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No one is coming. It's just you.

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joined 2022 September 05 01:12:53 UTC


User ID: 333


No one is coming. It's just you.

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 01:12:53 UTC


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User ID: 333

Manual transmissions are a complete pain for city driving with regular changes in speed and lots of stopping and starting. It doesn't just become a background process in your mind. I say that as someone who drove manuals for years.

I think he genuinely wants to spread his genetics Genghis Kahn style. Ok maybe not quite Kahn style, but you get what I mean.

I'm surprised he hasn't opened a sperm bank and rolled out mass production. Must be legal issues or that he can't choose the genes of the mothers.

Maybe its easier to uphold a pre-partum financial agreement if there's no sex and no 'relationship' that would otherwise let these women gold dig beyond what is allocated in the contract.

Some of his other stories like Solomon Kane had some of those elements too.

Ehh... I could see straight guys going 'gay for pay' in porn or prostitution while they're otherwise heterosexual in their desires.

Holy shit.

Even The Hock can't kill that man.

Corporations in general do not reward professionals for staying. Performance reviews are justification pieces for why they will not increase your remuneration. If you're skilled as you say, you should jump ship.

As an aside I once had a line manager refuse my promotion due to being 'not quite' qualified in a field not directly related to my work. He told me 'don't worry I'm sure you'll easily qualify next year'.

I quit, started my own business and tripled my income.

"Better keep giving charity to us or we will kill you."

I can't disagree with you. He has the flaws you've outlined. There should have been someone better that would be willing to potentially burn their reputation in order to strip DEI from the Dept of Defense and make other needed reforms.

Anything I'd see from the media I would completely disregard.

Hegseth (while young) is a warfighter's warfighter. I think a large part of the military will be very very happy to have his priorities entrenched in the SecDef.

I would suspect a large part of the military signed up because of particular personality traits and some of those are reflected in Hegseth.

That said, he has his flaws and he might flame out. We'll see.

Majority of the developers are atheists. I wish I had a quote reference, but either Tobi or Vavra stated it.

Can you imagine the 'how dare you say I'm not Jewish enough' conversations?

Ethnic spoils indeed.

His accent and clear foreignness helps him get away with it I think .... He makes me smile, but he also does a damn good job of recruiting random strangers ... he somehow convinces people to play this sport while hanging out in the hot tub before practice

Man, the shit I've seen.

This is a thing and will likely remain a thing for a long long time if not forever. I can't complain because I've exploited it. I don't know how I wasn't knifed in some places. Not for nationalism, but stupid jovial traveling.

And they needed to be killed in the main story.

There was a perk for killing enough of them that it gave you a fear bonus and some would run away.

If you don't like KCD1, you won't like KCD2.

KCD1 after patching is still a pretty good game and KCD2 90% pattern matches to it.

The Developers specifically called the main character a white straight Christian male back after KCD1's release. (apologies I couldn't find a cleaner quote source quickly)

They retconned the main characters' heterosexuality because (of the leading theory that) the new owners of Warhorse Studios, Plaion, had DEI priorities that needed to be accommodated in the game.

I actually appreciate the first game's inclusion of homosexuality in that manner because it was realistic for the setting and you needed to build a relationship with him (platonic) to get that information out of him. By realistic, I mean that in that time to be homosexual meant that escaping to a convent was a way to avoid execution as a sodomite.

What I don't appreciate is the dumpster fire trying to insinuate that sharing a bath (spa) with your friend in the first game is low key homo-eroticism.

There's this theory that men in the past were actually more comfortable being physically close in a fraternal/platonic way because the potential of homosexuality in the act was unthinkable. It makes sense to me that now homosexuality is ever present, modern men must telegraph their heterosexuality and avoid anything that could allude to homosexuality. This has cut off so much of male/male platonic affection that it's a tragedy.

Edit: There's a 'how are you enjoying the game?' post in the Friday Fun Thread if you guys are playing.

If I'm honest I'll probably watch haphazardly. I've already saved up a couple of episodes due to other entertainment priorities.

I do feel your pain with showrunners doing BS cliffhangers. Except for a few series that benefit from digestion and watercoolers, I think binging at your own pace is the superior watching strategy.

Not that'll deliberately wait until seasons end for a weekly release I'm hooked on..

I won't say they never string the audience along with plot points, but there's certainly a lot more moving parts in this season than in the deliberately slow pacing of the previous one.

I liked season 1, but then I've stayed with From like an abused partner. That show is the worst mystery box Lost writer's nightmare I've ever watched. Nothing ever happens.

I'm looking forward to season 2 of Severance though. I watched the first episode and thought they replaced most of the main cast until the end haha.

I'm about 15 hours in. Somethings are much better than the first, but there are small annoying bugs in some places. While the story is good, its meant to be an immersive sim and I hate being railroaded through a prologue that lasts several hours. Same as the first game I guess.

As soon as the prologue finished I cracked my knuckles and began my crime spree. Books, Weapons, Money, Horses, I've pilfered everything I can get my dirty little hands on. I can see why they separated the game into two open world areas. They don't want people like me robbing the game's best merchant for the best equipment asap, making loot progression meaningless.

Despite the above, the game is great and a game of the year contender, only being held back by its limited appeal. Story is amazing. I really appreciate the writing and colourful language.

The controversy around KCD 2's DEI insertion could use its own top level comment in the culture war thread, but I don't have time to do it justice right now. The game's fine.

Unfortunately, over time I ended up undereating due to lack of hunger and started to not feel well, ending the experiment.

Yes, I've been there before too. Like your advice I'm really trying to maximise healthy vegetables within the guidelines (spinach, broccoli, green beans (for cellulose). Daily multivitamins, extra potassium through 'light salt' etc. I've realised I need to stay away from diet soda which just feels like a micronutrient drain after the fact.

I did gain a lot of the weight I lost over the following year.

And this is the real crux. How to keep it off? I put most of it on during covid so I'm hoping I will re-engage with my more active pre-covid lifestyle. I'll also make an effort to work on reducing sugar intake and portion sizes. But many people have been where I'm going without success..

I'm trying to keep cardio to a reasonable degree with 1 hour sessions of alternating walking and jogging, with a couple of weights sessions per week (barbell, but nothing crazy).

I'm currently on OMAD (One Meal A Day) to exploit the hunger suppressant effects of keto, and I'll try to maintain this. Dr Boz says the next step is fasting on alternate days, but I'm happy at the current rate and want to keep things sustainable as well as get micronutrient intake.

I found something similar locally. I'm a bit worried that even with low/zero net carbs that they'll somehow throw out my ketosis, but I can try one at least.

I've finally had some success with my latest attempt at a keto diet (I've been on it maybe 4 times over my lifetime), largely due to properly using high quality electrolytes to overcome fatigue, extending the intermittent fasting period (thanks to Dr Boz), and maxxing leafy green vegetables within the carb limit. I've dropped 6kg in 3 weeks, but I expect that rate to slow down.

Does anyone have keto tips or tweaks that managed to break periods of stagnation or otherwise make good progress? I'm staying away from alcohol this time.

I'd give it a go. Research the side effects, talk to your relative about it and stop if you have a bad reaction. I'd say try to at least get some exercise in, but child rearing can be difficult.