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User ID: 2917



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User ID: 2917

Picard S3 abandoned most of this and wasn’t bad. SNW is also not bad (there are some work themes but focus is generally on the characters and not the message).

She showed up to support the campus protests. Many people think those protests are per se antisemitic. Her actions speak louder than words.

Just to address the fudge factor, I think economists overstate the utility enhancements of new products. For example, the phone I am using is much more technically competent compared to what I used ten years ago. But I’m not sure it brings me any more utility. Arguably it brings me less utility!

But those are hard claims to value.

CPI has fudge factors. Larry Summers reconstructed the CPI used in the late 70s and found inflation was twice as much as reported.

Now maybe those fudge factors are right or maybe they are wrong. But it isn’t like CPI is the gospel truth. And the government has an incentive to understate inflation.

I don’t think that is an accurate depiction. These “protests” went on for awhile. The response was timid and schizophrenic. You did have prominent Dems (eg AOC) visiting and supporting.

The difference between 2 and 3 is 50%. So inflation, if you believe the CPI, was during the best time for Harris 50% worse compared to the average period Nybbler pointed out.

Trump was convicted on trumped up nonsense charges in NY that don’t stand up to legal scrutiny (the one that did was the one in Florida). But all of those crimes or alleged crimes were Mickey Mouse crimes. Bribery is the sine qua non of crime for a politician.

The point was there were a lot of people predicting the downward revisions because there was a lot of other data suggesting the official numbers were garbage.

He said the crazy Palestine protests on campus. I pointed out that literally happened three months ago whilst he was talking about how Dems have done a lot of introspection since 2020.

Wait for the downward revision…

Dude — 2020 was four years ago. The events you are talking about were three months ago. Let’s not pretend like the Dems haven’t been crazy for the past four years.

Many here were dumbfounded. I argued the job numbers were obviously phony looking at 1) the divergence between establishment survey and household and 2) the unlikely amount of one sided downward revisions.

The response was “sometimes shit moves funny.”

You said the Dems have figured out not to let their freak fly. Yet three months ago that was happening. Hell Kamala first went on rupaul drag race — that was her first or one of her first appearances since becoming the nomination.

It is relevant because it proves the Dems haven’t gotten wiser. It is just they haven’t said too many dumb things recently (though their price gouging law seems to qualify in my book)

You mean a guy who was convicted for bribery charges had a hard time not stepping down? That seems a little different…

That was three months ago.

Can you show an example? One prior example?

I agree with this. I was responding to a comment from the the other poster about Ukraine conquering Crimea.

It was a really good pod too. Trump actually came across very humanely. I bet the pod format is great for him because in person he has charisma.

Funny enough I don’t think the 2A protects guns if I’m relatively pro guns.

And my broader point is that a lot of what makes a society work and a constitutional order work is respecting for norms. Pushing things to the legal breaking point is not a good thing. This is pushing a norm to a breaking point.

As for Biden “stepping down” he was forced out. Again norm breaking.

Can you give a single example where our intelligence agencies knew there was a damaging story coming to hit one candidate in a domestic election and sprung into existence to ensure the media would believe the true story was false? This to my understanding is unprecedented (albeit it is possible it happens and we don’t find out)

The NPC critique is that the other person outsources his thinking to another and just believes what the consensus says. Traditionally part of being a man is believing what you believe regardless of the popularity.

Wait you think Biden did it willingly? It is pretty clear they told him step down or we will 25th amendment you. Legal? Yeah. Coercive? Yeah.

But there obviously was cheating. When the intelligence agencies are running an op against one candidate then there was cheating. You already crossed the rubicon!

There are principles of norms and there are legal realities. The fact is people have understood for a long time that primaries are how we pick candidates. The fact is those processes are run by states.

And now when the Dems were going to lose they claim “well it is just an internal matter” ignoring the norm that even involved the state!

Converts are welcomed!