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joined 2025 January 02 23:31:32 UTC


User ID: 3447



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2025 January 02 23:31:32 UTC


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User ID: 3447

So "I could post some" was a misleading offer. I am going to assume that your other claims were also misleading.

Dozens if not hundreds of cities

Can you give list of 100 such cities?

possibly as many as a million...

why not 606 billion while we are at that?

I could post some of the excerpts from the court documents, but I wouldn't want you to lose your lunch.

I am morbidly curious. Can you link some?

After 2000 words... one charged insult, "Yeah, No."

spot checking and discarding entire thing is a valid and smart strategy

for some time there is too much text to read all of it

Fell free to call it as Jewish strategy, it will just make me like Jews a bit more.