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joined 2023 October 31 11:26:45 UTC


User ID: 2725



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User ID: 2725

I do not believe most heterosexual men are going to classify her haircut as an explicit turnoff.

Last time I checked, the country in Russia was notoriously destitute aside from, as mentioned by others, dachas and cottagecore influencers. Not much trailer culture, either.

Revenge is a product of simple iterated game theory. Humans not being solitary also adds up to this. Can't survive alone -> can't just kill all competition -> intra-tribe squabbles are nonlethal -> being known as a spiteful person becomes valuable.

This word colloqually means simply homosexual, with the non-mangled "pederast" out of use by anyone but historians.

There are other context clues that suggest the man was most likely speaking about homosexuals. Speaking of "beating faggots on the streets" as a particular boon of Russia suggests you can't do so in other places, which is true for open homosexuals and quite untrue for open child molesters. Furthermore, it is a lot easier to find [alleged] homosexuals on the street for the purposes of beating up, since everyone knows those damn faggots wear long dyed hair and tight jeans, or something to that effect. Pedophiles generally don't advertise themselves so, and if you were going by stereotypes you'd have to face down, like, a quarter of middle-aged male population.

Those who want to beat up pedos on the street generally need some sophisticated preparation, such as setting up a honeypot, perhaps take pointers from Tesak. Note his quote: "Are you a pidoras or a pedofil?"

we know it’s a thuggish dictatorship, why are gay rights the top issue over there?

I would like you to quote specific people who claim that gay rights is the top issue in Russia if you want that claim to be defended.

But to propose an answer that sounds plausible to me: the crowd who engages in active dissident politics is not large, and the wiser people are aware that blessed glorious West also has corruption, and perhaps will always have it. There is thus not much demand for being loud in a Putin-bothering way about it. Once Navalny got chased out and later offed, the anti-dictatorship side of dissident Russians has become much more disunited and self-eating.

As for islamic awareness, those of middle class means and above can largely avoid the worst of the Islamic component of Russia. Again, little demand. A lot of anti-Islamism is channeled through the gay rights issues, anyway.

What doublethink? Why must any user agree with politicalspeak of any country, even their own?

There are specific laws in place that prosecute "propaganda" of "LGBT" with the definitions of those terms being quite vague. Even if a conviction is not reached, as many mottizens have noticed, the process is the punishment. Especially when the process in question is the Russian jail (can't say anything about Middle East, but they're probably not very respectful and luxurious either).

Your flippant "they just don't want parades" comment shows either a lack of basic research, or more likely given your tenure in the community, deliberate downplaying.

If the only ones imprisoned are agitators, shouldn't we have examples of Iranian men who are undeniably fucking other men, yet weren't imprisoned for it?

It's hard to say exactly what the percentage of Russians eager to beat up faggots in the street is. I'd assume it is mostly concentrated in the rural/small town chavs, with the older generations of the same class not as eager to do it themselves, but approving it otherwise.

Tangentially, in USA it seems that the prime thing a regular man fears about prison is ass-rape. In Russia, everybody knows that ass-rape in prisons is reserved for the underclass, such as faggots.

But yes, it really does show that American conservative "don't rub it in our faces" and Russian conservative "don't rub it in our faces" are vastly different levels of tolerance.

I am not trusting AI to recognize my face 100% of the time.

And what kind of person gets targeted by a loser and loses the altercation? A bigger loser by definition.

If that's how you define losers then I'd expect your loser hierarchy to get circular quick (and paint most people as losers) since most people would lose if targeted in a situation where mortal danger is not expected and there is little time to react, such as getting rammed with a car at a fair or getting shot in the back in school. Made of Iron Georg, who got knocked out, then stabbed by a katana and still managed to shoot down a few of his Zizian assailants upon waking up (and then lived), is an outlier.

Hobbyists have no shame.

How very lewd, to have the characters have underwear instead of starting naked like every self-respecting anatomy study.

I wonder what you'd say about women's professional wrestling.

The trick is to be less susceptible to the stories and the buttons than the modal citizen. It's like that parable about running away from the bear.

Speaking for myself personally I'd rather frag my commanding officer before I even got out of basic training than go die in the Middle East for Israel or in Ukraine for nothing.

Based on what I've seen on the Internet, the nations that employ conscription despite the lack of people's attachment to the nation typically fight that by shipping you to active combat before they give you weapons.

Friendship is Optimal is just as much a warning as Lena is: the message is that in Heaven, you will be subjected to the unyielding alien whims of a being who will mindrape you into accepting it. If it is a convergence to the Christian model then it shows me how naive the Christian faith is, and it only dodges being suicidal by introducing layers upon layers of mental gymnastics of why it's wrong to murder babies before they sin. What is "a disqualifying failure of both imagination and reasoning" if not to utter "Heaven is beyond imagination" and "Heaven will undoubtedly be good" from the same mouth?

I would say that the concept of uploading is vulnerable to the "man-made horrors" scenario in ways that are obvious to us, but it is not doomed to it, and the very fact that Lena exists as a caution tale instead of blindsiding us in reality is proof of that. In fact, the ability of transhumanists to notice skulls seems to rapidly outpace the ability to create skull-producing nanofactories. How many Christians ponder on whether Heaven might actually be horrible (and remain Christians) as much as Transhumanists ponder on all the ways the man-made Heaven might be horrible?

(In my own chronicle of noticing skulls, I have concluded that a) non-destructive uploading is a way of procreation and I shouldn't subject my upload to anything I wouldn't do to my child; b) destructive uploading without an ego bridge is a way of suicidal procreation and I shouldn't do it unless I'm about to die anyway; c) don't upload myself, with continuity or without, to a system that is trivially root-accessed from the outside.)

The Christian looks at the myth of Icarus and Daedalus and concludes: "man was not meant to fly". The Transhumanist looks at it and concludes: "do not operate experimental technology outside constraints that have been proven to be within the safe margin".

Why did the Christians ever bother with the obviously-pederastic-implications "Father" image when this gem existed in information-space?

Were you under the impression that Lena was envisioned as a transhumanist example of Heaven???

To contribute to your statistics: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12?, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Human intuition is often wrong!

Yes, but I don't see how something like "we perceive our own continuity" can be proven wrong.

I know that my mutual respect for any forks of myself drastically increase the odds that they will respect me back, and that we would be able to achieve peaceful co-existence and mutual aid. That is a fortunate fact about me, if someone would hate a copy of themselves, then their copy is going to hate them and they shouldn't make one.

There is a dystopian scenario in the writing where people like me are conditioned to brainwash themselves into ego death because being able to productively fork oneself and share resources between forks without regard to the fork's individual needs for them is the only way to stay competitive.

The difference is I will never be the upload.

This strikes me as one of the failures of rationalism: attempting to reconstruct the value system based on abstract and inevident first principles such as "pattern theory", then when someone's common intuition fails to align with those, the rationalist declares common intuition wrong. Not referring to you, since you seem pretty open to other people having different opinions, but rather someone like EY calling it "muggle thinking".

I care about living because of my biological substrate's reward system, not because I intellectually (on what basis?) prefer an existence of a "pattern" of sun_the_second over its nonexistence.

If you don't consider yourself the same after you go to sleep then I don't see how you can justify having any sentimental attachment to the mind upload, who immediately deviates by virtue of existing in a different context.

I scrolled 1 screen down in your first link and the concept as proposed by EY already looks retarded. According to him, an unliving database entry is the same as a human (complete with deleting it being murder) because it's a "unique store of knowledge and experience".

No need for an existential crisis; it is now no different than the Star Trek transporter disassembling your atoms, beaming the information over, and re-assembling you out of new atoms at the target location.

This is exactly what the existential crisis is about. If Star Trek fans didn't mind it back in the day, I can only guess it was because they weren't very philosophical about the setting.

Refer to the edit. In the process I described, the meat body is wiped by the process, if it failed the only way I could end up is "dead".

If it was the mind upload you described, I would not undergo it as it's pointless. Or rather, I would see it as some self-fetishistic form of procreation and would do it only as soon as I wanted to bear a digital child who was a copy of me. Naturally, I wouldn't like to share my bank account with them.

False premise, this isn't perfect mind upload.

The state of the art in sci-fi, last time I checked, was that you stay conscious as they disconnect your brain cells one by one (or some small enough increment) and replace them with the artificial ones, slowly so that you can fill the gaps in your memories back in Ship of Theseus style and have no doubt you're staying yourself.