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User ID: 2917



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User ID: 2917

Probably not more likely. Both are part of the same problem.

But at what costs? Seems like drop boxes open up ballot harvesting.

Also maybe voting should be moderately hard. If our elections are important, maybe citizens should have to undertake a modicum of effort to vote.

Isn’t there a difference between a PAC and a super PAC? I thought the former had contribution limits but maybe I’m mistaken.

My point is Trump wants to keep Biden in the race. The current trajectory seems to be Biden drops out. Trump needs to goad Biden into staying and he can’t do that while being silent right now. So the strategic thing (even if tactically unwise) is for Trump to induce a muted rally around the Biden effect to end the bleeding. Leave the horse dead but stop beating it basically.

The problem they have is enough of them have spoken out that Biden seems like a dead man walking. Let’s say Biden hangs on — the Fourth of July almost certainly helps stem the story a bit.

Now what? Now the republicans get to run ads showing many democrats calling the president mentally incompetent.

Trump had been strangely silent. A video just leaked with him talking some shit re Biden. I think Trump is playing 3D chess here. He let the Dems attack Biden and bloody him up. Now Trump is trying to goad Biden into staying in.


They described the clips as misleading. Now they are citing those same clips as evidence of Biden’s frailness.

Joe S said Biden is probably sharper than he has ever been.

The videos went beyond forgetting a name.

I didn’t see that in the link. Am I just groggy this morning or is it the wrong link?

It depends on who you classify as the media. See Joe Scarborough’s comments.

NYT also wasn’t very honest on it either.

Yet here…they basically did. Not all lies are created equally. When the media directly lie, they seem to lie on the really weighty matters.

This is about as dishonest as the “Biden is as sharp as a tack” argument.

No, Republicans were attacking Biden for stuttering or flubbing numbers. It was qualitatively different and much worse. This is just repeating a bad talking point.

Yes Trump is old. So is Bernie, Buffet, and Grassley. They are all very much with it. On the other hand, McConnell or Biden are younger than some of those guys but clearly worse. Is there a risk that Trump falls off a cliff? Sure. But he is much better than Biden was four years ago.

Of course his outgroup lies. But his in group lies a lot too. Including to him. Maybe he wants to revisit his position on the media.

This just seems like “my outgroup lies” by Scott. There were just sooo many videos and incidents.

And the response is “of course it was a conspiracy — it wasn’t a super top secret that Biden was mentally deificient. We’ve seen it for years. We take no joy in that but remember who you are dealing with — the Dems were willing to risk the safety of the country for their own silly democratic games.”

The flip side is Trump is now sitting on a boatload of cash. You can get out all of the embarrassing Harris videos. You can point out how her role in the admin was…the border.

I think Harris at this point is a better bet than Biden but only slightly.

Yep. Kiss of death. You never need “full support of the board” unless things have gone terribly wrong. Same here.

There was a report that 25 house Dems are going to go public asking Biden to step down. Similarly there is a report that Clyburn is going to have a talk with Joe.

There is a sense blood is in the water.

How we select candidates in America is through a democratic process. Lying about the state of the presidents heath only to switch him out when it is obvious he will lose is a subversion of democracy.

Doesn’t that sort of lay bare that the public doesnt get to vote for their government?

No one expects the president to be in charge of everything but you expect him to be a CEO. It is clear Biden isn’t capable of being a CEO. So…who is that person?

This just isn’t true. At most it was the final couple of years.

I think you are correct and I overly simplified.

See it really is just your opinion against mine despite you seemingly keep trying to insinuate that only I have an opinion. Agree to disagree.

The point is that congress needs to find that there was a high crime or misdemeanor. If the president was exercising his core constitutional powers, the only way it would make sense to me is if the end was ultra vires.

It was a joke to be clear. But it reminds me of Roberts’ line in the Harvard case which was something like “the dissent is not a good place to find legal advice on how to comply with the majority opinion.”

Sotomayor gets many things wrong including in this opinion so I think that is strong evidence for my position!