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User ID: 753



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User ID: 753

I will point out that Scott has given literally hundreds of thousands of dollars of his own money to charity, so whatever else you want to say about the guy, it strikes me as very unfair to accuse him of only giving away other people’s money.

I will consider this if he working as hard as he can, living an ascetic life, giving it all away. One gets zero moral points taking the fruits of another person's labor.

I’ve obviously had to jettison some of the foundational tenets of Judeo-Christian morality.

Where did Jesus say one should advocate Caesar take money from others and redistribute it according to one's will?

What percent of infections can be attributed to dry sex?

From /r/fednews: "Supervisor told us to stop posting on Reddit: We just had a meeting about employees posting memos and meeting topics on Reddit and were told to stop “leaking” information. DONT STOP, the people deserve to know the information." With 69k net upvotes.

It's an incredible bubble that federal employees live in. A big hurdle for the right is that there was plausible deniability, and the Deep State was considered a conspiracy theory. /r/fednews is directly showing that it's worse than even the conspiracy. "Yes, the Deep State is real, and it's a bunch of anti-American commies undermining everything." Keep resisting kids!

Because of a history of right wing direct action groups being chock full of feds. The more kinetic the higher percentage. Two recent one's Malheur Occupation and the plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer were approaching 50% fed. Probably goes back even farther but Randy Weaver was set up by feds. For decades it has pretty much been assumed any organized far right organization is going to be infiltrated.

Damn, how can I beat lefties over the head that Institutional racism is directed at whites when Trump's ending one of the largest areas of institutional racism! It's been a good 36 hours. Some of the EO's are kind of silly, but a few of them could be the biggest political turns of my life.

Much smaller level but the clutching of pearls over the Flag Code when Red States moved the flag to full staff was something. /r/poltiics The fuck have you ever showed a iota of care about the Flag Code?

And in further news he followed through and pardoned Ross Ulbricht. [Reuters] My little libertarian heart grew three sizes today.

I had no idea that this was the largest investigation in Department of Justice history.

NYT: Trump Crushes Justice Department’s Biggest Investigation In an Instant [Archive]

President Trump’s pardons in the Jan. 6 case abruptly ended the most complex investigation in U.S. history. It also raised questions about what he will do next against a department he has said is full of his enemies.

Same reason "Defund the police" crowd becomes all for throwing the book at Jan. 6 "insurrectionists", or locking people up for "hate speech", or guns, or whatever.

Is it organic or are they messing with the algorithm. Almost every post on the front of /r/all is about this: https://archive.is/HKkuk

I've spent the past two years holding regular social gatherings at my house, which is cheap, low-pressure, and I can control the environment to 'guarantee' a pleasant experience.

For about four years now, my thing has been trivia night. It helps that I enjoy it, so I’m almost always there. It’s super low-pressure, and I don’t have to overthink it. Meet a couple at a coffee shop who seem cool? No need to try setting something up, “I’m at the same place the same time every week. If you want to hang out, that’s where I’ll be.” You work through the chaff and start finding a core group of consistent people. Really this is what church was but that's just too much for most people to bite off.

Another key, though, is that if you want to develop a social circle, oneself has to show up when others put on events.

With my local church the problem is similar. Plenty large mass attendence, but people my age aren't interested in the other ministries that the church offers: working with soup kitchen, church garden, and food pantry to help feed the homeless, book clubs, or even social events, many of which take place right after mass.

I'd speculate it might be prevalence of stay at home moms. Stay at home moms give a lot more bandwidth for that sort of thing.

I'm looking for examples of... not sure what they would be called... horrific misunderstandings of scale. My favorite example is MSNBC reporting that Bloomberg could have given every American over 1 million dollars with the money he spent on his campain.

This isn't as clear and I know there are other argument (pressure) but it seems to me this guy thinks 3 million gallons waters is a lot, when one of the closest reservoirs had a 117 million gallon capacity and was empty.

Everyone is talking out of their ass including me. I live in a wildfire area, know lots of wildland firefighters, private crew owner, I've been hanging out at the cabin as black needles fall out of the sky, yada yada never played one on TV.

The scale just seems way off. I was seeing takes along the lines of "they had 3 million gallons on standby, with 4x demand blew through it in 15 hours. What more could you ask for?" Like what? The reservoirs around me have hundreds of billions of gallons of capacity. We can run a continual stream of planes none stop. We've got Dozens of tanker trucks that can be sent out to fight fires. Granted we're not southern California we've got a lot more water, but 3 million gallons is nothing.

I looked up and a a fire boat can move 50,000 gallons a minute. So an an hour worth for one fire boat.

Turns out the closest reservoir with a capacity of 117 million gallons has been empty for months because they've been working on the cover. So this thing is going to cost 50 billion dollars? I bet you can move and store a lot of water for 10% of that.

What are you on about? You falsely said this was a border dispute. I was informing you if you were ignorant or calling out a lie.

Russia tried for much more, it's only a boarder war because Russia's military sucks.

I'm usually don't disagree. Mostly just trying to expand the subject. An example of a "disagreement" would be going into Hanania's theories from The Origin's of Work. Something like "Simply passing laws banning DEI isn't going to work, you have to gut disparate impact jurisprudence." I know better than to try to go as redpill as defenestrating parts of the civil rights act, they would not know how to handle that.

Fat fingered MAGA.

Neither, I haven't read any version of the Odyssey, I do follow Tyler Cowen quite closely so on his recommendation it was at the top of my list initially and now after the twitter blow up I'm leaning toward Fagles. Have you seen this side-by-side comparison?

For some reason it took me for bloody ever but I just finished Cloud Cuckoo Land last night. I didn't dislike it but it didn't draw me in like it seems to a lot of other people. I'm guessing because I'm not worried about climate change. It was kind of fun in that I'm very familiar with the parts of Idaho the story takes place in, I know where his photo on goodreads was taken on sight. Lakeport is very obvious McCall, Idaho, my parents like to point out the cabin on the lake they almost bought in the 70's.

I think I'll take my 4th foray into 40k with Eisenhorn - Xenos as a fast read.

Is this completely independent of the twitter blow up around Emily Wilson?

Suggestions for not causing fast ends to political conversations with boomer MEGA MAGA conservatives (subscribe to the Epoch Times types).

I've got a few in my personal life and have time to hang out for long periods over the holidays. Between themselves, they can go back and forth for long periods of time. I'm not even trying to debate, even when I'm trying to strengthen their positions (I guess that might be in the eye of the beholder), they're changing the subject in less than five minutes.

Of course you can leave a dog unattended. I've never known an adult dog that couldn't go at least 8 hours unattended.