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joined 2024 December 07 16:20:01 UTC


User ID: 3373



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User ID: 3373

So it's useful to ask what's the difference between those nameless Chicago politicians he's not going to pardon and Blago. Blago was on the Celebrity Apprentice and personally knows Trump, and declared himself a supporter. Would that be enough for you to pardon him? Maybe not, but Trump is easy to flatter and isn't going to take any hits politically for this action. It's a guy doing a solid for someone that was on his TV show that said he likes him, I don't think you need to go much beyond that

“It was a sort of a terrible injustice,” Trump said. “They just were after him. They go after a lot of people. These are bad people, the other side.”

Sounds to me like Trump feels like Blago is a kindred spirit unjustly persecuted by his political enemies. I don't think it goes much beyond that but you could make the argument that he's sending a message about lawfare. Blago has said in the past that he's a "Trumpocrat" so he's a supporter

my own brand of scrawl that's so bad even my own signatures don't look alike

Yeah that seems like it would be a problem. Here in the US when you vote they compare your signature on your ID with the one you put down on record at the ballot place. If it's insufficiently similar I assume that means they can tell you to take a hike or something

What do young people's signatures look like?

Everyone I know has a signature based on cursive script, but apparently schools aren't teaching it anymore, so what do young folks do on forms? Just print their name and draw some stars around it like Krusty the clown? I remember hearing there was a high level of ballot curing in Nevada because "young people don't have signatures anymore" but idk what that even means. Or even more broadly, is bad penmanship going to create legal problems because nobody writes things down anymore, they just type them?