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User ID: 2917



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User ID: 2917

Yeah pretty much. It’s frustrating. If Tomlin could pair an average offensive with this defense they’d be a contender. But Tomlin’s preferred strategy is to minimize mistakes on offense meaning you will never have an average performance. It also puts a lot more strain on the defense.

Let’s change the facts. Let’s say like Han Solo pro Palestinian guy shot first but unlike Solo he missed. Mr Hayes wouldn’t have been injured and Bad Solo would’ve been when Hayes returned fire. That fact though wouldnt queer Hayes self defense.

You aren’t responding to anyone’s specific claims. Would an objective person reasonably fear serious bodily injury when a guy runs through traffic to tackle them? That’s such aggressive odd behavior to start with that I would say in the seconds afterwards (especially given there is a delay of a second or two to draw your gun and shoot) a reasonable person would fear serious bodily injury.

Bringing up unrelated cases with zero background (outside of telling us the shooters are black) just seems like an attempt to say “you wouldn’t support the black kids so you can’t support this guy without being a bigot.” Maybe I would support the black kids. Maybe I also don’t think you are reasonable about what reasonable.

Render unto Caesar doesn’t seem to say anything about the optimal tax policy; instead it seems to say don’t be a tax cheat.

Sure he has moments. But he isn’t a decent passer and will turnover the ball. He had a C+ performance. Okay. But not great.

My favorite Browns star is that until very recently the QB with the most wins at Browns stadium was…Big Ben. Baker narrowly edged him out. The Browns have played something like 180 games there (and Ben much much less). Almost impossible to fathom.

Yeah agree that’s a possibility (maybe even reality). On the other hand, Wilson had good TD to interceptions numbers suggesting he might not be cooked (or that might be fluke). The upside of Wilson is probably higher than Fields but the fit is probably better with Fields.

My Stillers have an interesting QB dilemma. Do they go with Fields or Wilson? It probably doesn’t matter (Tomlin wants to run a cave man offense). I think you go with Wilson if healthy (I think Fields is probably at best a homeless man’s LJ). Any takers?

And to me the answer when I see murder isn’t “let’s do something that won’t reduce murder” but “let me do what I can to reduce the number of murders.”

So I take wins where I can get them and then try to work on changing hearts and minds.

It is funny. Trump let Kamala get away with it. The moderators asked her about flip flopping. She said nothing and then just said Trump rallies suck. He spent most of his time going off about how his rallies are awesome.

The right answer would be: notice how she couldn’t explain her position? I’ll give up my time because I want to hear how she changed so radically in such a short period of time.

OpenAI has a 100b valuation per latest funding rounds.

To me that suggests:

  1. They don’t think they can build a moat, OR

  2. The technology is plateauing.

It also doesn’t mean they are here legally. They may be judged to be here illegally in the end.

I think you are generally unfair to Trump but this is spot on. Dude couldn’t shut up and saved Biden numerous times.

Yeah hammer home they are people like Cheney and it was a regret you (ie Trump) had in first admin. Then note the turnover Harris has in her office but note it wasn’t political but personal. Recount the story about how she made the intern stand when she walked into the office whilst being California AG.

He also speaks in the most boring slow “I’m saying something profound” way.

Who helps liberal media financially more: Trump or Harris?

My guess is she doesn’t have a big following amongst normie suburbanites one way or the other. But she has some Rogan cache. The endorsement doesn’t move a lot either way but helps create positive news / momentum / probably very much on the margin.

The RFK Jr one may matter. If he can get 60% of his block to vote for Trump that’s a 1% net boost. Question is whether it has negative effects but he may be a “crank” but at the same time he is associated with the left and is talking about historic left issues (eg anti war, pro free speech). It is a bit hard to reconcile that with an authoritarian Trump. So it shows that while Trump might be a bit weird, he is t the threat the Dems keep making him out to be.

Your particular facts may vary (eg perhaps you were in a pass through and already used prior year loss on other income; you historically never had large losses). But as for an industry wide problem, I’ve looked at a large amount of tech start ups from a tax perspective and while there is a cash drag due to Section 174 changes it isn’t massive due to the historic losses. The bigger issue often is the BEAT issue / offshore R&D.

Outside of “not liked by the DNC” makes Tulsi a crank?

See my point. Poster is ignoring NOLs. If the poster is in the weird situation where it doesn’t have big historic losses and is basically cash flow neutral, then the R&D is a timing difference and should be able to be financed.

It depends if polls are intended to show a snap shot of the election or intended to influence the election.

The “official” numbers came out around 140k though the last two months were revised down heavily basically resulting in the ADP number. But yes, the labor market has been shitty for some time. The “official” numbers are catching up after they were manipulated.

Inflation is probably understated. Industry data on grocery store prices are about 75% higher than the CPI figure.

I too will be voting in our not quite fair state for Trump.

The math doesn’t really math. These companies that had huge losses would have NOLs. Granted, the post 17 NOL limited to 80% of operating income. But that would mean at most 20% of the income subject to FIT so or an ETR of around 4%.

Really the change to 174 really would only impact a company that has only R&D expenses but didn’t have material historic losses.

The 174 change has to be compared to all of the other changes (eg the 14 point rate cut). The nature of lowing the rate means the five year amortization pain is less because the deduction is worth about a third less. So that means the deduction isn’t driving decisions as much. Though yes I concede in the short run it is a bit of a drag.

The bigger drag may be Linda Kahn (sp) at the FTC killing M&A in the tech space. Tech development seems to happen a lot in an outsourced manner. Microsoft buys target X who did Y. Target X was funded by VC. But if FTC has practically shut down these outsourced R&D plays, then the economics means VC won’t invest as much into them since VC can’t exit timely. If VC can’t exit timely, then IRR gets screwy.