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joined 2022 September 05 04:40:40 UTC


User ID: 441



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 04:40:40 UTC


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User ID: 441

As for the Jews, their texts were mostly concerned with what would happen to that specific people; what would happen to converts was not clear.

Most Jews circa 2000 years ago did not believe in an afterlife. They thought you had your material body and that's it. A select few people get to leave to be with God. The rest of us are dead forever or resurrected in a strictly material sense.

let it loose in popular OSes and apps and optimize them so we're not spending multiple GB of memory running chat apps

To be fair humans could choose to do this. We perversely choose not to. Enormous quantities of computational power squandered on what could be much lighter and faster programs. Software latency not improving over time as every marginal improvement in hardware speed is counteracted by equivalently slower software.

are Metalheads still a distinct, recognizable class of music fans?

Yes and I work with two.

After their dark ages and galactic collapse, I don't suppose they know the "actual" date.

Once in Shanghai there was a problem with my subway card. The scanner at the turnstile would not let me out for some mysterious reason. I went to the nearby help desk which is an enclosed room with glass panels you can talk to workers through. I gestured to the turnstile with my card and the woman at the help desk gestured me to use a nearby turnstile. It was unlocked when I reached it. She must have unlocked it for me.

There are simple systems that allow for manual override but are not susceptible to gangs of urban youths bypassing. Forethought and will the size of a mustard seed would let us have this in America. It's not like special Chinese-only DNA let them set up this handy and secure system. We are choosing to live this way andcanchooseto stop anytime.

This is a technical problem. There are turnstiles you can't jump over. A waist high rotating bar can't stop a palsied child from crossing it. 7 foot high one-way turnstile on all entrances and exits are impossible to slip by.

Some busses have a door in the front and a door in the middle. No real way to monitor those ones. Not like the driver is going to notice you walking in throughout the rear door and stop his route to demand you leave.

I think not choosing Shapiro made sense. You don't want the VP overshadowing the presidential candidate. His speech and presence would tower over Harris like the Colossus. The fact that he copies Obama's speaking style would only make him better liked by Democrats.

but I ain't doing that for free

You don't have to post if a particular comment would cost you too much effort to be bothered to research and then type up.

And I'm not convinced that the median internet opinion fed into ChatGTP is a consensus view worthy of consideration. They poisoned these poor LLMs with all of reddit, etc. Their "consensus" opinion could be overly online nonsense. How indeed should I thicken my pizza sauce.

Materials science

Canada maintains tariffs on dairy goods ranging from 241% for liquid milk to 298% for butter.

What is good for the Canadian goose is good for the Canadian gander. I don't want to implement tariffs against Canada. How about they drop their senselessly high tariffs on some American goods before complaining about hypothetical future American tariffs?

I greatly distrust a humanities department's answers to such questions. To the point where I doubt their answers are even net-positive for society.

The Outlaws by Ernst von Salomon.

At the part I'm at he's death squading socialists in post WW1 Germany. But confusingly some of his squad mates are secretly socialists and also he hung out with socialists a lot hoping they had the fervor needed to reshape Germany. At least they weren't listless quitters like lots of other people at the time. Some strange confusion where they are killing socialists (and women and children who get in the way) but also are very socialist-curious.

There's a good bit about desperately fighting in urban combat and then wandering into a part of town not currently fighting and seeing people are enjoying themselves in restraunts and prostitutes teasing him and his squad. As though they can't hear the rifle and machine gun fire a few blocks away.

Sounds like we need a 2 tier emergency room system. An "actual for real" ER for people with medical emergencies and a "you seem to be using this as free healthcare, sit here and we'll get to you in 20 hours" ER. I know they do triage. Some triage strategy would make non-real-emergency people effectively wait forever for an available doctor.

Yes. My parents weren't hardasses. But it was strictly forbidden to use the Lord's name in vain. Discussing God is one thing. Using God's name in a profane manner to call down damnation is something quite different. My parents also forbid "gosh darn" type talk because that's a direct reference to using the Lord's name in vain but pronouncing the words wrong.

Liberalism has been around a few centuries and hasn't led to desolation yet. I'd rather not get off the path or take doommongering too seriously.

Agreed. But it would be a very rapid escalation in this case. I wouldn't throw away my router as step one. But it would be on death row unless this immediately stopped.

I've heard college educated white Americans confidently assert my above-mentioned statement.

Turns out they were wrong.

and get a better or worse deal based on how evil they were in a previous life?

I thought that was a recent Western invention and Hindus don't actually think that you are earning Good Boy points and Bad Lad demerits and being rewarded or punished suitably in the next incarnation.

Edit: Don't trust whitey, at least not about Hinduism.

the socially agreed upon consequences

Some people fantasize that such consensus views exist. They then act cheated when someone mitigates or entirely avoids negative consequences. As though cosmic justice has been subverted.

I had an initial very strong negative response to the mother saying that finding Tate stuff on her son's devices would result in immediate media lockdown and therapy.

But, in an act of enormous charity, I have reversed the situation to one I would care about equally. The reddit "egg" communities are devoted to convincing children that they are actually trans. Getting a kid to come out as trans is "cracking their egg". A prominent mod in these subreddits brags about meeting with kids and giving them hormones. Google strangely won't show me the relevant links.

I'm a father. If I found this or equivalent on one of my kid's devices I'd throw away the device and our very nice wifi router. There's a level of brain poison seeping in to make me decide no one in my family needs a personal PC or a smartphone.

I am anti-disapproving-schoolmarm. Back in the 90s and 2000s that means Focus on the Family style religious right. Fretting about sex in movies, bad music and the evils of DND.

Nowadays the culturally dominant disapprovers are progressives. Fretting about Tate and Jordan Peterson and making it a felony to deface a rainbow crosswalk by putting scooter tiremarks on it.

"If wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets."

Same. No idea what's going on or how this is relevant.

MICHAEL VASSAR is an American futurist, activist, and entrepreneur. He is the co-founder and chief science officer of MetaMed Research. He was president of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute until January 2012. Vassar advocates safe development of new technologies for the benefit of humankind.

"I'm a founder and chief science officer for a medical company called BayesCraft."

Okay. And he likes psychedelics too much allegedly? I'm missing so much context here.

I read the first one and it was shockingly bad. I don't understand how that bad of a book got published, much less made into a series with fans.