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User ID: 930



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User ID: 930

Sticking with the "professional" theorycrafter crew bit, I'd be more impressed with Elon if he made an e-sports team to play PoE or whatever than watch him stream playing PoE himself.

No, D4 is just babymode. POE is much more systematically rich, more like D2, but richer.

In addition to what erwgv3g34 said, there were some commie/trans mods hired at some point, you couple that with Lowtax stop givving a fuck what happens to the forum and you get the SJWing of SA.

or is every man a creepy sexpest

Person + power = sexcapades is pretty universal, women love to do that shit too

The only thing I know about Neil Gaiman is he wrote American Gods, I haven't read the book but watched some of the TV series adaptation. It was mildly ok, anytime the feather indian or black gods were referenced there was an absurd level of self-righteous wankery and anti-white wish fulfilment. Also for some reason a middle eastern Mystical Gay Djinn gave a guy god-aids. Other than that the premise was cute.

Early 4chan had a good overlap with somethingawful before SA turned into a pinko-sj hellhole.

The decline of rome in barista form lmao

Paul Rudd is 100% ashkenazi

Press X to doubt. He's like at least 50% Italian by SOME kind of proxy.

I literally can not sit down and read a book after a whole day of starting at a screen with text on it. I just manage sneaking in some audiobooks when traveling between cities or rarely on a chill saturday.

I don't believe that Rotherham is worse because the men were foreigners

It is, if they were native brits this wouldn't have happened. Those in power are not only cowardly the are also traitors.

Trump is going to be pro-tech and pro-space. The democrats and god forbid greens(non existent), would rather destroy Space-X and anything else Elon has touched out of spite. They would tell you its better to feed and clothed the random assemblage of voting constituency they have than to reach mars. They have made themselves the enemy of space exploration, so screw them, let them burn.

Doesn't really matter, does it? They had a bog standard polytheistic mish-mash of various gods / "elohim". With serious cribbing from other religions in the region. Half the shit in the old testament is Egyptian/Babylonian with the names filed off.

That's the whole point of Christianity. If Jesus is just some preacher, and not the son of God, the whole enterprise is worthless

Gee wiz, The fastest way to become an atheist is to learn the history of the early jewish/christian faith and the shenanigans the people who wrote, and over-wrote the bible got into.

An ostensibly pagan polytheistic faith, rewritten to drop all the other gods and focus purely on the god of war. Later reclaimed and used as a cudgel by the romans to consolidate a fraying empire.

Of course, the natural end game is that all law is done by LLMs. O1 is arguably already superhuman at parsing large documents. Recently, there was a bogus scientific study about plastic from cooking spatulas causing negative health effects. It turns out the authors made an order-of-magnitude error in a basic calculation. It was missed by human reviewers. Someone ran it through O1. It found the error immediately.

I have a great pitch for AI proofing internal communications, all intra-business e-mail is done over a synthetic language which features N-words and other verboten lingo and concepts by the current regime. Lets see them use AI to disentangle that which they have worked so hard to censor.

Harmful opinions

Ah yes, such agency, much wow. Supporting Nazi larping snipers and having CIA handlers on the ground, very democracy, lots of self determination. Russia also wouldn't be invading Ukraine if NATO wasn't trying to cut them off the black sea.

and genocide the Ukrainian nation

If they wanted to genocide the Ukrainin nation they would have nuked it already.

straightforward market mechanics

Shutting down the economy and fucking the global economy over "covid", trash anti-fosil fuel economy politics isn't "straightforward market mechanics".

There are a lot more people closer to power than "health insurance company CEO", I would wish grave bodily harm to.

This guy was killed for "personal" reasons, not hatred of people in power.

You can buy stolen or cloned credit cards pretty easily, ditto for burner phones.

the guy had no coherent worldview

Don't spread that shit. That's definitely not true. The one that got his ear was def in the orbit of globo-alternative-sexual-lifestyle and the other one was literally recruiting for Ukraine.

If this indeed was revenge for family being denied insurance leading to death, my only regret is the shooter didn't go for his wife and two children instead of him. Yeah you can kill a guy, but what's worse would be to delete his legacy.

  • -29

Because if we weaken the norm that powerful countries can't just annex other countries

What norm? There is no such norm.

The us overthrew a democratically elected leader from Ukraine and installed a puppet.

The us has been engaging in fuckery funding terrorists in the middle east, assassinating Haitian presidents and countless other "norm breaking". Israel has been bombing military generals inside other countries sovereign territory.

At this point if the Russians decide to start assassinating US military command staff on US soil, I wouldn't bat an eye.

Horizon: Forbidden West
Spider Man 2
Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Mortal Kombat 1 ( heard they are covering the women up, haven't played it myself)

If a man can successfully pass as a woman then he should be allowed to use women's restroom

Here's the thing with that, they never do unless they are literally pre-puberty (so not a man) or on T-blockers from before puberty or asian (inherent low T). That's why they are pushing the acceptability boundary even to those who don't try to pass. Trying to make it so its taboo to question the ones who obviously don't even while trying. Like those absolute delusional people on reddit who claim trains woman are all around you and you simply can't tell, the reality of the situation is anything but.

We are literally tolerating Puppy/Dog/Furries in the military. There are even images of them wearing their uniforms with the bondage dog masks. None of them have been dishonorably discharged for their shenanigans.