we should be stronger
After learning Tiananmen Square was a Soros funded color-revolution, I sort of get it. They had it coming. Funny how our own media never talks who instigated and funded that protest. Oh the soldiers crushed the protesting students under their heels, shot them and bulldozed them with tanks? Good.
biking and running
In the desert? How many nuclear reactors are you going to dedicate to hydrating that place?
I bet a money shuffling numbers priest would laugh at the prospect of his entire profession going up in a puff of smart contract enforced smoke.
I'm not about to start defining pagannes, but for one if you're polytheistic you can't claim not to be a pagan faith. If you're doing stupid voodoo-woo-woo tier shit you can't claim not to be pagans.
I'd be absolutely fine with an agency dedicated to "fucking shit up" and personally wrecking these fraudulent people's whole industry. Maybe there should be staffers from DOGE personally assigned to each of these medical companies, with their sole job being scrutinizing their financials, practice, hell maybe DOGE should be in the e-mail/phone loop with each doctor that's being billed shit.
Use modern tech, hell involve publicly auditable blockchains if you must. A god damned public read only SQL database would even be a start.
Maybe you shouldn't let people through immigration at all. Maybe the people you do let in should stake a good X amt of currency denominated in USD for the privilege of entering. They can have their money back when they leave if they don't suffer from TB on their way out.
survivors will be fertile soil for Usama bin-Ladin 2.0 or some other radical cultists.
That's fine, as long as we don't have our very own glowies issuing passports/visas to known fighters so they can come train how to fly airplanes in the US. And also if we don't import half-their country to a single US state, we'll be fine.
It's still a hostage puppy, if it was so important to have these millions for the poor people dying of TB then maybe soros or the whole of the EU can pitch in a few millions to go cure people, hell, go ask China for a belt and road initiative to fund some medical relief.
The ancient Hebrews were not pagans
Press X to doubt. Prior to the retcon positioning the volcano god of war as the only god (elohim) they so were. Guess why one of the commandments is not to worship other Elohim above the big G. I'd argue they still are with all the pagan tier rituals they love so much. Spinning a chicken to transfer your sins to them before killing them? C'mon.
If there's anyone who can bring imperialism (with the eagles) back it would be Trump. Perhaps I'm a dreamer, but it's a beautiful dream.
Yes. Especially their influence for propagating circumcision on the west.
Is there a universe in which a contrived set of laws allows the executive to blanket ban all NGOs (Russia/China) style?
The more we refer to the priestly caste the more I am reminded of Babylon 5.
"Three castes: worker, religious, warrior."
"They build, you pray, we fight."
– Neroon of the Warrior Caste to Delenn of the Religious Caste
What happened to the worker caste in the US? The religious caste outsourced everything?
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