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User ID: 3553



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User ID: 3553

But the inexplicable predicament many 'rationalists' have to contend with is that their view of objective reality somehow manages to conform itself precisely within the lines of the mainstream Overton Window.

Yuuuuuuuuuup great point here. How are you Berkeley rationalists so perfectly left leaning and in alignment on all the thorny issues of our time? Crazy coincidence!

It’s called getting trolled on the internet brah

But seriously, 1/3rd of your budget wasted is a failing company, or a nearly bankrupt government. Raise your standards

Good take. I think Latinos and Asians (that have chosen to be in the states) actually gasp like whites!

First it’s clearly a selection bias, otherwise why would they move to an Anglo country? And secondly, we are generally respectful, rule abiding, and have good business culture. Racism exists everywhere, but whites are much less racist than inter-Asian country racism, and for Latinos, you’re making a hell of a lot more here than for the same work in your home country, so it’s hard to argue with the numbers!

It’s just crazy to me how the left, which was the party of LSD, get us out of vietnam, hippy living is now the party of:

Ukraine proxy war, big pharma propaganda campaigns, giant national debt (which directly moons home prices)…

Tell me more about how you toured the US in a school bus for 6 years, went to Woodstock, lived on an avocado farm, and then bought your first home with your seasonal earnings

Yuuuuuup. But that 1/3 spending is someone else’s paycheck, so expect a lot of screaming and crying as we attempt this.

Sad thing is that the counties where it’s mostly white kids, they are definitely still learning math. In the places where they actually need it and were behind in math, this gives the teachers a way to opt out of even trying.

2/3 being “good” for the federal government is why we are $37,000,000,000,000 in debt…

That many people pay for news subscriptions?! Well played by them, damn

Aging gracefully seems really difficult. Especially when your generation is the largest by number of souls and you’ve always been the most relevant as you move up through the age bracket.

Now you need to reckon with the fact that the news you consume is a scam, you got totally bamboozled and fucked over generations of youth from the Covid mega-money print, and tbh, you’re just getting old and aren’t fashionable and/or cool anymore.

I hope that when I’m older, I can be the “wise” old man with more timeless wisdom, versus “ewwww fuck tesla”, or “OMG stupid Drumpf AHAHA” type of classic boomer lib takes. Feels like some people haven’t thought a genuinely new thought for their brain in 30 years. Take more psychedelics or something, idk

This one kinda hit tho ngl

People have been educating their children competently for years. We don’t need to mandate curriculum from a federal or even state level. Let’s let teachers, who are with these kids 6+ hours a day and know them intimately, decide when and how to teach them.

Education has been getting gradually worse for years, unlikely that cutting the bureaucrats and grifters out of the DoE is going to make things even worse?

Oh the horror, how is little Johnny in Oregon going to learn math without a squadron of grifters in Washington getting paid?!

It’s not a good idea because some industries like Ag are completely dependent on this “illegal” labor. If you could snap your fingers tomorrow and instantly deport them all, you’re going to have food shortages and food rotting on the vine in California.

Trust me, I’d rather have a few more Mexican neighbors than have food shortages!

Yeah true we should just round up every brown person in sight. Easily doable, you got me here!

I’m sure this tit-for-tat escalation will be our new reality

Other counties legally have migrant farm worker visas like Aus and Canada. We don’t have this system in lieu of “illegal” immigrant work. You’d need to set up a similar system here and transition all these workers to it, otherwise food will be rotting on the vine in California

Well if a huge portion of ag labor is from illegal immigrants, perhaps we shouldn’t be so hasty in deporting them. Most of us still, uh, need to eat every day.

Issue is that other Anglo ex-colonies have legal migrant farm worker visas, like Aus and Canada. It’s called “wuffing”. While we don’t have that at all, we just had an unspoken agreement that you let in some amount of illegal workers to fill the massive need of agriculture help come harvest time in California and other states. Effectively it does the same thing

Also, this is such a “be careful what you wish for” sort of thing.

Conservatives are now pushing for random passport/citizenship spot checks as you’re walking down the street, that’s what “freedom” and america means to you?

Don’t have immediate proof of citizenship, get detained? Who cares if you have an American accent, we can never be too sure and that can be faked. Russian spies go through strict accent training and speak just like you and I.

“If you’ve got nothing to hide, you got nothing to fear” lmao

Yeah this is definitely a culture war issue. I just feel like being excessively harsh on illegal immigration is punching down. Do you feel intense competition for jobs or homes from illegal immigrants? If you do, then it makes sense to be wary about more immigration.

  • -12

Name sounds the same, same people are screaming and crying about it… seems like Trump and DOGE are right on target with these.

Well her kids are US citizens if they were born here. We aren’t some barbaric European country!

Yeah you get paid for cheating the system. Welcome to America! Seems like you’ve got a lot to learn.

  • -11

There were over 10M illegal immigrants under Biden, so that would need ~4k daily deportations for the entire presidency to undo. Seems unlikely/impossible to happen.

Unfortunately it’s a lot easier to let people in than kick them out.

Yeah I just don’t think these petty deportations are good politics though. There are 10+M immigrants under Biden, and we are selectively going to deport the criminals (good) or the well known ones in their community? Doesn’t seem wise.

Next Dem president likely to let 20M in next round, at this rate…

Well it’s unlikely these people can pay a fine. They often do menial labor tasks for below minimum wage (main reason you hire undocumented labor in the first place)

Most of these organizations are CIA fronts and sponsor regime changes and some really shady shit. USAID sponsored Operation Phoenix which murdered, assassinated and brutally tortured Vietnamese civilians, and tried to pin these acts on the Viet Cong to turn villagers against the north Vietnamese.

“International development agency” riiiiight…

If these agencies don’t want to get shut down, and actually do legitimate humanitarian projects, then why get mixed up in things like the above? These organizations routinely do evil things and are not run by good people.

100% this

Private organization clearly does not mean what I think it means if you are funded wholly from public funds. “Independent” lol, how can I get one of these organizations for myself?