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User ID: 3324



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User ID: 3324

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No meat is a good one!

Ash Wednesday is next week, what are you planning on giving up for Lent?

Last year I did sweets, I could try again, but the timing is very unfortunate.

Alcohol doesn't even count as a sacrifice for me, so I'm not sure what else I could try.

Congratulations, the world needs more dramanauts!

The only advice I have, from my parents' and grandparents' lifelong marriages, is to accept that your husband is the person he is, even when you really wish he wasn't.

It has to be from the municipality of Nuziders, Austria. Otherwise it's just a sparkling Roman Salute.

I think this scenario is a lower tech version of the paperclip maximizer: the AI haves simply don't value the well being of the have nots, and take up all the resources, desirable land, etc with their superior technology. In the extreme case think something like: these N acres could produce wheat for 100000 people, or they can be used to pasture grass-fed, free-range, spa lifestyle cows to produce one weekly meal of 10 aristocrats.

This seems very very unlikely, but not impossible, looking forward 30 years feels like a crapshoot right now!

You're forever and always The Cruise Guy.

This is like taking the immigration bill that democrats tried to pass by the end of Biden's term. It's an acknowledgement that a corrupt democratic mayor that is willing to let immigration law be enforced is the best you can do.

Notably, back then they didn't do this, immigration was a strong point for republicans, and they didn't want to give it away for some half-hearted compromise bill. As to why the change of strategy, two (of many possible) reasons come immediately to mind:

  • They might think the NYC electorate is too captured, and won't elect a Republican mayor again, even as the situation keeps getting worse.
  • With republicans back in charge, the problem with illegal immigrants in NYC will relent on its own (after all, they're not getting there by boat), allowing the democrats to sweep it under the rug for the next election.

I don't know what you'll take for proof, but let's break it down:

  • Despite it being very obvious, Adam's corruption is hilariously trivial: some nice plane tickets and hotel stays for fast tracking a building.
  • Chicago is an incredibly corrupt city, you don't have to go too far into the past, look at whatever the hell this casino thing is.
  • Chicago is dominated by democrats to an even greater extent than New York City
  • Therefore, while we may not be able to pinpoint who exactly is responsible for each individual instance of corruption, it is rather safe to assume that for the vast majority of cases, they are a democratic politician.
  • So, any of these unnamed but real Chicago democratic politicians could be reasonably considered more corrupt than Eric Adams

This is, of course, not definitive proof, because you might dispute the following assumptions:

  • That this Adams' only instance of corruption: I don't know about only, but it is probably the worst, because nothing else seems to have come out after the indictment.
  • That Chicago is very corrupt: I admit I haven't provided a lot of evidence for this; I am, after all, but a simple terminally online foreigner, but by all accounts, it does seem to be true. Would you dispute this claim?
  • That this instance of corruption is not particularly bad. Maybe you're working with a different assumption from mine: that a very obvious, but small, instance of corruption is worse than diffuse and opaque networks of favors and beneficiaries.

Why is the post you're replying to "Filtered"?

A few thoughts on the male feminist sex pest.

With the (in internet terms, not very) recent news of Neil Gaiman's escapades, a lot has been said about the agency (or lack thereof) of women, and to the corrupting effect of fame on men, but I've been giving some thought again to the Male Feminist Sex Pest phenomenon.

Most people here are probably aware of it, it's notable enough to get a comic from good ol' Stonetoss. Basically, the idea is that male feminists are disproportionately prone to acts of sexual misconduct.

What is the reason for this? I've been thinking about a few possible ones:

  • The MFSP as a predator: The classic right-wing stereotype. Guys of dubious moral character will take up an ideology with the intent of making potential victims lower their guards.

  • The MFSP as salience bias: Basically, male feminists are not particularly rapey, it's just more suprising so it makes the news. This could be true, but is basically impossible to verify in either direction.

  • The Male Feminist as a man struck with guilt: In this formulation, the man's bad behaviour is in their past, and their male feminist views are, in a way, compensation for the fact that he has behaved shittily towards women.

  • The Male Feminist as a man seeking absolution: If all or most men behave poorly, then the male feminist's past behaviour is not particularly noteworthy. By subscribing to the most deranged feminist assumptions, the male feminist can morph from a "bad man" to just "a man", or even a "good man", because at least they're willing to fight their deplorable male instincts.

  • The Male Feminist as a man stuck in time: For this man, being a feminist means some vague notion of "equal rights" and it being acceptable to have non-committal sex with younger girls. This is not in line with which more modern feminists believe, as he might eventually find out.

I am aware this is not the audience most in tune with the mentioned cohort, but what do you guys think? Any of the above resonate more? A little bit of each? Something else entirely?

As an aside, the last few explanations imply a type of person that people here might be very familiar with: the nerdy anti-feminist nice guy (no capitalization). It is perfectly possible, as an upper-middle class guy in a moderately to very liberal environment who doesn't like partying or going clubbing, to never notice the behaviour many women complain about (because neither you, nor your close friends and family engage in it), see that they don't seem to be particularly disadvantaged in any of the environments they interact with them, see that their ire is directed very broadly at men in general, and conclude that the whole thing might just be a scam.

Half an island in the case of St Marteen.

I don't know how the US market is, but is there some sort of catastrophic product (High deductible and specific coverage) you can purchase?

I don't know if you're being facetious, but remove the "escort" and that's literally Grimes.

You have to think in relative terms, the only reason they held it on their balance sheet in the first place is because it was originally too bad to offload.

Can you suggest some of these Irish ETFs?

They are called UCITS funds, the best known ones are CSPX and CSNDX, which are S&P500 and Nasdaq funds, respectively, there is also some which replicate the indexes through total return swaps, which have different tax implications.

It's also worth considering that these funds have higher fees and lower liquidity than the typical ones.

Would I be charged at the upper tax band if I invested in an Irish ETF, as opposed to an American one?

My knowledge of Irish tax law is insufficient for me to help you here, sorry. The biggest implication for me (as a non-american, non-irish) is the lack of inheritance tax (which is brutal in the US for non-citizens).

This is funny to read about, given that there's a growing industry of Ireland based ETFs due to its more favorable tax considerations (compared to the US) for non-resident aliens.

I know essentially nothing about investing, but I want to invest in a specific index fund.

Hey, if you want to buy a 3x leveraged Microstrategy ETF please let us know beforehand.

Man, you can't blame someone from noticing something after the noticer in chief did.

in spanish pussy (coño) is male and cock (polla) is female.

On the other hand, penis is male while vagina female.

I think it comes from the old (and IMO correct) notion that dogs are family animals: They need some level of attention throughout the day, they need space to run and play, etc.

Cats, then, filled the niche of providing companionship to lonely spinsters: you can leave to work every day, and mostly expect the cat to be there without major trauma and still sort of like you.

There is also the additional stereotype that cats are the preferred pet for reclusive people, because they don't require you to walk them every day. There's a reason the internet used to be full of lolcats, and gradually turned into good doggos as it became more filled with normies.

Nowadays, with the advent of WFH and the popularity of small dogs, there's a lot of Dog Moms, so the stereotypes might evolve further.

I stand corrected then. I tried to watch it but didn't stick with it personally.

Don't worry, it is, by all accounts, not a good show.

Also: does Macron always do this, take such a direct, visible hand in cultural products like that? IIRC he interfered in Mbappe's transfer saga too.

Not being French, I can't tell for sure, but he's 100% an attention whore drama queen: look no further than whatever is going on in French politics right now: He tried to make a 350 IQ 5D chess move, and ended up furthering the crisis.

The Tim Dillon Show during its peak (somewhere between 2019-2022) seemed made in a lab with explicit purpose of making me laugh.

Didn't Emily in Paris get shit for its unrealistic portrayal of Paris? And that was just a random show. It didn't get 13 Oscar nominations which naturally puts more of a spotlight on things

Emily in Paris is not a random (terrible) show. It is a worldwide phenomenon, to the point that the actual French president complained that they were moving it to Rome for the next season. By comparison, Emilia Perez is an oscarbait movie that everyone will forget in a couple years.

If Americans are so adamant about a jewish state they should give them a small plot of land.

Man, I wish that deal was on the table. I'd take a Jewish state in the Patagonia (not the nicest part, though) every day of the week.

I have read that there are voices within Israel itself which are critical of the current approach because it is, in a sense, cowardly: It seeks not to maximize the effectiveness of the operation, but rather to minimize the Israeli casualties, relying too much on airstrikes and not enough on outright occupation.

Don't have enough knowledge of either Israeli politics or warfare to know if the claim is real or true, though.