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User ID: 2193
Of course majority of them don't, but that doesn't mean that it was worthwhile to let them in. African immigrants are a net drag on public resources in general.
Literally the only thing that country is known for is hacking each other with machetes.
I don't think that's worth the possibility of going to prison though.
Also, when covid started to spread you officially were a weirdo for being concerned. Pelosi told people to go to Chinatown and hug an asian.
In Britain you can get fired AND get arrested/fined, in US only get fired (except in case of specific actionable threats).
Chilling effects apply in UK too, obviously. Major point of these laws is to get people to shut up.
What are the non-cherrypicked numbers then? Accounting for population Uk is still probably ahead.
No, whoever let them immigrate.
Russia arrests less people for speech on the Internet than UK.
Sometimes - for example, if someone hits you you can hit back and it counts as self defense.
It's not even a wrong because J6ers have been tortured with solitary confinement, charged using obscure civil war laws etc. Dems had their fun for 4 years, enough.
Democrats let out actual leftist terrorists like Weather Underground and FALN Puerto Rican separatists (responsible for 130 bombings). Turnabout is fair play.
I am fine with legal immigration, I like it. We need people and I'm absolutely fine with it. We need it because we're going to have a lot companies coming in to avoid tariffs. You know, if you don't want tariffs all you have to do is build a plant in US, so we're going to have a lot of workers coming in, but we have to have legal.
So, instead of, for example, importing cars assembled in Mexico, US is going to import Mexicans to assemble them inside the US. Sounds like the opposite of what nativists would want, but what do I know.
It's hard for me to take Yarvin seriously after the whole Dark elf thing.
Abortion isn't end all be all of being conservative. Plenty of prolifers argue on that basis that abortion "is racist because blacks have more if them", "is eugenics", "targets vurnerable women" and other such leftist pablum.
the DNC hack being Russian is TTBOMK uncontroversial
Uncontroversial, as in fashionable opinion often repeated by talking heads, or uncontroversial, as in, proven with evidence beyond reasonable doubt?
TikTok, as it exists today, is getting banned. You can call it an attempted expropriation if you want.
The law signed in April mandates a ban on new TikTok downloads on Apple or Google app stores if Chinese parent ByteDance fails to divest the site.
Users who have downloaded TikTok would theoretically still be able to use the app, except that the law also bars U.S. companies starting Sunday from providing services to enable the distribution, maintenance, or updating of it.[...]
"We go dark. Essentially, the platform shuts down," TikTok lawyer Noel Francisco told the Supreme Court last week.
Most American conservatives like Israel.
There's a huge age confounder afaik. Boomers do, because they have been propagandized for decades.
This is a wish done as requested, not a wish twisted.
No? Because openly agitating against whites, males, conservatives is still acceptable? At best it's less perverse than the Boris Johnson case.
Caplan doesn't believe in the blank slatism, nonetheless he attempts to justify his position with a mix of libertarian autism, utilitarian autism and hypothesized GDP maximisation.
Well, if you paid attention what Trump was actually saying on the right you would get called a traitor / globalist / a fed / blackpiller / loser / brown / some combination thereof, so there wasn't a lot of critical examination going on.
Then there is the 4d chess plan truster thing - "of course he has to say that to get elected, but he's actually based you guys, once election is done all doubters will be deported / put into crystals". For some reason they never consider that 4d chess is for tricking them.
Turkey being accepted into the EU seemed like a real possibility before Erdogan went all strongman, so was it really a lie at the time of Brexit?
In a similar vein:
UK voters: we want less immigration.
Boris Johnson: you want less Eastern Europeans? Heard you loud and clear! A million non-EU immigrants a year coming right up!
American conservatives: we're sick of the wokeness in universities.
Politicians: we will clear out protesters against Israel's atrocities immediately.
Increasing labor supply drives down the prevailing wages in and of itself (else being equal).
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Wasn't the original point of bitcoin not to require financial intermediaries?
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