BANNED USER: racebaiting, repeated trolling
>Unban in 49d 12h 26m
Messenger Status: Shot
The neighborhood of Hampstead is just at present exercised with a series of events which seem to run on lines parallel to those of what was known to the writers of headlines and "The Kensington Horror," or "The Stabbing Woman," or "The Woman in Black." During the past two or three days several cases have occurred of young children straying from home or neglecting to return from their playing on the Heath. In all these cases the children were too young to give any properly intelligible account of themselves, but the consensus of their excuses is that they had been with a "bloofer lady." It has always been late in the evening when they have been missed, and on two occasions the children have not been found until early in the following morning. It is generally supposed in the neighborhood that, as the first child missed gave as his reason for being away that a "bloofer lady" had asked him to come for a walk, the others had picked up the phrase and used it as occasion served. This is the more natural as the favorite game of the little ones at present is luring each other away by wiles. A correspondent writes us that to see some of the tiny tots pretending to be the"bloofer lady" is supremely funny. Some of our caricaturists might, he says, take a lesson in the irony of grotesque by comparing the reality and the picture. It is only in accordance with general principles of human nature that the "bloofer lady" should be the popular role at these al fresco performances.
User ID: 628
Banned by: @Amadan
The Chinese may be smart but they're uninspired robots was always finest grade copium. It turns out that in the end whites as a race are certifiably mid and they don't take the news of this very well.
EDIT: I protest this ban. I sincerely mean what I say here and don't think calling whites mid as a race is even an insult, it would only be perceived as such by someone who puts particular pride in the race they were born into by chance. Had I said blacks as a race are mid nobody would have raised even a peep (and fwiw, my opinion of whites is higher than my opinion of blacks).
I'm not joking or trolling here. Seriously considering decamping off to Twitter at this moment (would have been Bluesky because I think the algorithm there is better, but alas, like for lots of other things, the worst thing about Bsky is the people there).
It turns out that in the end whites as a race are certifiably mid and they don't take the news of this very well.
Really proving the point of my statement with that ban.
With AMD's upcoming Strix Halo you'll be able to run the 70 billion parameter version of R1 on a consumer laptop. Imagine the power we'll have in our hands! It's the first time I've felt genuinely excited for a new generation of consumer hardware chips in like a decade!
No, that's Denuvo, Denali were actually an early modern Afghan Empire.
No, you're thinking of Denarii. Denali were an ancient Irish dynasty.
The sort of skills you'd expect from people who are IQ 120+ on average. Lower than that and they'll be made obsolete by AI well before their expected end of working life and now you're just stuck with them and their descendants forever.
This problem is retarded. The farmer is allowed to carry 2 items which means that at any point he's leaving only at most one thing behind, which can't be eaten because there's nothing around to eat it. He can do literally anything he wants as long as he ensures that there's only one thing left on the bank he's setting off from at all time.
Like this also works:
Farmer takes wolf and goat to right bank
Farmer returns with wolf (or goat, what matters is he returns with one thing) to left bank
Farmer takes cabbage + thing he came with to right bank
Problem solved
The real problem is when the farmer is only allowed to carry one thing at a time.
(currently still Denali... for now)
They seem to have a rather amazing capacity for Denali...
It looks like very soon Denali will go back to just being a river in Africa...
Dems need to ralize they have a very effective wedge against the GOP if they can just focus their efforts on supporting and increasing high skill immigration which pretty much every analysis finds are massively positive in expectation rather than presenting a weak flank through their advocacy for illegals crossing the border. "Shut down the border and quadruple the amount of legal migrants" is a winning formula, Dems just need to run with it.
It's decidable. Either every sequence of n zeros appears in pi in which case L is all sequences of zeros of finite length and your algorithm just checks whether your input sequence is all zeros. Alternatively there is a maximum N and your algorithm then just checks if the length of your sequence of zeros is at most N. Now we don't know which of these two cases it is but regardless of what the ground truth is one of the two procedures above works, hence the set is decidable.
We very desperately need the global big asset price crash, preferably applied to housing more than stocks (but American stocks also need a good hammering, less so other countries' stocks).
Have to admit that freeing Ulbricht was based. Wasn't expecting this to actually happen (thought it was just another empty promise by the king of empty promises).
Deepseek R1 is surprisingly good. My go to when testing out a new LLM is to open a new chat and ask "Amuse me". R1 started out with a trite joke but when admonished for it moved up to a higher and more interesting level, comping up with a scenario about a world where your hair colour changes whenever you tell a lie and the social dynamics it would have (invest in hair colour companies). Definitely something which prompted 15 seconds of thought in me.
Most LLMs are significantly worse at this, they don't realize I'm not looking for humour but rather amusement and keep on putting out more and more verbose jokes.
Only good thing I've been hearing from Trump's mouth are his continued support of legal immigration. That and his culture war salvos against DEI etc.
You're not getting court precedent against birthright citizenship without a constitutional amendment. This is a slam dunk lawsuit.
I'll bet he could have run for president and won if he had tried it seriously.
And I thought I had a low opinion of the average man!
Clever idea: Create a robot moderator which queries the website both through itself and through incognito mode every say 5 minutes. If it sees posts present on its own version but not the incognito one it knows the post has been filtered. It can than auto approve it since it has mod privileges.
Fuck $TRUMP, I'm buying $HANANIA.
It already has a market cap of $12 million and I trust Hanania an order of magnitude more than Trump to do what's best for everyone.
Shroud is also symmetrical, hexproof is the non symmetrical version of that.
Teflon is very strong, it's like a better Shroud.
you should be suspicious of a serious mormon who drinks like a normal person, even if normal drinking behaviour is not concerning per se
Very much so. I am Muslim and am always slightly concerned when I see another Muslim-esque person drink in a way that I'm not if I see a white westerner drink.
Freudian slip, what can I say...
The answer to which is that what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms has indirect effects on me. If I am a woman and the other women around me freely sleep around in an effort to land a better mate then I am directly disadvantaged if I wish to keep my chastity and not gamble on getting my heart broken.
It's not like this is a new insight or anything, it's standard externalities which we've known how to reason about for centuries now. Your objection is like saying: what business is it of your what people do on their private property when on their property they're running 24/7 diesel generators modified to roll coal that then lead to extremely bad local air quality for everyone in the neighbourhood.
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Intelligence, creativity, humour, how good they look after age 30, you name it etc. etc.
True creativity comes through working with constraints imposed like China (be it sanctions or cost pressure or whatever). Unconstrained problems are often underdetermined which means every midwit can find their own "unique" solution which then lets them pretend they are special.
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