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It is that Red Tribers are somewhere between uninterested in and actively hostile to intellectual/cultural production
Sad Puppies says hello.
You are looking at the empty buildings and barren fields and conflating it with a lack of interest, refusing to acknowledged that the bodies have already been buried and the survivors herded away elsewhere.
Shrug. Despite being a virgin, I've always taken it as a given that women are just overall weaker than men. Training in martial arts just confirms it even further, to the point I almost feel bad about it.
Alot of it may just come down to living in radically different bubbles, some bordering on active, almost delusional isolation.
I was about to say. While I'd love for what he's saying to be true, this has not been my experience for over a good decade - both in the realm of job searching as well as helping my boss sift through resumes and interview applicants.
Even a decade ago, job search was a depressing affair of constant spamming of resumes and applications to employment agencies that always acted as a third party for the actual company trying to fill the position.
It's a copout, but I don't have a definitive answer for you as to why the public and the art world shifted so heavily out of phase, and how this situation continues to propagate itself.
There's a very simple solution that I'm honestly surprised no one has voiced. I confess I have neither the knowledge nor rhetoric to conclusively prove this theorem beyond my passionate and amateur interest in house design and architecture, but it basically boils down thusly;
Architecture is heavily invested in Academics. Academics are very political. Therefor, it's reasonable to assume that Architecture is also heavily political and driven by politics.
When you trace 'Modern'(I use capital M for a reason) Architecture back to the Bauhaus movement and the entire reasoning behind it, I feel it becomes very obvious.
Then again, I am clearly biased, as I absolutely loathe Bauhaus and nearly everything it's influenced.
it is not faster
I'm skeptical of this, and even if true, it doesn't matter. Economists have been wrestling with this issue for a long time, and the conclusion they always find is that people would rather be stuck in traffic in their own personal conveyance than stuck in public transport, as they value the privacy and control personal conveyance gives.
I wasn't talking about loading saves; my point was that you can continue from a lost battle without having to just load a save.
Certainly. This doesn't stop bad luck from potentially slaughtering your front-runner team, however.
Have you actually played it?
X-com: UFO defense was one of the first games where I was introduced to the concept of 'pirating' and 'cheats' by someone in charge of the computer lab at a school I was helping out at. And while I don't have it installed right now, it's currently sitting nice and neat in my steam library.
Yes, I've played it. I've played it alot, thank you. You trying to brush off it as 'just a meme' makes me wonder if you've played it.
that's you not knowing how to negate it
Yes. And that's part of the difficulty curve - negating random change as much as possible. The original X-com has a surprising amount of tactical depth that can make even normally terrifying circumstances(such as night missions or breaching buildings/landed space ships) trivial, but even experienced gamers likely aren't going to get that out of the box and will experience a learning curve.
The remake has an ironman mode that only allows auto-saving, no manual.
The original X-Com was also rather infamous for it's odd, weighted chances of ally fire missing all 99% shots, while aliens were able to snipe characters from across the map. In the original, you could replay missions, but said missions could also be rather lengthy, and could be difficult to tell where your potential screwup was, meaning you needed to play very conservatively and tactically in the early and mid-game, while you game up your economy and tech-level.
And this still didn't stop aliens from sniping your guys as they came down the ramp, as sheer random chance could still fuck you over hard.
So his comparison is a little loose, but I get the overall gist of his argument.
I think Far Cry 5 was about Syria and ISIS
I disagree on the fundamental argument. Progressives/The Left have been making comparisons of the Right to Al'qaeda and ISIS for years, well before Farcry 5 came out.
So when you see comparisons between 'Right-wing Militia' as presented in Farcry 5 and Syria and ISIS, it's not because they're trying to create a parody/satire contextualized for Americans to follow, it's because they honestly think anything affiliated the American Right-wing is like Syria and ISIS.
Given that the relationship between Non-Mao China and America during WW2 was, shall we say, interesting, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
Is this where we ignore how Urban areas tend to have a great amount of political control over a state as a whole? Not exactly something I'd describe as 'vibrancy and threat of a museum'.
I don't really care how you think those rural enclaves act. It was my experience with them combined with looking at history over the past hundred years or so that shifted me more toward an immigration hardliner - you import the culture, you get the problems, regardless of what environment they're in. Import good culture, you get good outcome. Import bad culture, you get bad outcomes. That simple.
There are enclaves out there where people don't assimilate. Usually it's in New York in the neighborhood of Little [country name].
Poppycock. I've seen plenty of enclaves, both urban and rural, with distinctive ethnic and cultural differences despite having immigrated over a century prior.
No thank you.
Then actually say that, and not just be dismissive with 'if you want to go live in the woods with wolves and bears for neighbors' with all that implies.
As I put in the other reply, if society has gotten to the point where a sizable portion of people are going 'Fuck this, I'm out', then something about society has been broken fundamentally and needs to be addressed. You can't just brush it off and absolve society of any responsibility.
Quite the opposite. (Note that statement starts with 'If'.)
I've seen the argument that people should suffer for society far too much, with the condescending, sneering reply of 'Just go live in the wilderness, see how you like it' in response to people having issues with parts of current society to the point it's almost a cliché.
I'm a firm believer that door swings both ways - that society has an obligation to the people therein, and that people have an obligation to the society, but only when this operates in a fair, back and forth, equitable fashion. If society has gotten to the point where a sizable portion of people are going 'Fuck this, I'm out', then something about society has been broken fundamentally and needs to be addressed.
My argument is the statement of 'people owe the societies they live in', without any caveats, and the follow up of 'if you want to go live in the woods with wolves and bears for neighbors' with the implied threat therein, is just blind adherence, bordering on slavery.
Either it goes both ways, or it doesn't go at all.
Hence my reply of 'If the world owes you nothing, you owe nothing to the world'. Because if society owes you nothing, you owe nothing to society.
(Yes, there's the fair debate of how much society owes the individual, but let's not go into that right now...)
I've only been on it for a short time so far, but I've already gotten to the point where I can literally forget to eat. The effects have been so beneficial overall I'm kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop.
If the world owes you nothing, you owe nothing to the world.
Huh. More proof of my personal theory that different people react differently to the same drug.
(I just got on Semaglutide for a number of reasons, and the difference is astounding.)
The bright side is that there are plenty of 'old' kids books that are perfectly serviceable and great to read, even as an adult.
This applies to everything, nowadays, from video games to TV shows. Amazing.
If we assume said videos were real, there's an ominous implication to take away from that; There were multiple versions of Covid being cooked in said bioweapons lab it escaped from, some of which were far more nasty than we want to contemplate, the Chinese knew it had escaped somehow, but they didn't know which version had escaped.
Hence the Chinese acting as if they were dealing with a zombie outbreak occurring, and not some new variant of the flu.
...of course, this is all just my personal conspiracy theory. Take it with a heap of salt.
Blacks as a whole tend to be overwhelmingly Democrat to a stupid degree - it's why the various polls over the recent years showing movement at the margins tend to result in such concern from the Democratic party as a whole.
When you've spent decades having a solid block of voters and not having to expend any resources to keep said voters, the moment you start to notice a ground-shift often results in panic.
direct nose cleaning with spray every evening before going to sleep, mostly salt water based but also tried some essential oil based ones. Seems to work well, but also some noticeable irritation up to minor bleeding if I overdo it so I've gotten a bit more careful.
Hold up, what sprays exactly are you using? I have a bad history of sinus infection and headaches(and large sinuses), and once I discovered saline sprays, it was as if I stumbled across a magical elixir that cured all my ills.
I can't imagine such things ever causing irritation or minor bleeding. If anything, they're rather soothing. Maybe I'm just being a bit paranoid, but if I had minor bleeding from using a saline spray I'd be consulting a doctor to make sure there isn't something very wrong with me.
Edit before posting: Ah, re-reading had me stumble across you noting a nose malformation birth defect. Sorry boss, that's probably what's causing it.
BLM land can already be utilized by the public in a myriad of fashions, and I am content with this.
I am also biased, as I wish I lived in a state with more BLM and National Forest land to take advantage of. Sadly, I do not.
This is one of the few instances where I feel governmental intervention is beneficial, as the land in question would not be able to be developed well. Best to leave it as-is.
Isn't it weird how as often as the FBI does this, we've never heard about them accidentally letting someone they radicalized slip between the cracks and actually commit an atrocity?
I've personally thought the Las Vegas shooting was caused exactly by this, but I confess I have no evidence beyond twisted Occam's Razor and the overbearing presence of federal law enforcement in the aftermath.
That's... odd. I've never had issues seeing her posts.
You could try an old hatchback. The Ford Fiesta I have doesn't even have cruise control or electric windows.
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The majority of your examples cut their teeth on writing novels over 30 years ago, exempting Larry Corerria, who seems to thrive on controversy and culture war, and is a relatively newcomer, putting out his first book in the 2008.
That we're discussing the current state of conservatives producing cultural content and how we got here and the writers you point to are a bunch of giants in their field nearly three decades old does not make the argument you think it does.
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