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User ID: 1156



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User ID: 1156

Blacks as a whole tend to be overwhelmingly Democrat to a stupid degree - it's why the various polls over the recent years showing movement at the margins tend to result in such concern from the Democratic party as a whole.

When you've spent decades having a solid block of voters and not having to expend any resources to keep said voters, the moment you start to notice a ground-shift often results in panic.

direct nose cleaning with spray every evening before going to sleep, mostly salt water based but also tried some essential oil based ones. Seems to work well, but also some noticeable irritation up to minor bleeding if I overdo it so I've gotten a bit more careful.

Hold up, what sprays exactly are you using? I have a bad history of sinus infection and headaches(and large sinuses), and once I discovered saline sprays, it was as if I stumbled across a magical elixir that cured all my ills.

I can't imagine such things ever causing irritation or minor bleeding. If anything, they're rather soothing. Maybe I'm just being a bit paranoid, but if I had minor bleeding from using a saline spray I'd be consulting a doctor to make sure there isn't something very wrong with me.

Edit before posting: Ah, re-reading had me stumble across you noting a nose malformation birth defect. Sorry boss, that's probably what's causing it.


BLM land can already be utilized by the public in a myriad of fashions, and I am content with this.

I am also biased, as I wish I lived in a state with more BLM and National Forest land to take advantage of. Sadly, I do not.

This is one of the few instances where I feel governmental intervention is beneficial, as the land in question would not be able to be developed well. Best to leave it as-is.

Isn't it weird how as often as the FBI does this, we've never heard about them accidentally letting someone they radicalized slip between the cracks and actually commit an atrocity?

I've personally thought the Las Vegas shooting was caused exactly by this, but I confess I have no evidence beyond twisted Occam's Razor and the overbearing presence of federal law enforcement in the aftermath.

That's... odd. I've never had issues seeing her posts.

You could try an old hatchback. The Ford Fiesta I have doesn't even have cruise control or electric windows.


The point is that he lies, and will make up information, and physical artefacts, to drive the story he wants to tell.

He has done this once. Has he done it again? I don't know. But I have to take everything he says through that lens, wether the story benefits 'my side' or not. There is no trust, no faith there - he can put on the Centrist or Conservative mask as much as he wants, but I know it's a mask, I know that he's lied before, and there is no way I can celebrate or advocate for the stories he writes because there is now a non-zero chance he's lying about something explicitly to look good for whatever side he's wearing as a skin suit.

Personally, I'd prefer that he'd give up the 'both sides' grift and just write whatever benefits his side and philosophy, whatever that may be.

Track people are weird and off enough as is("In a good way", he says, having known a number of track people in his lifetime), so that checks out.

I'd say we're a fair bit off from any solid returns in making this 'commercial', for lack of a better term. The parts I do find interesting are the R&D elements that lead to new discoveries - for instance, they learned during the early iterations that the fibers embedded into the brain were too shallow and getting pulled out by the brain moving around on it's lonesome.

Fun stuff.

Behaviorally and mentally, they're completely different dogs, with completely different issues that need to be accounted for.

Plus, I tend to 'click' better with Malinois and Tervurens, from experience. Dunno why.

Belgian Tervuren/Malinois.

The online right calls them feds because they operate in a structured, organized manner, complete with uniforms designed to protect thier identity and make future prosecution difficult.

Plus, they're all fit. I don't think I've seen an obese Patriot Front member, ever. (Talk about confession through projection.)

The depressing part is that this is pretty much what right-aligned protestors should be doing if their ideals are a bit more spicy than normal, but the past decade has seen a degradation of trust and an elevation of suspicion to the point where anything that seems grassroots is assumed to be a honeypot managed by the feds.

Are you sure you didn't mean this article?

Though I find it amusing that both seemed to have been taken down because Freddie didn't like how people took them, so... take that for what it's worth?

This was more recent, and an example on one of the Firearm forums I frequent about how brandishing a firearm can be a complicated and thorny legal act.

But, yes, I suppose that applies as well.

hurt them hurts yourself just as much

...no? No, it doesn't.

(I'm dimly reminded of a lynch mob trying to fall upon someone, only to have them pull out a gun and have said lynch mob descend into a horde of individuals. When was that...)

Again, we've tried the entire 'be a bigger man' tactics of politics. The past two to three decades have been a demonstration of the GOP 'taking the higher road' or 'loosing gracefully'.

While we're not out of those woods yet, there seems to be some light coming from behind the trees. And thank goodness for that.

Equating abuse of power to Shakespeare's criticism of idiotic teenage romance is not a comparison I would make.

This is just 'Don't fight back when your bully hits you' schoolyard reasoning writ large.

Yes, in a proper, preferable world, the bully wouldn't be hitting you. Or the school administration would do something swiftly and render further altercations impossible for either side.

Lacking any sort of higher recourse, often times the best option is to draw blood and continue to do so until they stop.

Finally, sex tourism is the natural result of a refusal to deal with the incel-problem.

I find this statement amusing, because it's still ignoring the one elephant caterwauling in the corner. That being; Money.

If I want to indulge in some sex tourism in Thailand(or Japan), I'm still going to be throwing down a few thousand dollars just to travel there. And while staying(in Japan, atleast, I know nothing of Thailand) there is surprisingly cheap(going by a friend of mine who enjoys his trips to Japan), and supposedly white men receive alot more sexual attention in Thailand and the like than elsewhere(I'm taking this with a grain of salt), there's still that massive wall of roughly a few thousand dollars worth of buy in for getting a two week experience. And I'm not sure that's something that's worth it.

(I understand the Motte is weird, and some posters would see a few thousand as chump change, this is not the case for me.)

Now, I think the entire phenomena of and reaction to Passport Bros says alot about the current state of relationships between men and women, and might certainly be valid for some people as a solution to their relationship ills and woes, I wouldn't call this a result of refusal to deal with the 'incel problem'.

Learning that Grant Morrison was more progressive than Neil Gaiman during that time period was not on my bingo card for today, but here we are.

A perfect example of the tragedy of the commons in action. Amazing.

The system that most plate-scanning mechanisms utilize wouldn't be able to keep up with this volume, I think.

It's also illegal to use said system for plate-scanning, but they do it anyways. And continue to do so; who knows how that court case would work out.

The left just gave up on gaming and online communities

I'm sorry, what? The left as a whole has been hammering and pushing for great and great control and censorship in online spaces and gaming for years now, both by forum admin takeover(both on reddit and elsewhere) and worming their way via DEI hiring into actually developing the games themselves.

I'm not going to argue against the rest of your point, but if it happened, it happened in opposition explicitly because of the rampant takeover of leftist ideology in a lot of online spaces.

I can speak from personal experience on this.

If my current manager ever retires(and he certainly has a plethora of opportunity to do so), I won't be out the door, but I'll definitely be hunting for a new job, given that the other managers in my company are less than stellar.

Well, unless they do something like spiral me off into my own department and let me manage everything on my lonesome(which I'm already doing, but, eh.)

And atleast one other person I work with feels similar, to the point where he's given me a scare moment when joking about looking for a new job.

This is a trait endemic to journalism as a whole; 'Lying via omission' is a well-worn skill that allows Journalists to selectively leave out information while allowing themselves to claim 'At no point did I give false information or lie.'

There are reasons why the public opinion on Journalism is so low.

I think Caplan is the worst sort of individual; an isolated elietist living in a gated community that will never have to face the reality his choices make for everyone else, who's intent on maximizing his investments, regardless of the wider consequences.

If that wasn't clear enough, I think he's abhorrent and deserves alot of things, none of them good.

There was a documentary that someone did on the efforts of a Chinese engineer contracted to build a road in the Congo and all the trials and tribulations he had to deal with in regards to the locals. I wonder how he'd react to that. I'm sure it would be telling.