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joined 2025 February 22 23:07:20 UTC


User ID: 3553



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User ID: 3553

Twitter turned into giga rage bait recently. Avoid! I say this as someone mildly sympathetic to many current day right wing causes too…

These social media apps need to have user-customizable algorithms. I want to see mostly non-political niche hobby content. Not mass engagement rage slop. I’m sure in the short term this maximizes user-seconds, but at some point people just quit. Does anyone really need to be on twitter?

” the real community of rationalists has a high fraction of people who are not quite the independent thinkers resilient to social pressure they make themselves out to be“

… just figuring this out? I love the rationalist movement and read a lot of blogs/forums, but it totally falls apart once they start dealing with anything politically charged or that’s socially highly controversial.

A good example is Scott Alexander’s post after the election, where he basically said “I adamantly refuse to believe polymarket was correct by giving odds at 60-40 and the true odds were 50-50” really showed this to me. After the biggest right wing blow out election in recent history, you can’t accept one party had the odds going into it?

…anyways, many such examples, but it’s important to see this movement for what it is. Just so happened that the Rationalists, from Berkeley, rationally thought themselves into taking left wing stances on most all the controversial issues of ours time… right