Officially long $HANANIA!
The neighborhood of Hampstead is just at present exercised with a series of events which seem to run on lines parallel to those of what was known to the writers of headlines and "The Kensington Horror," or "The Stabbing Woman," or "The Woman in Black." During the past two or three days several cases have occurred of young children straying from home or neglecting to return from their playing on the Heath. In all these cases the children were too young to give any properly intelligible account of themselves, but the consensus of their excuses is that they had been with a "bloofer lady." It has always been late in the evening when they have been missed, and on two occasions the children have not been found until early in the following morning. It is generally supposed in the neighborhood that, as the first child missed gave as his reason for being away that a "bloofer lady" had asked him to come for a walk, the others had picked up the phrase and used it as occasion served. This is the more natural as the favorite game of the little ones at present is luring each other away by wiles. A correspondent writes us that to see some of the tiny tots pretending to be the"bloofer lady" is supremely funny. Some of our caricaturists might, he says, take a lesson in the irony of grotesque by comparing the reality and the picture. It is only in accordance with general principles of human nature that the "bloofer lady" should be the popular role at these al fresco performances.
User ID: 628
You're not getting court precedent against birthright citizenship without a constitutional amendment. This is a slam dunk lawsuit.
I'll bet he could have run for president and won if he had tried it seriously.
And I thought I had a low opinion of the average man!
Clever idea: Create a robot moderator which queries the website both through itself and through incognito mode every say 5 minutes. If it sees posts present on its own version but not the incognito one it knows the post has been filtered. It can than auto approve it since it has mod privileges.
Fuck $TRUMP, I'm buying $HANANIA.
It already has a market cap of $12 million and I trust Hanania an order of magnitude more than Trump to do what's best for everyone.
Shroud is also symmetrical, hexproof is the non symmetrical version of that.
Teflon is very strong, it's like a better Shroud.
you should be suspicious of a serious mormon who drinks like a normal person, even if normal drinking behaviour is not concerning per se
Very much so. I am Muslim and am always slightly concerned when I see another Muslim-esque person drink in a way that I'm not if I see a white westerner drink.
Freudian slip, what can I say...
The answer to which is that what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms has indirect effects on me. If I am a woman and the other women around me freely sleep around in an effort to land a better mate then I am directly disadvantaged if I wish to keep my chastity and not gamble on getting my heart broken.
It's not like this is a new insight or anything, it's standard externalities which we've known how to reason about for centuries now. Your objection is like saying: what business is it of your what people do on their private property when on their property they're running 24/7 diesel generators modified to roll coal that then lead to extremely bad local air quality for everyone in the neighbourhood.
At that point it's probably cheaper to buy a bottle of water.
Don't know if there's a ranking but measurement is simple, you just show people a picture of the chair and ask them whether they know its name and then sort by most known. Can also do it the other way around where you show people the name and ask them to pick out which picture represents that chair etc.
Honestly the Herman Miller Aeron is very likely also going to beat the Barcelona chair in such a test, let alone this other "S-shaped, tubular steel, cane-bottomed chair" which I'd wager 95%+ of people wouldn't know of (even though they've probably seen it a few times in their lives). I dislike it immensely because it reminds me of sterilized metal hospital waiting room chairs (not the good private hospital types, those are more the Papa Bear Chair, but your bargain bin NHS hospitals).
My personal favourite design from that era has to be the Womb Chair though. It's extremely comfortable.
the second most famous chair designed in the twentieth century, his own Barcelona chair being first
The Eames chair would like to disagree. These people were so far up their own ass they didn't even notice huge developments happening at the same time as them adjacent to their own aresa. The answer these ******* would probably give is that the Eames chair was made to be comfortable, hence it had utilitarian use and was thus not suitable to be considered a work of art, making it unworthy of comparison to anything they were putting out.
Starbucks in the UK is little different from our other major coffee chains like Costa or Cafe Nero. The cafes are perfectly good places to spend a few hours etc. lounging around. American Starbucks reads like it totally dropped the ball.
The UK absolutely needs to build more even if immigration drops to 0. The UK has ancient housing stock that desperately needs replacing and the so called Green Belt is strangling the country. New builds should be beautiful yes but what counts as beauty should not be up to people living locally because they're personally incentivised to veto construction that's beneficial for the country. More density would be good but barring that more houses anywhere is good as well. If you don't want density you should absolutely hate the Green Belt because it forces dense building in cities by raising land values on buildable land to the point where the only thing that makes economic sense is apartments.
As it should be tbh, and what we would expect if the previous status quo was a world where Asians were being hurt even worse than white people because of DEI (it was).
Alternatively Zuck doesn't give a shit about either the left or the right or free speech or all that jazz, he's playing a different game: maximizing money. This isn't any less moral or worthy than serving the left/right, in fact I'd argue it's more moral than the self contradictory belief systems held by almost everyone on the left/right except for the most principled (probably a few percent of humans, definitely not more than 10%).
That's only because SPX has been getting artificially juiced and prevented by the FED from falling since the financial crisis (note that UPRO was inaugurated in 2009 so all graphs for it start after then). Of course the leveraged strategy overperforms when there's a big force preventing the underlying from naturally correcting. I don't think the Argentinian market has a similarly strong backer for it, and anyways if the Argentinian equivalent of the fed tried to do something like this their economy would shit the bed and then interest rate you'd need to pay to afford 3x leverage would likely wipe out any gains (not to even factor in currency depreciation since presumably you care about USD performance rather than in pesos).
That's what truly unfortunate about it all. Argentina had the world's best performing stock market (in USD terms) last year. However I still wouldn't think it safe to invest there on a longer time horizon than 2 years. In a way it's like a longer half life 3x leveraged ETF: excellent for making money in the short term if things go well but woe unto he who leaves his money in there over time.
(Aside: this is yet another example showing why it is better for humanity if the common man has his ability to influence the world restricted)
Even in Europe nobody takes public transport if they can avoid it.
I can afford a car in London. I still prefer the Elizabeth line.
If you could give me 90 minutes of extra time per day at the cost of only $400 per month I'd consider it the deal of the century and try to make the trade at least 10 times. This is cheaper than the monthly price of a course of GLP-1 agonists for Americans!
Congestion pricing is clearly a good thing. Many of the same people who call for high minimum wages of $15+ an hour are complaining about needing to pay $9 for something that saves them 45 minutes of their time. Either they value their time less than minimum wage (because if you value it at $15 an hour paying $9 to save 45 minutes is a good deal) and are inveterate liars (shame!) in which case we should think less of them or they are not able to put two and two together, in which case we should also think less of them.
This is unfair because it prices out the working class people who drive into Manhattan.
This is the shittiest and most disingenuous argument of them all. 1) is at least superficially plausible, 3) is well, true because of the murderous lunatics on the subway and 4) is a statement of how far certain parts of the US have fallen rather than anything else. 2) though is just wrong because now that working class person if they leave their home at the same time each day are able to get to their workplace and start their time on the clock earlier/leave later at the end of the day to reach home at the same time and even if they're earning NYC minimum wage without overtime they still come out ahead.
We are surrounded by evidence that the common man is an inferior being but we willfully blind ourselves to it. If we could only stop shackling ourselves to the Great Lie that humans are equal we'd progress a lot faster as a species. I do it too to an extent. The paragraph above was limp faced justification for why the system won't really harm the working class, the true Chad answer is "so what if poors are less able to drive into and take up scarce space on Manhattan roads; their loss is more than made up for humanity as a whole by the minutes of time saved by elite human capital who no longer have to share the road with low tier people".
Will people cheat?
The solution for cheaters is simple: just copy what the UK does. London already has a congestion charge and it works well. If anything the amount is not high enough because there's still too much traffic. If you try and cheat you should be handed a $2,000 fine payable within 2 weeks the first time you are caught with your car getting summarily impounded on the spot for repeat offenders. All we now need is the iron to implement this system.
Sure, I agree with that. I'm actually surprised by how many american homes have a central HVAC, the rest of the world already uses wall mounted mini split units everywhere (another benefit is that that you can cool down only certain portions of the house rather than running a massive power guzzler all the time). Plus you can upgrade your system incrementally rather than needing to do a building wide scale change if it turns out that you're not getting enough cooling in a certain part of the structure.
I blame the usual American largesse.
Seems ripe for disruption by a large conglomerate which lets tradespeople syndicate with them and verifies they are not A) Crooks or B) Drug addicts. It gives them a certificate of approval and then they can use that to prove to prospective clients they are decent and thus get more work, no different to how any certification regime (that's not been captured) works at the moment.
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Only good thing I've been hearing from Trump's mouth are his continued support of legal immigration. That and his culture war salvos against DEI etc.
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