Were it people who grudgingly showed up to because they had to because their masters made them on behalf of promises none of them were alive for, it would have been lesser, maybe even worse than if they had not at all.
Funnily enough, the movies' interpretation of events is basically that. They added a scene in Helm's Deep where elves show up and say, "Idk, we were allied thousands of years or so or something, so we'll stick around and help out ig." Basically, completely distorting Tolkien's intentions with what Alliances represented (to say nothing of the relevance of elves in the war by that point).
You might be onto something, but I think it's less about dogs specifically and more the issue of human faces. I'm a furry autist and while absolutely not face-blind, there's something about the human face that is just a tad off-putting to me. Not to say I'm disgusted by it or anything, but recognizing a face as "a guy" always makes whatever it's attached to look a little bit worse in my mind. Just a little. Even when a character is clearly human, I always like them more when they have their face obscured by a helmet or something. But having a dog head instead works too.
This comment is just the inverse of all the redditors calling him a nazi. Shame on you.
If redditors are accusing someone of being an awful RIGHT WING NAZI, and motteposters (let's face it, this place is very, very red tribe-bent) are accusing him of being an awful GAY HOMOSEXUAL LEFTIST (btw, what happened to not fighting the culture war, eh?), he probably is indeed somewhere central to those positions.
If army helicopter pilots can't be sent to conduct routine flights in common use air corridors, what makes you think they can go to war? Training flight doesn't mean these guys were fresh out of flight school, it's something all pilots need to do to maintain their standards, and the military has plenty of legitimate reasons to operate in places like DC that they need to be ready for.
The alternative, where no one ever flies unless safety can be abundantly guaranteed, is that military pilots never get a chance to fly.
DC airspace is widely regarded as a mess from what I hear. The problem isn't that the army sends people to get flight hours in places with airports (every metropolitan area)
They were probably too high, but I'd discourage the take that it was severe negligence on their part alone. DC airspace is a nightmare. It was an accident waiting to happen because of the incredibly dense traffic, and they likely had no way of seeing the threat from their position. The helicopter was warned about a plane and most likely was fixated on another one ahead of them. They were also wearing NVGs which can be a detriment in this kind of scenario
I think it's troll op as in troll operation (soft sciences are one big troll op), similar to your typical rdrama stunts.
I think the principle cause of the difference in behavior in the two linked posts is simply that reddit has a strange fixation on the idea that underage drug use and sex is okay. Not merely that punishing kids for those things can go too far, but that these behaviors are always a good thing that isn't any of a parent's business, ever, and it's weird that any parent would make a big deal of it at all. They don't think these are bad things, period. They will claim that any effort to monitor this behavior is an intrusion on the kids' lives, which can only harm their development.
By contrast, they do have reservations towards political youtubers, at least, those of a persuasion they disagree with. And so, any heavy-handed intrusion on kids' lives is not only justifiable, but mandatory. It's a case of "no bad tactics, only bad targets" but applied to parenting. The only difference in the two behaviors is that they think one thing is bad and not the other, everything else was thought of in light of that consideration.
If you're at the point of freeing all your nation's prisoners to stir up trouble and keep the heat off yourself, I have to wonder if you're still the one defending the nation or just what it needs defending from.
And yet the ATF is not breaking into the houses of children with glock switches.
Palestinians are completely justified in having armed resistance and participating in an armed conflict.
And this is why there's always a distinction between jus ad bellum and jus in bello. Palestinians might have very good reasons to go to war, but they also break the rules of war seemingly as a hobby.
The question of what makes a terrorist isn't whether they're right to start a war, it's how they conduct themselves in one. Palestine has been breaking pretty much every rule, at every opportunity. Fighting from sanctuaries, fighting without identifiable uniforms, attacking targets with mass civilian casualties being the entire strategic point.
There is no special terrorist clause in the Geneva convention.
No, but there are clauses for unlawful combatants, which "terrorist" is a normie-comprehensible shorthand propaganda term for. Palestine fights its fights via unlawful combatants all the time. And unlawful combatants have very little in the way of protections, because they undermine everything else in the rules of war.
Is it not the 'common sense', dominant narrative in the US that the 2000's were a mistake born out of lies and a hysteria?
Maybe? Terrorist is obviously something of a rhetorical term, but not many people view the war in Afghanistan that way anyway, and I don't think many came away with the impression that there were not actually terrorists involved in either Iraq or Afghanistan.
Agree with this entirely. AI is going to lead to a new inundation of total slop. My positive-to-neutral attitude shifted to slight hostility (though still feeling that a lot of the complaining is pure entitlement) when I saw printouts of shitty AI art at a county fair that some teenager cobbled together in a presentation. I would have respected childish crayon drawings more.
Natural beauty is eroded, and the world is less interesting. No, these species did not make number go up, but that doesn't mean they meant nothing. What are the negative implication of humans living in a pod and not knowing what a tree is?
can you show me examples of JD Vance being an effective speaker? I'm not doubting you but I want to see this.
Very common line of thinking for that shade of political thought, I think. It's a recurring issue.
If we just called them unhoused instead of homeless, the stigma would be gone and everything would be better. If we just call them neurodivergent instead of mentally ill/challenged, the erasure of the stigma will mitigate the issue. And be sure to call "slaves" "enslaved people" instead. None of these initiatives actually really improved anything as far as I can tell, but at least they function as shibboleths.
Actual, fat dissipating exercise takes strong commitment in both the will to keep moving as well as time. If you want to walk enough to make an actual difference, you have to be doing it for hours and hours. But most people think they're good if they go a single mile in 20 minutes. And that still puts them above many people these days.
I expect them to yield to this pressure eventually. No progressive, left-wing, or liberal movement seem to really have any leverage they ever seem willing or able to use against attacks from the left. I don't see how they could fight back without painting a big target on their back.
It really is a shame that people who are afraid of vengeful ghosts wield so much power over us.
Contrast the total lack of sympathy scabs got despite the fact that they were just trying to scrape by.
The argument from on high is that this forced integration will ensure skin in the game. By forcing rich parents with the means to affect the institutions to have their kids attend dysfunctional schools, they'll have no choice but to address the root causes of the dysfunction.
Except what actually happens is the middle class gets punished and has hardly any more recourse than the poor, while the rich do as they do and find ways to escape the consequences of their luxury beliefs.
The supreme court can't send people to enforce the law. It has no enforcement arm of its own. If the agencies that control all the people with guns choose to ignore them, there isn't really any recourse.
Not if they become highly affordable crime-ridden dysfunctional wrecks that no one wants to live in, which already exist. The chances of these being remotely safe in any kind of current-day city is virtually nonexistent at this point.
Essentially, they want all the valor that men get out of war, when valor was the tiniest concession that men received in return for putting up with pure horror and misery. Just without all the downsides.
There is a widespread conspiracy theory that black women are dying in great numbers during childbirth due to a lack of black doctors. Study after study claims that "black women more likely to survive childbirth with black doctors" and it's become a major talking point on the importance of things like affirmative action. Now it's the only way to save expectant black mothers. I don't think most people have thought about by what mechanism white doctors are supposedly killing black mothers, but it's enough to perpetually fuel the DEI push.
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It was also an effort to recognize causes that weren't from direct combat. For instance, your wingman getting in an accident that kills him can be as traumatic of an event as seeing him get blown up by enemy fire, and both can be traumatic even if you didn't get blood and guts or debris all over you as you'd expect from a name like shell shock. Shell shock was named when they thought it was a literal physical reaction to the concussive force of artillery barrages, battle fatigue came about as the realization that it was psychological set in, and PTSD was a more generalized descriptor not exclusive to battle.
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