I’m Bernie Sanders’ personal gimp
Once upon a time I was a Republican and then I went to college and turned into the leftist liberal progressive Democrat that hides under your bed and no I am not a man and yes I’m addicted to downvotes, every time I get one it’s like a bump of that sweet smoking gun. Also I do 99% of this on mobile in my bathtub, so if I don’t respond to you it’s because my screen was too tiny to read everything before I got out of the bath.
User ID: 2254
Yeah, dude, you're being way too casual and too flippant. I try to talk to you about how rule breaking is going on, and you think that's whining and wussy and performative offense-taking? Do you really want me to take what you're saying seriously? Because I think what you are saying is genuinely so dismissive, insulting, and also hella rule-breaking I don't know how else to get you to take me seriously that your conduct as a mod is corroding the culture of this forum other than to protest vote by leaving. I like BDSM, but not the M, and sticking around a place that calls me sweetheart like some creepy divorced bachelor talking to a kid is pretty masochistic in my book.
The rules of this forum are….? Suggestions?
I highly, highly, cannot recommend enough the books “Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents” by Lindsay G. and “Running on Empty” by Jonice W. Those books are absolute cheat sheets on how to successfully identify the type of emotional support a person needs and how to provide it, which is likely what your intervention is trying to do.
Okay, well, that’s not true, but you do you.
Do you have any evidence that kids in California are being chemically castrated?
Can you link the study that says that?
I don’t think kids in Alabama deserve bad education that puts them behind their peers because their parents aren’t very smart
It is a terrible idea to have some states have bad education and other have good. That’s why we had the government setting a universal standard for everyone.
We already did state-run education and it resulted in varying degrees of intelligence across the countries as one state taught that the Earth was 6000 years old and dinosaurs are fake and another taught that vaccines are evil.
What is going on here???
What? So you're saying that it was an instance of rule breaking...you just won't mod it? Huh??
Are they just gonna be allowed to insult me? I thought that was against the rules?
Where are the mods???
What in the uncharitable???
I really did wonder that was well, and I came to this conclusion; there's downvoting because you disagree with an argument, downvoting because you believe there is a rule violation, and then downvoting because you dislike someone. I consider users who I am debating with in good faith to be in the first two camps and everyone else in the third. I'm pretty sure for a great deal of users if I typed "The sky is blue" I'd be downvoted to the negatives, that is how overwhelming my numbers are sometimes.
It's sarcasm. Dry as dust sarcasm. I'd put an /s, but that's not my style of humor. I had a hunch when I made the step from lurker to poster that no matter what I said, and I mean what, I'd be downvoted and called a troll or a man; hence my username. My hunch was proven correct. There is a small fraction of users on here who genuinely want to debate, and the great majority else want to boo outgroup.
I, sadly, don't.
Who wants to be ugly forever????
Moon atheist waifu supremacy over anti-horn golden crybabies any day.
It is as bad as it sounds, there is no steelman.
I'm confused what you're trying to say.
Who are my vanguards who are freaking out at crucifixes and tattoos? Last I checked, being discriminatory towards religion wasn't in the progressive handbook.
Bernie Sanders invited a singer who had vulgar lyrics is...what, exactly?
No. Most I know were raised Christian, then left the faith.
Progressives loving the Lord their God with all their heart and with all their soul and with all their mind means exactly that. Loving God is not following Christian doctrine; notice how when asked what the minimum was Jesus did not say "believe in Jesus", otherwise all of the indigenous people of Mesoamerica were doomed because they missed the Jesus boat. Loving God is loving God; and what is God? Love. And what is love, according to the Bible? "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." Therefore, to love God is to love those things; kindness, patience, humbleness, honor, tranquility, etc. When love manifests, God manifests, and when that love is loved in return, God is loved as well.
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I was being "perfectly civil and polite" and you still didn't mod the people "being mean" to me. We had a whole argument about it a couple of times where I pointed that out and you said you just didn't have the time to mod it all. Now you're saying you would mod if I was being the thing you said previously I was? And what's more incredulous is on what planet have I said something with the clear intention of "getting into it" and verbally sparring and poking people? Where am I running around directly insulting users? Do I have a mod history of doing that? Seriously, where is my poking? I don't argue with mods on the principle of them being in their position because they interpret the rules the best, but saying I'm dishing out the same type of dialogue as the people you have modded? That's what I call a big ol' pile of straight up incorrect.
But honestly that's not what bugs me as much as the other thing, which is, like, Sweet Jesus Christ on God's Earth, Amadan, are you actually going to do a "I'm sorry that you're just not funny" on me? Really? Who starts a serious apology with "I'm sorry my humor offended you but you seem pretty humorless so sorry you just don't know how to take a joke." What in the huh? You are a freaking mod dude, users look to you for an example of how to act on this site and to enforce the rules consistently, and you want to have people run around implicitly insulting eachother and going, "You just don't know how to take a joke!"? Good Lord. Amadan from the bottom of my charitable heart you are absolutely terrible at moderation. You've gotta stop it with the snipes and mocking and flippancy because other people see it and replicate that behavior and it is strangling the spirit of debate on this site and you've got to stop dismissing me saying that as just pissy progressive whining. I have no other idea of how to show how strongly I feel about this other than to protest vote with my presence in the hopes that whatever disappointment my absence brings encourages some introspection.
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