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BANNED USER: low effort rageposting




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joined 2024 June 04 00:52:34 UTC


User ID: 3090

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: low effort rageposting



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 June 04 00:52:34 UTC


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User ID: 3090

Banned by: @Amadan

What's the far-right misogynists to not-that ratio among hemophiliacs, trauma victims, and people who need surgery?

What I truly want can't be found outside of the realm of science fiction. I want to be a GSV or, barring that, the single living human aboard a GSV who humors my whims. I'll settle for an account to post in some approximately replacements subs for themotte, since by the comment count it's clearly dying. Also I want to simp for Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame somewhere.

I don't technically block anybody, because I usually cycle through accounts rapidly and don't bother logging in when browsing without replying, but here at the motte I entirely skip two categories of users by the names I recognize: people with irreconcilably opposing viewpoints, to keep my blood pressure in check, and people who wrote too many things I consider dumb, also because I don't want to risk my blood pressure.

It's the inverse, Reddit had decided to dislike my VPN and I didn't want to make an account from my normal connection. Though they might have relented as I mentioned, I'll have to see.

It's not even mine, Reddit decided that the whole IP block is naughty.




I wanted to copy-paste the block screen it shows (with an option to make an account, which leads nowhere, as described) but suddenly the site opened. Maybe I'll try again later, if nobody has tips for roundabout methods.

Why have mosquitos that target humans not evolved to be quiet? I will never donate blood to humans, those are overwhelmingly likely to be my political enemies, but I wouldn't mind donating to animals if the disruptions to my sleep didn't fill me with murderous rage.

How do I get a Reddit account, if my latest attempt to register led to an immediate site-wide shadowban? Page not found for the user page when opened in incognito mode.

2 females reproducing to 1 man is the historical minimum.

I have never intended for even one of my comments to be funny! There is zero funniness desired, as opposed to desperation.

I place Wildbow in the deeply leftist camp, but I hold Worm in high esteem, and you haven't been paying attention that the original was already plenty clear that whatever Panacea had done, there had been an undeniable sexual component to it.

Also, the omnibenevolent therapist character gets bamboozled by a fabrication about the protagonist being eeevil later on, and that was satisfying. Fuck therapists.

And the hunger for justice will be sated by Supreme Justices making a decision. Only some kind of a commie doesn't believe in the institutions passed down from the founding fathers.

No, the third (3rd) way is degrowth. Affordable and reliable energy is not a human right, it is a construct of white supremacism and colonialism which doesn't take into consideration climate justice and accountability to the stakeholders.

Nine liters of liquid daily doesn't sound realistic for any value of ABV down to zero.


Jury nullification goes both ways. It's a good thing I wouldn't consider that peer pressure, since anybody in favor of a not guilty verdict for that defendant is not my peer.

This is a fact and anyone who disagrees can be invited to explain the hereditarian viewpoint to a kind and caring black person without feeling gross.

Is there bulletproof glass between us?

I don't take long to acquire tastes, I took to wine and whisky immediately, there's no chance I'm going to ever like coffee without drowning it in additives to an unrecognizable point. Especially cold brew, vile stuff. But so damn effective, I'm literally shaking after a can.

I just made a connection after somebody linked here in the main thread. At least in some cases, this is actually just yes_chad.jpg in high register!

You misunderstand me if you think I'm interested in rules lawyering. What I'm curious about is how committed you all are to the rules-based order. So far, between me and the Jew-posters, you seem to be committed to banishing assholes more than having legible principles.

In the defense of midwits, people who argue against the hypothetical intuitively sense that the other party is trying to convince them of something, and that is always unambiguously suspect, so it's better not to give the other party an inch.

Coffee smells lovely all the time. It's its taste that is comparable to the worst kinds of medicine. Which is weird, because the cooking nerds convinced me that most of the food flavor comes from the smell.

Thanks, I think that's the best explanation of the three, if I understood it right. A mutually agreeable statement if A, then B can mean that either B is true, or A is false, depending on your other beliefs, right?

This, but unironically.

The allure of the smell of ramen shops is inversely related to the hour of day-- meaning in early morning the smell is revolting. Late night, enticing.

Is this an observation of your internal state or how the smells change during the cycle? (They boil bones for the broth for around half of the day, don't they?)

Your observation is preempted (kind of) by Frank Herbert, when Miles Teg is tortured by the returners from the Scattering, he notices that the man in charge must be high status because of how impractically tiny his briefcase is.