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User ID: 2917



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User ID: 2917

But there was like one surprise onside kick a year? Doesn’t really change it that much.

The democrats also just straight up lie a lot. When Harris kept saying “Trump’s Project 2025” that isn’t “technically true but misleading.” That was straight up lying.

I’m not sure it is really fair to say Trump is unique in lying. Where he is probably unique is that when he doesn’t need to lie he exaggerates.

Chuck Todd routinely degraded American politics. Why should I listen to a thing he says unless it starts with “I am a huge part of the problem—I’m sorry.”

Ha! I do miss the football of the 2000s. I feel like that was one of the best eras. Passing wasn’t so easy. Defense was still permissible. And the athletes were amazing.

It seems like his political donations were pretty heavy act blue

When I told my wife (checking phone in between commercials) she said “you’ve got to be kidding.” It seems less shocking but more “this is sad”

What a bad way to conduct this online exchange. We weren’t in any way discussing what closing arguments we would make. And that’s the tact you take?

And no that’s not what I’m arguing.

This is just blatantly strawmanning. The person just wasn’t looking suspicious. The person just wasn’t acting crazy. The person committed a physical attack after engaging in a pretty crazy (ie out of the ordinary) prelude to the physical attack (ie this wasn’t a situation where two guys were squaring off — a guy ran a cross a street to tackle another guy).

If you are worried about slippery slopes suffice to say we can cut the slope pretty earlier. Don’t engage in crazy attacks and self defense then would not be credible.

The point is that anyone crazy enough to run through traffic and tackle someone onto concrete is someone who while the scuffle is on going is crazy enough to do a whole sort of things. That is shooting someone seconds after that happens is reasonable self defense.

We’ve investigated ourselves and found out we did everything perfect isn’t really debunking.

We bill for time thinking.

The final paragraph is what feminists claim but revealed preference suggests women actually like men.

It doesn’t follow that unrealized capital gains is good just because you can’t get your preferred option. But if the point is “it’s hard to remove the step up on death” presumably that’s easier compared to a whole new idea of “let’s tax unrealized gains.” The former is something that most people can grok. The latter is confiscatory.

If the proposal exempts OT from FICA, then that’s big.

It is a spending problem; not a taxing problem.

Yes capital losses can’t offset OI. But by and large we have a system where we look to net income.

And taxing unrealized gains has also been avoided since 1913.

Because we have an income tax; not a takings

I wasn’t making a policy point about comparing blue collar to white collar but a political point.

The only policy point I would make is that I frequently find low paid white collar jobs anti productive (eg activist type jobs).

I don’t think either has a big interaction with the system. But there is a point that this is targeted a bit more to help blue workers / less to help poor white collar worker and is harder to accrue the benefit to the corporation.

On your W-2 they would just create a new box that says untaxed OT earnings. When you go on turbo tax, it will ask what number is in box 15. You input that. Pretty simple.

EITC has the problem that it can reduce wages. In contrast this proposal only increases the benefit for working OT; not the baseline wage. So might be harder for the employer to capture the benefit of the tax break.

Are you sure tackling isn’t reasonably likely to result in serious injury where concrete is concerned?

Context also matters. I am reminded of Bernie G. The miscreants were menacing and the implied next step was reasonable to infer. Same here where a dude decides to run through traffic and tackle you. There isn’t a ref blowing the whistle.

Hamas isn’t an individual. It is the government of the Palestinian state. When people say “the US or Israel did X” do they mean the government, the nation, or the people?

True. Facts could be otherwise. Always true. But based on what we know right now it doesn’t look great.

Yeah pretty much. It’s frustrating. If Tomlin could pair an average offensive with this defense they’d be a contender. But Tomlin’s preferred strategy is to minimize mistakes on offense meaning you will never have an average performance. It also puts a lot more strain on the defense.