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User ID: 2193

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If those Afghans were so evil as to collaborate with foreign occupiers and their puppet regime based around raping boys (bacha bazi) and growing opium what else are they capable of? Absolutely reckless to let them live in America.

...Who aren't draft dodgers? So they can stay as long as they're not in danger of being killed or crippled? That's absurd. They should have more right to claim asylum than all the economic migrants and would-be-criminal "refugees" from the 3rd world.

The difference is that Musk pays the twitter staff (as a part owner), not the taxpayers, so incentives are a little bit different. Hiring bunch of loyalists as patronage would hurt his bottom line.

Let me guess. They hassled some zionist activists and they pretended to be targeted for being jewish. I cannot imagine the story playing out any other way. How would they even know which students were jewish?

Nobody's protesting American jews being jewish in universities, America enabling Israel's treatment of Gaza (and Lebanon, Syria to some extent) is what's being protested.

Ok, but why is foreign country of Israel one of the two sides? Also, if Republicans want fair rules they can pass them right now, they hold all the branches of government, pretty much.

So there can either be pro-black or pro-jewish identity politics? Majority of US who are neither are shit out of luck.

You may remember racism being declared a public health emergency during the height of Covid. So now the new HHS secretary Robert F. Kennedy is declaring antisemitism a "spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues". Since it's a malady and he promised to Make America Healthy Again Health and Human Services will be working with other departments to fight this sick sick wrongthing.

I'm thinking that Trump administration isn't so much "defeating wokeness" as just updating it to their funhouse mirror version.

So US wants to fight China in South China sea and Taiwan due to IP infringement? CIA trains Uighurs how to do terrorism because of IP infringement?

Edit: and if another country was becoming a leading superpower fair and square US would just let them?

US is turning into Brazil demographically along with the population aging, that's not great either.

It's Martyr Made, not Marty.

US beef with China seems to mainly China's potential to make US no longer be the unipolar superpower by China growing richer and stronger, the other issues are pretexts. In that case no coming to an understanding is possible, either US contains China's rise while it still can or not.

Virtually the only aspect of the bill rights in tact is the provision against quartering troops in people's homes.

They violated that too with Covid rent moratorium.

Napoleon lost half a million troops invading Russia, got loads of French killed in other imperialist misadventures, was defeated and died in exile. He was like a politically correct, safe-edgy earlier version of Hitler. There may be some kind of death drive manifest in idolizing him.

Pushing feminism on society promotes divorce and single motherhood causing more fatherless girls which are easier prey. Most of the risk of rape and molestation comes from mother's boyfriend. Basically it comes down to the sign.

A story I heard about 10th amendment: in test prep for legal school they tell that if there is a multiple choice question about which amendment causes or prevents something 10th amendment is never the right asnwer.

DoE can't change what states do, but it can make federal funding conditional on them doing what DoE wants them to do which, practically, in most cases amounts to the same thing.

Trump made a gay married guy with gay adopted kids a treasury secretary.

Trump is not anti-LGBT per se, he's just pro owning the libs, so because libs funded the cause he froze that funding.

Hegseth is a third temple kook, that's not good.

They're reinstating troops terminated over COVID vaccine mandate, that's probably beneficial in that regard.

He used to have the account under his name and later renamed it, which isn't great opsec.

Simpsons predicted it.

Sex on prom night is as American as our fifty-first state, Saudi Israelia.

Countries such as Spain, Ireland, Norway, and others, which have falsely accused Israel over its actions in Gaza, are legally obligated to allow Gazans to enter their territory.

-Israel's defense minister Katz.

Thanks, Drumpf.

Potato, potahto.

Average person has consumed endless hours of one sided propaganda on the subject of WW2 and has likely never heard a detailed account of how Germans were treated immediately after the war. You might as well claim that since North Koreans think that expropriating the bourgeoisie was righteous therefore it was.

Yes, it is a moral stain on Americans forever.

And it's the very people who used to bomb you and your children who'll envy you and seek to work under you.

But if you oppose us, the most powerful empire to ever exist, you shall be totally and utterly destroyed with no mercy.

If Israel wants to take Gaza over after it has been rebuilt it US would just give it to them, or maybe give them extra aid to "buy" it with.