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User ID: 2725
What is the actual percentage/selection of people who get raped in prison in the US? People talk as if 99% of prisoners are certain to become ass bitches of the 1%, but that seems off to me. In Russia, for context, the sexual abuse from what is common (but not necessarily up-to-date) knowledge is limited to the absolute outcasts (approximately 10%?), and even then is not always applied nowadays. Which is to say, if you went to prison in Russia for killing your daughter's rapist, your chances of being raped are lower than the average prisoner, except maybe by the guards.
I'm sorry, but knowing your cultivated persona and giving you full credit, I'd assume that if meritocracy didn't include you, you would do all you could to subvert it.
I'm aware of the concept of edgy jokes. I'm also aware of the concept of masking real feelings with jokes, usually detected by the joke being particularly repetitive and adjacent to plainly stated opinions.
There are only trace amounts of Freudian potential in "wagecucking". It's really hard to imagine someone beating a wagecucking meme to death because he really feels sexually dominated by capitalism. I have tried just now.
I'd assume the ritual is considered, at best, overreacting these days. Assumed thought process of the boyfriend in question:
I already know that a father would respond with violence if I hurt his daughter like this.
Also, I'm not a barbarian and I don't need to be explicitly threatened to respect a woman.
The above two are obvious.
The dad is making a threat before such a threat is warranted.
The dad might have a very different definition of "hurting his little girl" than normal people.
The dad doesn't want anyone (else?) to fuck his daughter ever.
Consider a different situation of lower stakes: if someone punches you, you're usually within your rights to fight back, and unless it's a very uneven fight you'd likely do so instinctively. But you don't go around telling people "don't fuck with me or you'll find out" before it looks like a fight, do you?
I do hope you're not implying that one must write a comprehensive AAQC-worthy dissertation on a topic to qualify as sufficiently non-directly-insulting. It's a high bar to clear and I think you'll remain disappointed again and again when someone fails to meet it.
Accusing me of lying about my intentions doesn't come into telling me what to avoid doing, though.
I find views of many users here offensive, but in this particular case what I was hoping was to have Sloot give a non-irony-poisoned straight declaration of his views for once. Whether to be disgusted or not would come later. You're welcome to not believe me, but let's not pretend that you telling me what you think I intended has any weight.
What does MEGA mean? If it's England then I can't undestand what Falun Gong has to do with it.
From what I've read on how people talked about sex "normally", outside of puritan societies and polite company, they were quite vulgar. They didn't have porn, true.
It's a typical response to literally referring to a man's protectiveness of his daughter's chastity (a woman he is expected to not be fucking) with the same terminology as a man's protectiveness of his wife's faithfullness (a woman he is expected to be fucking). It's quite rich to glug the poison straight from the skull and bones vial in front of everyone and then claim you were poisoned.
I'm not attacking possessiveness or general "thot-patrolling" here, my question is about the specific choice of language. Do you want to make your daughter your wife, and if not, why do you imply someone fucking your daughter would make you the same thing as someone fucking your wife? You hide behind "but other people at other venues ask such questions for other reasons, and anyway those other people don't sufficiently interrogate women like that".
Note that women will absolutely receive accusations of wanting their son for themselves if they chase away all his girlfriends and marriage prospects, if I can help it.
How would you clarify whether there's anything behind a person's repeated, ambiguously ironic evocation of the "daughter is the ultimate cuck" meme without it sounding like an insult? Cuckoldry is a term referring to your wife being fucked by another man. Therefore, if you're being cucked when someone fucks your daughter, she must be your wife.
We have (had) self-proclaimed pedofascists here, so I can't really assume asking whether my interlocutor is one must be taken as an insult.
I have to ask this straight at this point, would you breed with your own daughter if inbreeding and social backlash was not in the cards?
For all their faults, there is still an element of spontaneity in genes and social patterns. With the dystopia I'm seeing, we're talking about wholesale engineering, which is what freaks me out.
Are you worried that engineering will lock it in? From what I know, genes and societies can stay the same for millenia until sufficiently disturbed. In light of that, I'm not that much terrified by the longevity of AI dystopia.
To be honest, I don't see the distinction you've drawn between "will have their moments of cognitive dissonance and scrambling to come up with an excuse" and your following examples. Certainly I can imagine those people having moments of cognitive dissonance and scrambling to come up with excuses for their priorities.
Your prophesized AI future is certainly unseemly. However, I'm more often disgusted by the extent to which we already are slaves to genetic propagation and social patterns. Not often enough to make me nihilistic about life in general, but enough to look towards the future rather than embrace the past.
People should be wary of them. Scared is a stronger thing.
Do you, honestly, think ideology doesn't speak through you? Never?
Or dare them to run into traffic to prove they aren't scared of car accidents.
I would sooner suspect a man who has been to the sex tourism capital of the world than the one who chose to live there. The former man's motivation is scrutable, the latter's more complicated. I have not heard of many people who love brothels so much they'd live next door for the convenience.
That's why I find Musk's signaling worse, he went on the tangent of a largely baseless accusation in a personal spat.
exactly how high a percentage of child prostitution do you think is necessary to be justified in calling someone a pedo for moving to that country, with no other evidence?
How are Indians not fulfilling the "be fruitful and multiply" mission, if they are more fruitful and multiply faster than Americans? As far as I'm aware, they also obey the same laws of evolution as Americans.
I would sooner assume that there were plenty of Jesus-like people before Jesus - it's just that none got popular enough - than assume that Jesus was the first one to think of "just literally be kind to everyone, bro", not to mention being God.
Anyone else here got UFO 50? What do you think of its attempted homage to the gaming of the 80s? I wasn't around back then, so I'm not terribly invested in the classics.
I'd say Vainger and Party House are my favorites out of the collection so far.
If I have to be maximally charitable to the ethnomaxxing view, we're going to need stable high-trust high-IQ societies in order to get to gene editing within the century.
There is no need to inject such blatant clap signs as quoted, though.
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I can believe that it's hard to do a suicide bombing when you're in traction with both your legs broken, but it was hardly the only opportunity to do some minecraft.
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