Noted. But when I asked if there is a racial explanation for this difference I meant the difference in obesity rates i.e. the obesity rate of black women being much higher.
I recall reading the observation on this forum and on Reddit that such suburban living combines all the disadvantages of urban and rural living. Maybe that’s what these users have in mind? The lack of walkable neighborhoods and third places, your neighbors being boorish and boring etc?
How exactly does affirmative action make black women fatter? I'm not sure it's about food prices.
a shitty neighborhood with no problems
It's sincere.
Only a few decades ago Lee Kuan Yew was lamenting the cultural habit of people pissing in elevators in Singapore.
So...did that problem become bigger or smaller after his rule?
Is there a racial explanation for this difference?
Is there a racial explanation for this?
It wasn't unheard of indeed, but wasn't the norm either. Probably not even in the frontier.
"Rules for dating my daughter" t-shirts, pointedly-gun-cleaning-in-front-of-the-boyfriend rituals, etc,
All those plus purity balls and the like are nothing but desperate, dim-witted but humanly understandable reactions to the harsh reality of the 'complex collapse of traditional sexual morality'. They also seem to be based on the rather flimsy assumption that a great bunch of sexually attractive, thuggish chads are tripping over one another to win the daughter's hand. The sad social reality is that she'll probably get proposed by one, maybe two ordinary dudes, provided that dad isn't around with his silly antics.
but I think it's an insane people describe the natural urge to reproduce as a 'kink' and not, say, the normal outworkings of sexuality
In the current social reality it isn't insane. When the sexual act does take place, it normally does so not only without the intent to procreate but including the implicit intent to prevent procreation. This is the case even though it's a biological fact that the act of heterosexual coupling is usually more enjoyable for both parties where the normal outworking of sexuality does take place. In other words, yes, it's a kink, practically speaking.
I wasn't the one to make the 'joke'. Also, I think the grammatically correct phrase is 'breed with your daughter'.
It actually goes beyond that. If we’re talking about a man and a woman who aged out of their peak fertility already, which in the current state of society is normally the case at first marriage, basically their entire lifestyles need to be oriented around the specific goal of successful conception if they want to have a child ASAP. That is, they need to pay attention to their diets, the ovulation cycle, biological clock, hormone levels etc. Whatever psychological blocks they may have standing in the way of that - which may be entirely possible, as they're basically expected to copulate with the specific intent of breeding for the first time in their lives - also need to be removed through therapy.
To be clear, they generally permit sex without the intent to have children during a woman's naturally occurring infertile times i.e. when her sexual desire is the lowest on average, which seems like a rather dumb policy.
Meh. I wouldn’t fret over this issue. We’re only human, and people’s priorities can change in a short time when circumstances change. If you’re the daughter of an intact middle-class suburban family, you’ll probably be expected by your parents to avoid pregnancy at any cost while you’re a student. But then a couple of years pass and one day you’ll suddenly be expected by them and your other relatives in general to find a husband as soon as possible and get nutted into with the specific intent of getting pregnant. It does seem odd. It’s like one of the Asian-American(?) female commenters here who provided and anecdote about her mother. She kept pestering her with the question “When are you becoming a doctor?” after sending her off to university. Later it instantly turned into “When am I becoming a grandma?” – WTF? That’s the complete opposite of what she kept asking for! I imagine this is what @Sloot was referring to in general.
I suspect the topic didn't arise over dinner but during a private conversation between the fiancee and her mother.
I know girls used to marry and have children at 16 back in the 19th century,
Beyond the Hajnal Line, that is. Definitely not in either the US or Britain. (It's true that the average age at first marriage dropped significantly for both men and women immediately after WW2 in the US, but that trend only lasted a few years and never repeated.)
According to the linked comment, she received the bed as a gift for her 16th birthday, to make her boyfriend feel more comfortable.
Isn't it normally implicitly taken for granted that your daughter is getting creampied after getting married?
but they might also be completely disjoint.
How exactly? I'm not sure there was ever an example of a man who was ever vetted as a marriage prospect but somehow not vetted as a member of the male social order. Also, a woman generally couldn't get married without her father's de facto approval.
in public male social contexts men bear the brunt of the social cost, probably more so in the west
I'm not sure what you mean here. Such a Facebook group wouldn't get anywhere because men wouldn't assist one another in such ways at all? Or something else?
Seven months ago I posted the following thesis (if we can call it that) here:
The online proliferation of the man vs bear in the woods meme, plus similar earlier social media phenomena with a feminist message are, in reality, generalized and simplified expressions of women's overall frustration and latent anger directed at the loss of manhood initiation rituals that characterizes modern post-patriarchal atomized societies; namely, the current social reality is that adolescent boys and young single men are no longer vetted by fathers, elders, brothers, uncles and other pre-vetted eligible men before they are, in effect, released into their wider social circle from the family environment, which makes it rather difficult and risky for single women to separate eligible men from ineligible men.
Regarding the part I now bolded for the current discussion I’ll say that I did have some rather vague awareness of the “Are we dating the same guy” Facebook group back when I posted the comment, meaning that I was aware that they exist and are mostly feminist in their social orientation, but that was it. Well, a couple of days ago I unexpectedly came across a reddit thread that was rather interesting from a culture war perspective where the original poster accused the local AWDTSG group of committing defamation, slander and violation of privacy. I would link the URL but I can’t, as the entire thread was nuked after entire comment chains were purged and the OP deleted his profile (probably as a result of getting doxxed by feminists). The Facebook group in question was also scrubbed from Google somehow i.e. some setting was changed so that it doesn’t show up in Google results anymore, or something like that, plus its admins made their profiles private.
Anyway, as the thread piqued my interest I later found out that there’s an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to this phenomenon and now I’d like to make some observations.
The name itself is already curious. It makes it all seem innocent and well-meaning, light-hearted. Just a bunch of average women helping each other out and also having a bit of fun and enjoying a sense of community in the process. Of course, the reality is that these groups should rather be named “Did I just fall for a bigamist/fraudster/liar/rapist/harasser/creep” because these are the real sentiments the female members are expressing.
Also I just love how the name absolutely reinforces the Red Pill thesis on unscrupulous alpha males practicing plate-spinning / building soft harems in a social milieu of unrestrained hypergamy (hypergyny, to be more precise). I’m rather certain we’ll never see a “Are we dating the same girl” online men’s group anywhere.
The name also entails that the members share the expectation of strict monogamous living as the default social arrangement. This is also somewhat comical, as I’m sure that if asked, nearly all of them would swear up and down that they support sexual autonomy, ‘alternative lifestyles’, sexual freedom, polyamory etc.
I’ve seen people argue that such groups regularly violate GDPR regulations. In other words, sharing non-public personal information such as employment data, photos, screenshots of personal messages, photos/screenshots of documents etc. in Facebook groups is technically against the law. I doubt that I’m qualified to comment on the legal aspect of all of this, but I do find such arguments plausible. What I do not doubt though is that were there men’s online groups doing the same to women’s personal information, I’m 100% sure they would swiftly invite a huge media scandal, widespread condemnation, legal action and the attention of the authorities.
The consensus between female members and women that are sympathetic to them is “just be a decent man, and you won’t get accused by the group” i.e. “women never lie”. Which is just pure gold. I’m sure they don’t even hear themselves or just don’t care, which is more likely. “Just be a decent comrade and the Cheka won’t arrest you”, “good citizens have nothing to fear from the police” etc. It’s a story as old as time.
One usual story that gets posted in such groups is “I was duped by a man who was actually married with kids”. Alternatively, “I was duped by a man who was a violent creep”. My initial response is: do you actually need the assistance of a Facebook group of anonymous posters to realize that? Did you not see the warning signs? Also, just the logistics involved in all of this make me wonder. If you’re an asshole guy who just wants to heartlessly use up some gullible woman as a fuckbuddy/FWB, how do you even keep your marriage, wife and kids a secret? How does this even work i.e. how many men are there who can plausibly make it work? If you’re a family man, most of the time you have outside the workplace will usually be taken up by your family.
Just to state the obvious: if these women are so afraid, so certain that a hostile male-centric society enables their victimization routinely etc., why don’t they try finding male partners through people they trust? By their own accord, they are all normal, decent women with lives, not isolated loser incel creeps living in basements – surely they have friends, colleagues, relatives they can trust?!
I imagine it's meant to be an attack on the average anti-welfare GOP politician, not on (mostly) Catholic charities.
I find it surprising inasmuch as it doesn't repeat the usual known pro-choice talking points. I assume.
I suppose the basic message here is that there’s neither bravery nor value in doing things that are easy. Difficult and worthy endeavors are to be taken up precisely because they are difficult. Or something like that.
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Yes, that's what the opposite of "walkable" means in a practical sense.
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