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joined 2024 May 30 01:28:34 UTC


User ID: 3079



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User ID: 3079

One big advantage of a grill is that you can marinade meats and cook them without the sugars burning in a way that isn't really possible on a stovetop or oven. But it sounds like that isn't what you like.

The year of the Linux laptop is still a decade away or however long it takes for Ubuntu to not have 1/3rd the battery life as Windows on supposedly supported hardware

The shooter appears to be a registered republican

showering-with-teen diary entry

I know it's fun to assume maximally salacious details, but the diary entry gave absolutely no indication as to how old Ashley was at the time.

There are tits (and some nudity in general) in manga aimed at children and teens, but it's not really sexual nudity. I'm thinking of Inuyasha and the Pokémon Pocket Monsters series for example.